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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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  RHodeidra said:
A rapidly thickening atmosphere

But I can't get my speed that much below 700 MPS at 60KM altitude without doing a full powered landing, which is... practically impossible. Sooner or later I've got to hit the lower atmosphere.

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  palker said:
Deadly re-entry causes my engines to catch fire and explode in like 10 seconds on full throttle. Could it be caused by a mod conflict? I do not see anybody else complaining.
  Kitworks said:
I don't know why, but I find this mod completely impossible to use. Starting with a three man capsule in a circular, 100KM orbit, I lower my periapsis to 35 Km. everything looks good, temp slowly increasing, speed falling, until right about 35-40KM. My shield, which had been ~200 degrees and ablating, starts heating at 100-150 degrees per second, so in about five seconds it explodes. I can't imagine a much easier or slower standard descent, and this seems to be what everyone says to use, but to no avail. I even tried a suborbital hop, that peaked at about 45KM and 700meters per second orbital velocity, and it did the exact same thing.

What am I missing?

Are either of you using KSPInterstellar mod by any chance? Some major tweaking is in order to make these two mods play nice.

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  velusip said:
Are either of you using KSPInterstellar mod by any chance? Some major tweaking is in order to make these two mods play nice.


Anyway I solved it by setting heat generation on all jets to 100 from whatever it was on originally in config files.

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Deadly re-entry was burning up FTmN mod engines when climbing through the atmosphere at over 800ms but theirs a new version of FTmn that fixes this. It came out less than 24 hours ago.


They were the only parts out of many mods that didn't play nice with the latest Deadly re-entry now it's all nice . Thanks for this mod.

Edited by LMA
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  velusip said:
Are either of you using KSPInterstellar mod by any chance? Some major tweaking is in order to make these two mods play nice.

I'm thinking of snagging Interstellar, is there a list of tweaks needed or a cfg file or anything you could link to?

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  palker said:

Anyway I solved it by setting heat generation on all jets to 100 from whatever it was on originally in config files.

Oh right. DRC automatically scales maxTemp on all parts over a certain threshold, but doesn't automatically scale the rapier's heatProduction. So it would race to the new, much lower max temp.

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  PirateCat said:
I'm thinking of snagging Interstellar, is there a list of tweaks needed or a cfg file or anything you could link to?

I haven't done any testing. With KSPInterstellar, heat dissipation scales with atmosphere -- so very low in/near space. You could try adjusting the DRC global variables at the top of the DeadlyReentry.cfg.

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Special thanks to a.g. for speed increase!


v4.2 = \/

*Updated cfgs to support new lab (note: Rapier handled automatically)

*Now supports RealChutes

*Speed increase by a.g.

*Now should properly rescale engine heat when engine maxTemp changed (for ModuleEngineFX too)


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  velusip said:
Are either of you using KSPInterstellar mod by any chance? Some major tweaking is in order to make these two mods play nice.

I used to have it? not any more though. I will double check there are no lingering files. I have a lot of other mods installed though, so maybe it's some conflict. I'll do more experimentation.

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  NathanKell said:
Well, which does it say in the F3 log?

Both. Had 1 heat related where engines got to ~1500. Then started rapidly dropping to ~1300 and exploded. The rest of the time as I hit ~20km up they explode from g-force. I'm attempting to build a minimal craft to demonstrate.

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Still need to adjust heatProduction on the new part:

@maxTemp = 1800
@heatProduction = 200
@heatProduction = 250

Note: The above doesn't actually work for me. I ended up modifying the stock part.cfg and adding "tag = AirBreathing" and "tag = ClosedCycle" in the respective ModuleEnginesFX sections and used the following:

@maxTemp = 1800
@heatProduction = 200
@heatProduction = 275

I'm still not sure why the first one doesn't work. Sarbian himself (maintainer of Module Manager) said it should.

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velusip: I thought wildcards only worked for the root confignode, which is why I didn't adjust RAPIER heat production in the cfg, only automatically.

Heck, just using @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX,0] and ,1 should work too but that didn't work for me either. I'll bug Sarbian :)

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When I see the problem all the F3 log says is RAPIER engine exceeded g-force conditions. At the time the craft was in level stable flight, g-force needle in the green, doing 1056 m/s at a height of 17km. Highest g-force experienced was 4.8g, but that was earlier in the flight. Manually switching to the rocket mode does avoid the problem, but that should be unnecessary as there's still enough air intake to stay in air-breathing mode.

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