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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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I still have the problem of getting the shock effect at the same time as the reentry effect. This only have happens with Deadly Reentry, even if its the only mod, so it has to be one responsible. I have tried completely clearing the install of the game, redownload the mod, and its still there. I assume it must be something in the config file. Anyone know what to do about it?

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  Sokar408 said:
I still have the problem of getting the shock effect at the same time as the reentry effect. This only have happens with Deadly Reentry, even if its the only mod, so it has to be one responsible. I have tried completely clearing the install of the game, redownload the mod, and its still there. I assume it must be something in the config file. Anyone know what to do about it?

What effect are you referring to exactly? Everything looks ok to me on reentry.

Maybe some pics to help explain?

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  Starwaster said:
What effect are you referring to exactly? Everything looks ok to me on reentry.

Maybe some pics to help explain?

You know the shock effect you get when you are at a very low altitude and going rather quick. The effect reminds me of the shockwave you see on planes in RL going supersonic. That effect always plays at the same time as the reentry effect (the flamy red one), which it flash between the white shockwave and the red reentry effect. I have no idea is anything but a display fault. I'll try and get a screenshot, and i'll effect the this post in a few min when I got it, just in case you are still unsure.

Alright so getting a screenshot of this problem is hard, as every frame only has either the reentry or the shockwave effect, switching rapidly between frames. I took two pictures of the two effects.



Now imagine everytime you reenter, it switchings between these two effects every or so frame.

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  NathanKell said:
Mod list? Sounds like conflict

Impossible. As I mentioned, I tried to download a fresh install of KSP from Steam, and ONLY adding a freshly downloaded version of Deadly Reentry and FAR, and it still happend :/ Then I tried with just FAR, and the problem went away. Then I tried with just Deadly Reentry and it came back.

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The heatshields that come with this pack.. are they known to NOT glow by chance? Meaning once you hit the atmosphere and the reentry effects begin the heatshield is suppose to get hot a glow, yes? Im not getting that... just the reentry effects and no glow.

EDIT: I am also having the same issue as Sokar408. Both effects at the same time and they strobe/flash on and off really quick.

Edited by Motokid600
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  Sokar408 said:
Impossible. As I mentioned, I tried to download a fresh install of KSP from Steam, and ONLY adding a freshly downloaded version of Deadly Reentry and FAR, and it still happend :/ Then I tried with just FAR, and the problem went away. Then I tried with just Deadly Reentry and it came back.

I'm gonna barge in and say this is what I see in KSP, the reentry is actually a "shockwave" colored. So the problem may be when KSP fails to color it with Reentry effects properly. It's strange it's like this...

  Motokid600 said:
The heatshields that come with this pack.. are they known to NOT glow by chance? Meaning once you hit the atmosphere and the reentry effects begin the heatshield is suppose to get hot a glow, yes? Im not getting that... just the reentry effects and no glow.

EDIT: I am also having the same issue as Sokar408. Both effects at the same time and they strobe/flash on and off really quick.

I experience the lack of glow if I am slow enough in burning...

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  blackheart612 said:
I'm gonna barge in and say this is what I see in KSP, the reentry is actually a "shockwave" colored. So the problem may be when KSP fails to color it with Reentry effects properly. It's strange it's like this...

I experience the lack of glow if I am slow enough in burning...

Regardless, its not how its suppose to look, and it doesn't make sense that it does. A fix would be nice :)

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Well Blackheart ive never noticed the flashing, strange effects with reentry until using this plugin. And as for the glow effect.. yea I suppose its possible I wasn't going fast enough. Just a reentry from LKO. ( burned away damn near half my heatshield though )

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  blackheart612 said:
Yep except a fix is a hard-to-do thing. Ever checked the debug? It might be piling up with something.

