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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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That's outside of the scope of this mod. Like the name says, it's for re-entries.

Something like Real Solar system would be better suited for extreme temperatures with proximity to the sun. But Deadly Reentry requires an atmosphere before you'll see its effects.

According to the name - yes.

In fact - No.

The mechanism of heating and heat transfer of details already is fashionable this. And it isn't present in RSS. Displays of temperatures of details works. Then let's it simply adjust - we will raise level.

And this improvement will approach and in RSS, and vanilla.

Initial my purpose - creation of extreme circumsolar planets, in Planet Factory. Then it will be very difficult to approach them because of heat of the sun.

It will be especially cheerful at turning on of the engine on braking on sunny side - double heating - and danger of explosion even usually safe engine. I think it will add pepper in game!

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What Starwaster is saying is that DeadlyReentry does not modify ambient temperature. It adds heating when in an atmosphere, based on the (incorrect) assumption that that atmosphere is Earthlike.

What it does not do, and what RSS can do, is modify the curves that govern ambient temperature; these are ingame variables called temperatureCurves (same format as an atmosphereCurve or any other floatcurve / animationcurve).

However, RealHeat (forthcoming) will try to model solar flux. :)

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Regarding this line in the OP:

2. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want "harder" / hotter reentry (i.e. faking an 8km/sec reentry): set the shockwave exponent and multiplier to taste; I suggest exponent 1.12 to start. You will need heat shields built for RSS. Place this file in your DeadlyReentry folder.

That file lacks an upgraded config for the mk1pod integrated heat shield.

Anyone interested, just add this fragment (from the RO's config) to the file:

@direction = 0, -1, 0
@reflective = 0.05
@ablative = AblativeShielding
@key,0 = 650 0 0 0
@key,1 = 2000 160 0 0
@key,2 = 5000 200 0 0
@key,0 = 300 0 0 0
@key,1 = 800 480 0 0

Edited by Mai
forgot a pair of braces
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Okay, I'm a little confused.

I have this installed along with RSS and Procedural Parts. I add a Procedural Heat Shield to the bottom of my command pod and start a re-entry to Earth (Kerbin) at 130km with an apoapsis speed of 7km/s. By the time I get down to about 45km in altitude the heat shield overheats and explodes. Even with shallower entry angles I always tend to overheat.

Is there something special I need to do in order to get the Procedural shield to work with RSS? Any info would be great.

Thanks in advance.

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Hi im beginning to use this awesome mod but on a re-entry form LKO (low kerbin orbit) at about 2200 ms my pods and rockets only heat up to about 1000c which is too low to blow them up. Is this normal or what is wrong?

What pod are you using? Also, most Rocket Engines can withstand the heat of reentry (Hence why they make good makeshift heatshields)

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Mugoeje: It's normal when you reenter on a planet that's smaller than the Moon is. See the OP for how to tweak to taste.

VonFrank: Procedural Parts heat shields are not supported for RSS. Not sure if the stats are in a cfg; if so you can increase the dissipation. If not, sorry.

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VonFrank: Procedural Parts heat shields are not supported for RSS. Not sure if the stats are in a cfg; if so you can increase the dissipation. If not, sorry.

// The heat model is going to change considerably.
// Will just do an unconfigurable quick and dirty way for now.
FloatCurve loss = new FloatCurve();
loss.Add(650, 0, 0, 0);
loss.Add(1000, (float)(0.2 * lossTweak * ablativeResource));
loss.Add(3000, (float)(0.3 * lossTweak * ablativeResource), 0, 0);

FloatCurve dissipation = new FloatCurve();
dissipation.Add(300, 0, 0, 0);
dissipation.Add(500, (float)(80000 * dissipationTweak / ablativeResource), 0, 0);

Nope. Looks pretty incompatible with RSS+DREC. Though there is lossTweak and dissipationTweak. Can't touch what temperature they peak at but you could maybe crank them up at peak... if I'm reading that right? Maybe crank up dissipationTweak 4x?

