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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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  m_robber said:
Thanks! And erm... which file do I copy paste this into?

You don't paste it into any file.

You put that file (download it from the site, find it on your hard drive, copy the FILE not its contents) somewhere in your GameData folder. It will function no matter where you put it as long as it is in the GameData folder or one of its subfolders.

You could put it in the RSS folder and if you ever delete RSS then the file will go with it and no longer take effect. (it shouldn't be used if RSS isn't installed or unless you configure DREC for a deadlier stock experience)

But it really doesn't matter because it patches existing shield parts if it finds them and it does it no matter where in GameData it is.

And it requires Module Manager if for some reason you do not already have it. (and you should. If you do not, you are SO wrong)

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I use DRE, FAR and stock sized Solar System. I am finding that all sepratrons (the stock one and the 2 KW parts) break away from the part that they are attached to (i.e. solid booster) when they ignite and the log reports "Sepratron I exceeded g-force tolerance". Sure, they go off with a bit of a bang - they are meant to. The problem is they go off by themselves and leave the main booster behind to slam into and damage the core stage. I have attempted to search this thread but I don't see anyone else mentioning this effect. It seems that the new Aerodynamic Failure feature in FAR may be related as that is when I first started seeing the problem but, it is fairly inevitable that as the solid rocket boosters approach expended that the craft will be passing through a phase of high dynamic pressure.

Has anyone else seen this? I can prevent it by tweaking down the thrust on the sepratrons to around 40% prior to launch in the VAB. It is a bit annoying however. Maybe I should "permanently" edit the thrust in the part configs. Alternatively, I guess I could increase the G Tolerance Multiplier some. Can anyone provide me with a guide on how much to increase the multiplier without effectively turning it off completely?

Edited by Kaa253
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  Starwaster said:
You're the only person I know of that's having this problem. Tweaking your max temp isn't the solution, you need to track down what's causing this, and DREC is not causing this. At least not by itself.

Please post your log file:

To find your log file:

  • Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt
  • Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log
  • NOT ksp.log file. Especially not ever. :D (there see? friendly smiley face because people don't seem to realize this last line is meant to be funny)

Its not automatically overheating its just that they are the first to go every time, my nose cones also seen to go poof at around 1200 m/s in atmosphere on kerbin

I just feel these parts should have a heatsheild on them or be better protected from heating

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  Tingjonki said:
Its not automatically overheating its just that they are the first to go every time, my nose cones also seen to go poof at around 1200 m/s in atmosphere on kerbin

I just feel these parts should have a heatsheild on them or be better protected from heating

they don't do it to me and I bet they didn't do it to the last five people to post so it doesn't seem to be the case that anything needs changing in DREC. If you want help you need to either post those logs or provide one heck of a lot more information because something is happening on your end that's doing it.

And you're not providing enough information for anyone to help you with it :(

Re-reading your past posted material and the earlier advice you were given is correct. You're just going too fast too early.

You said you were hitting 1km/s (or even 1.2km/s? was mentioned?) at 20km altitutude? That's almost half your orbital velocity, you are way too low to be hitting those kinds of speeds. I know you said you thought it was inefficient to be going slower but that's how you do it with DREC installed.

Edited by Starwaster
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Alright so I am thinking it may be time to try out DRE since I am now using most of the difficulty related mods (FAR, RT2, TACLS, KCT) but there are a few questions I have.

1) I see in the OP it says FAR is supported now, does that mean that one does not have to muck around with the settings due to the FAR atmo slowing you down less than the stock one?

2) Fairings

Do they shield parts inside them? How heat and G-force resistant are they? Is it easy to go about editing say the CTS cargobays and adapter cfgs to act as heatshields? Can anyone recommend a good parts pack that has heatshield fairings, something like these? Essentially what I am looking for is a sturdy and reliable way to mount up my MKS modules in some kind of cargo structure with fairings so I can drop them onto Duna and Eve with out worrying about them blowing up until they smack into the ground. :P

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  Akira_R said:
Alright so I am thinking it may be time to try out DRE since I am now using most of the difficulty related mods (FAR, RT2, TACLS, KCT) but there are a few questions I have.