I might be misunderstanding you, but as already established Deadly Reentry will cause this REGARDLESS of any other mods. Guessing, from what I know about the typical situations in which these these effects are suppose to show, the problem is that Deadly Reentry makes the game think that the vehicle is going both slow and fast, at low altitude. Normally the shockwave will only happen if your vehicle is going slow enough not to heat up too much, but also deep enough in the atmosphere for there to be a very significant drag.

Why this happens, or how to fix it I don't know, but Deadly Reentry didn't use to this back in the day, (I think I jumped straight from Deadly Reentry 3.7 to 4.x, due to not playing for a while) so it must be a recent change that is causing it.

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  Bigshot0910 said:
This newest patch comes with MM 1.5.7. Is that accurate or a mistake? I'm still seeing the MM thread listing 1.5.6 as the newest.

I was wondering the same thing. Anyone know the answer?

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  Sokar408 said:
I might be misunderstanding you, but as already established Deadly Reentry will cause this REGARDLESS of any other mods. Guessing, from what I know about the typical situations in which these these effects are suppose to show, the problem is that Deadly Reentry makes the game think that the vehicle is going both slow and fast, at low altitude.

That doesn't make sense. Deadly Reentry doesn't 'make the game think' anything regarding velocity or anything else except temperature. FAR however affects drag by zeroing out all part drag and then applying its own drag physics which may be more or less than stock depending on circumstance.

Pedantry out of the way; DREC does affect AerodynamicsFX to make sure that the glow appears when it should and disappears when it should. I don't think it does anything about condensation FX (what you're thinking of as the shock). FAR might or might not... never really been clear if FAR has any effect on that other than affecting what speeds you might be able to reach...

  Fraz86 said:
I was wondering the same thing. Anyone know the answer?

There might be a beta 1.5.7 buried in the thread, with the latest official being 1.5.6.

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  Starwaster said:
Sokar, do you have a custom.cfg file anywhere in your DREC hierarchy? If so, delete it and try again

I do not no, like I said, clean install, with clean mod straight from the rar.

NathanKell I tried to recreate it today (deleted the game folder yesterday, made a new one today), and for some reason the effect lessened now. Its still there but its barely noticeable. However after adding the rest of the mods, it appears just as clearly as before. It is very strange. I don't know if its related (properly not), but also with a fresh install, and only Deadly Reentry and FAR, I seem to go a shorter distance straight up, then with those mods and the rest I use in there as well, despite to my knowledge, nothing but FAR is suppose to change that. I really don't know why it comes to noticeable with more mods, but effect, while less visible, is still very much there without any other mods.

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NathanKell: Judging by ep 53 of Don Lorenzo's KSP to Mars series, so (more?) attention needs to be paid to SOI transitions. It seems going through Gilly's SOI in a Duna-retrograde orbit triggered the g-damage because the time between SOI pulses was too short (though it was a few seconds). That's my guess, anyway.

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having problems with new update. engines getting to hot. the boosters for stock cant even use all their fuel before they explode.

my temp exponent is 1.03 and changed the mitipliyer to 12 but that didnt seem to change it at all.most can put the thrust on them is 70%. all my engiens seem to be running hotter this update then before lv-t30 for example cant run at 100% in asmo and in space it gets up to arund 1400.

im also using the smoke addon wonder if thats doing it.

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My problem is opposite from everyone else it seems.. parts NOT exploding.

I had forgot to add a heatshield for my Munar probe. So figured if I could burn engines in atmosphere at the right time I could save this craft. So that's what I did. I knew I didn't have a HS so a direct reentry from a Munar return would result in loss of the vehicle. So I entered LKO instead and deorbited as shallow as possible. Now at this point I did not have as much fuel as I liked. So I took a chance. Soon as I saw the reentry effects I made the retro burn. Only for about 3.5 seconds of fuel was left. I did not think that was enough and I thought I was finished. The engine reached almost 800 degrees C before it started to cool. And to my surprise the craft was intact.