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I had a problem with B9 engines due tu DRE config : there were overheating even at 50% power.

I have fixed this problem by replacing the following lines in DeadlyReentry_B9.cfg :

- @MODULE[ModuleEngines]

+ @MODULE[ModuleEngines*]

Same thing for lines @primaryEngine and @secondaryEngine

Hope this will help.

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So is the MK1-2 pod's heat shield supposed to be for all 2.5m parts and does it work that way? It seems to be smaller than most other 2.5 parts (it does not seem to cover up my tac life support tanks, universal storage octocore science bays, stock fuel tanks, or other things all the way across). According to Hanger's gui, it is 2.4 m across. Will it still protect 2.5m parts? Or does it just look smaller?

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So is the MK1-2 pod's heat shield supposed to be for all 2.5m parts and does it work that way? It seems to be smaller than most other 2.5 parts (it does not seem to cover up my tac life support tanks, universal storage octocore science bays, stock fuel tanks, or other things all the way across). According to Hanger's gui, it is 2.4 m across. Will it still protect 2.5m parts? Or does it just look smaller?

It is a little smaller because the area it covers on the Mk1-2 is smaller than 2.5m

You can get away with using it on other 2.5m parts or even larger. Your ability to get away with it depends on keeping the bottom of the shield as closely aligned with your velocity vector as possible.

DRE checks if a part is shielded by drawing a line from the center of the part along the velocity vector. If that ray hits something then the part is shielded.

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Sorry if this is a standard FAQ, but as usual, 100 pages, dodgy search function, etc.

Is there a simple way to exempt a part from reentry heating? All of my RPM cameras keep popping off like externally-mounted fireworks at remarkably low temperatures and it's getting a touch irritating.

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Sorry if this is a standard FAQ, but as usual, 100 pages, dodgy search function, etc.

Is there a simple way to exempt a part from reentry heating? All of my RPM cameras keep popping off like externally-mounted fireworks at remarkably low temperatures and it's getting a touch irritating.

Non physical objects are not checked for heating.

If the following line exists in its part config file then it is non-physical

PhysicsSignificance = 1

You could also make a Module Manager config file that does it and that's probably best because during updates you can lose any changes you made by manually editing a part's config file.

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I've notice that the 1.25m standalone head shield is not using up any of its ablative. I got two probes enroute to Eve. The first one has the 1.25m heat shield and hits the atmosphere for an aerocapture at ~6000 m/s with a pe of ~56 Km and a Max g-load of ~4.0 Gs. Mechjeb says that I should lose ~1700 m/s of delta v. Like I said, the heat shield burns up and explodes without using any ablative at all. The second probe has the 2.5m head shield and uses its ~100 units of its 1000. The probe survives no problem and its going deeper in the atmosphere. Its traveling at ~ the same speed, max g-load of 7.0 Gs, and Mechjeb predicts its losing ~2300 m/s of delta v. Is my first probe blowing up because the heat shield is not working or am I exceeding its thermal capacity?

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I've notice that the 1.25m standalone head shield is not using up any of its ablative. I got two probes enroute to Eve. The first one has the 1.25m heat shield and hits the atmosphere for an aerocapture at ~6000 m/s with a pe of ~56 Km and a Max g-load of ~4.0 Gs. Mechjeb says that I should lose ~1700 m/s of delta v. Like I said, the heat shield burns up and explodes without using any ablative at all. The second probe has the 2.5m head shield and uses its ~100 units of its 1000. The probe survives no problem and its going deeper in the atmosphere. Its traveling at ~ the same speed, max g-load of 7.0 Gs, and Mechjeb predicts its losing ~2300 m/s of delta v. Is my first probe blowing up because the heat shield is not working or am I exceeding its thermal capacity?

Sounds strange. Let me try to recreate that with those numbers and get back to you.

Is that RSS or stock sized?