1) I see in the OP it says FAR is supported now, does that mean that one does not have to muck around with the settings due to the FAR atmo slowing you down less than the stock one?

2) Fairings

Do they shield parts inside them? How heat and G-force resistant are they? Is it easy to go about editing say the CTS cargobays and adapter cfgs to act as heatshields? Can anyone recommend a good parts pack that has heatshield fairings, something like these? Essentially what I am looking for is a sturdy and reliable way to mount up my MKS modules in some kind of cargo structure with fairings so I can drop them onto Duna and Eve with out worrying about them blowing up until they smack into the ground. :P

1) You only have to muck around with settings if you want to make it harder (Or easier) on yourself. If I'm not Mistaken DRE is FAR independent. It doesn't care if you have it or not.

2)All Parts inside a Fairing are Shielded. Heat Tolerance can be found by hovering over the part in the VAB where it says Max Temp. It is decidedly easy to add heat shields to parts. All you need is a Module = heatshield (Check some of the MM patches included for examples. for the CXAeroshells you want the spaceplane parts) In all reality though, if you are dropping something on Duna you probably don't need anything special (it's atmosphere is so thin you don't really heat up) and with Eve, if you design your ship right (Basically put a heatshield on the back of your cargo pod) you will be fine.

For Reference here's a Jool Atmospheric Diver Probe I made a while back for the express purpose of going into Jools atmosphere.

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As you can see, no fairings, nothing besides the heatshield to protect it, and it survived until it was destroyed by the Kraken. Also keep in mind this was a direct descent from an orbital velocity of well over 10km/s

Edited by Taki117
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@Kaa253: That's not FAR if you can prevent the failure from happening by reducing the thrust of the sepratrons. FAR's aerodynamic failures only care about aerodynamic forces to the exclusion of any others.

@Akira_R: DRE has always attempted to get realistic heating; it has always supported FAR better than the stock model.

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  MaxP said:



name = RealChuteModule[something happened here))]

So, the LOK parachute didn't work.

Nobody uses LOK ;.;

You're posting in the wrong thread...

Your problem has nothing to do with Deadly Reentry, you want to go here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-24-x-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-Procedural-cost%21-v1-2-4-06-08-14

And post your problem in that thread. (suggestion: post something a little more informative than 'something happened here')

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  ferram4 said:
@Kaa253: That's not FAR if you can prevent the failure from happening by reducing the thrust of the sepratrons. FAR's aerodynamic failures only care about aerodynamic forces to the exclusion of any others.

Yes, thanks ferram. As the message is regarding g-force tolerance it would appear to be at least partially DRE hence, I have posted here. It is not the aerodynamic failure message I get when I tear the wings off things. I have thought about it some more. It could have been happening since I upgraded KSP to 0.24.2 and I possibly just took some time to notice. Therefore it could be an interaction between DRE and any of many KSP setup/mod changes I made at the time, not just FAR+DRE. I am also thinking that this is in some ways a symptom of the comic theme of KSP in opposition with realism adding mods. From an engineering perspective the 4 little wire-like struts that are depicted on the sepratron really have to break off given the significant g-force that will occur upon sepratron firing. Why should I expect otherwise? :) Really it is probably the joint that is too weak. Perhaps Kerbal Joint Reinforcement may help and as I uninstalled KJR at 0.24, it was possibly helping in the past.

I am still interested to know if anyone else has seen this. If I am alone or nearly alone in experiencing the sepratrons blasting off from their attached part and flying chaotically all around the sky individually then I should investigate further to diagnose what is unique about my KSP that is causing this extraneous pyrotechnics display. Perhaps by doing the classic clean install followed by a progressive mod add procedure. Otherwise, if many are experiencing this then I am comfortable to accept that I/we have modded in just a little bit too much realism.