Mission success. But my concerns.. Does this mod NOT recognize mod parts? It was a KW engine with a StretchySRB fuel tank. On the sides were two large batteries that I thought would be the first to burn off. Nothing bad happened. So.. did I save my craft by firing the engines at the right time? How hot does a part need to get before it explodes?

tl:dr A heat shieldless craft with mod parts enters the atmosphere from LKO. Burns engines for a few seconds at around 32km. And survives. Is this right? Or is the mod not working correctly?

Edited by Motokid600
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  Motokid600 said:
My problem is opposite from everyone else it seems.. parts NOT exploding.

I had forgot to add a heatshield for my Munar probe. So figured if I could burn engines in atmosphere at the right time I could save this craft. So that's what I did. I knew I didn't have a HS so a direct reentry from a Munar return would result in loss of the vehicle. So I entered LKO instead and deorbited as shallow as possible. Now at this point I did not have as much fuel as I liked. So I took a chance. Soon as I saw the reentry effects I made the retro burn. Only for about 3.5 seconds of fuel was left. I did not think that was enough and I thought I was finished. The engine reached almost 800 degrees C before it started to cool. And to my surprise the craft was intact.

Mission success. But my concerns.. Does this mod NOT recognize mod parts? It was a KW engine with a StretchySRB fuel tank. On the sides were two large batteries that I thought would be the first to burn off. Nothing bad happened. So.. did I save my craft by firing the engines at the right time? How hot does a part need to get before it explodes?

tl:dr A heat shieldless craft with mod parts enters the atmosphere from LKO. Burns engines for a few seconds at around 32km. And survives. Is this right? Or is the mod not working correctly?

You actually saved your ship. Generally things have to be above the Max Temp parameter (Found in the VAB) before they explode. Since your engine only made it to 800 C this is well below the max temp for an engine, and you saved your craft.

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  Taki117 said:
You actually saved your ship. Generally things have to be above the Max Temp parameter (Found in the VAB) before they explode. Since your engine only made it to 800 C this is well below the max temp for an engine, and you saved your craft.

Ohh good. Thanks that was buggin me. This is my first play through with DR and Ive yet to have an incident. Infact its seems quite easy so far, but Ive yet to hit any atmosphere faster then orbit velocity with lightweight probes.

Question.. When it comes time for a high velocity reentry is it best to angle the heatshield in any direction to scrub off heat/g's? Or just keep it center retro?

I also wonder if its possible to generate lift and reenter Apollo style..

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  Motokid600 said:
Ohh good. Thanks that was buggin me. This is my first play through with DR and Ive yet to have an incident. Infact its seems quite easy so far, but Ive yet to hit any atmosphere faster then orbit velocity with lightweight probes.

Question.. When it comes time for a high velocity reentry is it best to angle the heatshield in any direction to scrub off heat/g's? Or just keep it center retro?

I also wonder if its possible to generate lift and reenter Apollo style..

Not with stock aerodynamics. Not really. The closest I've seen with stock is that I hit periapsis high in the atmosphere, started climbing back and and exited right before atmospheric drag brought periapsis back in so I climbed out for a little bit then dipped back in for final reentry. But no actual lift was generated, it was just the specifics of that orbit and its passage through the upper atmosphere.

Now, if you have FAR installed you can indeed generate lift and this is useful for keeping g-forces under control. My understanding of real life is that it can also lower reentry heating, but my observations of DREC is that what will actually happen is that I generate more heat because the heat shield reflects some heat back before even absorbing any. That's based on whether or not your angle of attack is lined up with your reentry vector. The closer it is, the more of your rated reflection you will see. IIRC it's the dot product of the two vectors so facing full into it means full reflection (typically 5% for ablative, 25% for tile based non-ablative shields). Is that how it is IRL? I don't think so but I'm not 100% sure of that...

So, tl;dr, more lift/less drag means you're absorbing more heat from reentry. More drag / less lift means less heat because you're reflecting more heat.

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