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I've notice that the 1.25m standalone head shield is not using up any of its ablative. I got two probes enroute to Eve. The first one has the 1.25m heat shield and hits the atmosphere for an aerocapture at ~6000 m/s with a pe of ~56 Km and a Max g-load of ~4.0 Gs. Mechjeb says that I should lose ~1700 m/s of delta v. Like I said, the heat shield burns up and explodes without using any ablative at all. The second probe has the 2.5m head shield and uses its ~100 units of its 1000. The probe survives no problem and its going deeper in the atmosphere. Its traveling at ~ the same speed, max g-load of 7.0 Gs, and Mechjeb predicts its losing ~2300 m/s of delta v. Is my first probe blowing up because the heat shield is not working or am I exceeding its thermal capacity?

Are you using the procedural fairings?

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I've notice that the 1.25m standalone head shield is not using up any of its ablative. I got two probes enroute to Eve. The first one has the 1.25m heat shield and hits the atmosphere for an aerocapture at ~6000 m/s with a pe of ~56 Km and a Max g-load of ~4.0 Gs. Mechjeb says that I should lose ~1700 m/s of delta v. Like I said, the heat shield burns up and explodes without using any ablative at all. The second probe has the 2.5m head shield and uses its ~100 units of its 1000. The probe survives no problem and its going deeper in the atmosphere. Its traveling at ~ the same speed, max g-load of 7.0 Gs, and Mechjeb predicts its losing ~2300 m/s of delta v. Is my first probe blowing up because the heat shield is not working or am I exceeding its thermal capacity?

ok I've looked over the config and theres nothing wrong there. Took it to Eve and at the speed and periapsis you specified it is definitely easy to burn the shield up. But ablative depletes just fine. I have to have a log from you to see if anything is messing with the shield or if you're getting errors.

That said, the denser atmosphere of Eve means you're hitting lethal reentry temperatures higher than on Kerbin. Even after figuring why you're not ablating shield, 56km is right around a very fine line between success and total destruction. you'll need to adjust it 0.5 - 1.0 km for the 1.25m shield.

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ok I've looked over the config and theres nothing wrong there. Took it to Eve and at the speed and periapsis you specified it is definitely easy to burn the shield up. But ablative depletes just fine. I have to have a log from you to see if anything is messing with the shield or if you're getting errors.

That said, the denser atmosphere of Eve means you're hitting lethal reentry temperatures higher than on Kerbin. Even after figuring why you're not ablating shield, 56km is right around a very fine line between success and total destruction. you'll need to adjust it 0.5 - 1.0 km for the 1.25m shield.

Yeah I figured out it was me, never have tried to reenter that fast anywhere. Still, the ablative material barely sheds off and it seems it provides hardly any protection over just a random part put in front of your spacecraft. I did the same reentry profile with the 2.5 m heat shield on my second probe hitting the atmosphere at ~6500-6600 m/s and it held up like a champ. I my have to do some testing in sandbox to see if it provides any useful benefit at all over say a 2x2 plate.

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Yeah I figured out it was me, never have tried to reenter that fast anywhere. Still, the ablative material barely sheds off and it seems it provides hardly any protection over just a random part put in front of your spacecraft. I did the same reentry profile with the 2.5 m heat shield on my second probe hitting the atmosphere at ~6500-6600 m/s and it held up like a champ. I my have to do some testing in sandbox to see if it provides any useful benefit at all over say a 2x2 plate.

Ok now see here, there's a difference between what you're saying now and what you said the first time.

Before you said it was not losing any ablative at all

explodes without using any ablative at all

What does 'barely sheds off' actually mean as far as numbers? Is it just a case of it heating up faster than the shield can keep up with? That's what it sounds like you're saying now. ;)

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Don't think so. Is 'Bobcat' / Home

still a thing?

Yeah it must be, I haven't seen this version of the Home before. It may be not that new, but its new to me.

I put this one together for people using Home:


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