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Dumb question, but how do I get my heatshields to be aerodynamically stable with FAR? I have a rover and skycrane hidden behind the 6.25m inflatable heatshield (I'll be dropping it on Duna, but right now I'm testing on Kerbin) and as soon as I hit any substantial atmosphere, even before I start getting reentry effects, my craft flips around and exposes the rover to the airstream, with predictable results.

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  HerrGeneral said:
Dumb question, but how do I get my heatshields to be aerodynamically stable with FAR? I have a rover and skycrane hidden behind the 6.25m inflatable heatshield (I'll be dropping it on Duna, but right now I'm testing on Kerbin) and as soon as I hit any substantial atmosphere, even before I start getting reentry effects, my craft flips around and exposes the rover to the airstream, with predictable results.

I use a realchute set to open at 50km and sized to slow me down to 150m/s by 10km when it cuts and the main chute opens.

Stabilises a craft quite nicely.

(That`s on Kerbin BTW)

Edited by John FX
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  HerrGeneral said:
Dumb question, but how do I get my heatshields to be aerodynamically stable with FAR? I have a rover and skycrane hidden behind the 6.25m inflatable heatshield (I'll be dropping it on Duna, but right now I'm testing on Kerbin) and as soon as I hit any substantial atmosphere, even before I start getting reentry effects, my craft flips around and exposes the rover to the airstream, with predictable results.

When's the last time you updated? That shouldn't be happening any more.

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I'm using DR, with the realism overhaul pack. Using either the 3.75M ablative heat shield (>3500 ablative material). or a similar procedural heat shield, I burn up on reentry. I'm aiming for a perapsis of about 55km (from a 3000km apogee). Pressure and acceleration are OK, only a little ablative material has burned off. At about 50Km, 7Km/sec, the heat shield overheats, and then the capsule is destroyed.

I've done reentries before with the realism pack, I'm using a gliding reentry - but something has changed. Its as if the ablative material isn't working, the HS just heats up to 1800C, and boom.

Were there any recent changes that might have disabled the cooling from the ablative material?

thank you.

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Yes, all the B9 configs are out of date and being updated (thank Taverius, who's doing almost all the work...)

frisch: Not aware of anything in RO that would break that. Honestly, the RO side (and DRE entirely) is in a bit of flux right now, with RealHeat in progress....

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I write Google translator with the help, forgive for illiteracy.

Recently I flied to the Sun with your spendthrift.

I noticed that details heat up differently depending on orientation to the Sun.

But heating doesn't happen higher than 15 degrees even absolutely close from the Sun.

Please add in the of fashions heating more depending on lighting by the sun.

That the shadow of planets would work and extent of heating depending on proximity to the Sun changed.

Example - as electricity development by solar panels.

Parameters - near a surface of the sun of 5000-6000 degrees, near Kerbin of 0 degrees, Joole - 100 degrees.

In personal messages - at a forum I won't be able to find the answer.

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  redrem said:

I write Google translator with the help, forgive for illiteracy.

Recently I flied to the Sun with your spendthrift.

I noticed that details heat up differently depending on orientation to the Sun.

But heating doesn't happen higher than 15 degrees even absolutely close from the Sun.

Please add in the of fashions heating more depending on lighting by the sun.

That the shadow of planets would work and extent of heating depending on proximity to the Sun changed.

Example - as electricity development by solar panels.

Parameters - near a surface of the sun of 5000-6000 degrees, near Kerbin of 0 degrees, Joole - 100 degrees.

In personal messages - at a forum I won't be able to find the answer.

That's outside of the scope of this mod. Like the name says, it's for re-entries.

Something like Real Solar system would be better suited for extreme temperatures with proximity to the sun. But Deadly Reentry requires an atmosphere before you'll see its effects.

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