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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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A few stock parts don't have heat shields but seem like they should, based on other parts. Specifically, the Advanced Canard and Elevon4 don't have heat shields (all other stock control surfaces do), the Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk7 doesn't (other stock nosecones do), and the CRG-08 long cargo bay has two heat shields (?) while the short CRG-04 cargo bay has none. Some of these may be intentional, but if not I wanted to bring them to your attention.

EDIT: The cargo bays definitely seems to be a typo in the SPP.cfg- Mk2CargoBayL is listed twice. One should presumably be changed to Mk2CargoBayS.

Edited by ArcFurnace
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  soulsource said:
I've done some testing and can confirm this observation: As soon as you fly faster than the approx 200 m/s, chutes are cut immediately, independent of their temperature.

I can confirm I have this issue too. If the speed is above 200 m/s, the parachutes are instantly cut (with no heating of the parachutes displayed). I had parachutes cut at 700 feet above sea level at 300m/s. The second time, they were cut as my rocket hit an apex at 15,000 feet, I deployed parachutes, and the ship accelerated downward from 0 m/s to 1,000 m/s. The parachutes cut when the speed crossed around 200 m/s. I don't think either of these would be a heating issue given the low speed, but I could be wrong.

Hope there is a workaround. I lost 4 ships on ironman trying to deploy chutes before I hit the ground. 4 good Kerbals have entered Valhalla.

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  tokotchd said:
Hello all, wondering if what I am experiencing is a known bug... no matter where in the atmosphere I am, the temperature effects don't seem to ever come into play.

The rest of Deadly Reentry works fine, as pictured, G force damage is still working and debug settings are working properly...

But at this moment, it appears that the heat effects (only the visual effects) play when in the atmosphere, the drag effects are still there, but the temperature effects are nonexistent. Does this have anything to do with the fact that right clicking on things in the atmosphere (on the way down) displays that the shockwave is none (vacuum)? I have yet to lose any parts due to temperature, or have any ablative shield loss. During the Ascent out of the atmosphere, it displays that the Shockwave is always "Ambient" but the temperature never actually increases, even with incredibly high speeds (>900 m/s) in the lower (<20km) atmosphere.

Mod list includes: BW Rocketry, FAR, Deadly Reentry, TAC, and a couple other unrelated (I think) mods.

I AM running 64 bit KSP with Deadly Reentry, but I have yet to update to .25 (because not all of my mods have been updated). However, running in 32 bit did not fix the problem.





Sounds like you have a bugged version. Get the most recent one before KSP 0.25 came out or bite the bullet and update to KSP 0.25 and the very latest of Deadly Reentry.

(this is the most recent BEFORE KSP 0.25 https://github.com/NathanKell/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v5.3.2)

(you will want to set the densityExponent and afxDensityExponent in custom.cfg to 0.85 or you will die.)

Oh and the rest of you, I'm having some trouble duplicating your problem with the chutes. I deployed at about 450 m/s just before shockwave dropped below ambient with the parachute multiplier at 0.0001....

Edit: Ok, I do see a problem in the code regarding deployed chutes and the shockwave.... but it's something that should affect both stock chutes and Real Chutes equally... one wouldn't be more resistant than another unless one had another mod altering Real Chute max temps.... I'll have to see about pushing something out to fix it.

Edited by Starwaster
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  ArcFurnace said:
A few stock parts don't have heat shields but seem like they should, based on other parts. Specifically, the Advanced Canard and Elevon4 don't have heat shields (all other stock control surfaces do), the Protective Rocket Nosecone Mk7 doesn't (other stock nosecones do), and the CRG-08 long cargo bay has two heat shields (?) while the short CRG-04 cargo bay has none. Some of these may be intentional, but if not I wanted to bring them to your attention.

EDIT: The cargo bays definitely seems to be a typo in the SPP.cfg- Mk2CargoBayL is listed twice. One should presumably be changed to Mk2CargoBayS.

Ok thanks, those should be fixed next update.

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Just chiming in to point out that I, too, am having exactly the reported problem with chutes. And they aren't burning up; they're just getting cut. Unfortunately nothing shows in the debug log nor the output log.

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Can someone tell me if these settings are right? I'm currently using Deadly Reentry 5.2 and I haven't touched the settings at all (I only learned about Alt+D+R a few days ago) and it seems pretty difficult to get anything to explode. Thus far in my game I had been very cautious but I started trying to push the limits of what I can get through the atmosphere and now I can't seem to find them at all. I have DR, Interstellar, and a few part mods installed. For an example, with a basic single man pod, decoupler small tank and LV-909 set up, from a 75x75 orbit I can lower periapsis well below Kerbin's surface, not slow down any further, and nothing blows. The engine gets about half way through the overheating bar and goes back down. If this is normal (I've only used DR with BTSM which I believe changes the values) what number(s) do I change to make things aslplode. Thanks!


(Just noticed the window says 2.0 but the readme definitely says v5.2)

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  Benno said:
Me too. Chutes get cut without overheating.

Same here. Playing latest version with FAR. Chutes that i tried to open around 200-300m/s are instant red (no information in the logs), below 200 it mostly works. Till now i thought that is working as intended (too fast at the moment of opening). Not sure if i am right :)

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  smart013 said:
Same here. Playing latest version with FAR. Chutes that i tried to open around 200-300m/s are instant red (no information in the logs), below 200 it mostly works. Till now i thought that is working as intended (too fast at the moment of opening). Not sure if i am right :)

... probably as intended...

... maybe usefull add some drogues before deploy the actual landing chutes...

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  Starwaster said:

Oh and the rest of you, I'm having some trouble duplicating your problem with the chutes. I deployed at about 450 m/s just before shockwave dropped below ambient with the parachute multiplier at 0.0001....

Edit: Ok, I do see a problem in the code regarding deployed chutes and the shockwave.... but it's something that should affect both stock chutes and Real Chutes equally... one wouldn't be more resistant than another unless one had another mod altering Real Chute max temps.... I'll have to see about pushing something out to fix it.

I did some testing last night with different parachute multipliers. I was still having the problem with the multiplier set at 1e-05 (0.00001). I tried a fresh DRE install, no other mods, and still had this problem. They seem to cut if the shockwave is greater than 0 (e.g., 1 or 2 C), which seems to occur between 200 and 300 m/s. It's easy to recover only the capsule by waiting for atmospheric braking to slow you down below this speed, but I haven't been able to recover a larger rocket stage because it can't drop below the threshold speed before impacting.

Also, it appears more noticeable in FAR (I assume because the air drag is modeled differently, causing less braking for dart-like rockets). FAR also changes the default parachute temp multiplier to 0.25, but the problem still existed.

Thanks for looking into this!

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Chutes: Found a problem that will be fixed soon.

x64: There will be no x64 version because KSP x64 is too unstable to troubleshoot and isolate issues on. Sorry :( Maybe later when Squad has a stable version out. (you will notice that their download page states it is unstable. And in computer programs, unstable is not like the Marvel Universe where unstable means things like unstable molecules which lets superheroes have nifty costumes that don't shred when they use their powers.

@Yellow Dart: try raising density exponent in 0.05 increments. (0.5 was found to be too lethal for a lot of people which is why it's all the way back to 0.85)

here's a cute cat to tide you over until the next update. Eating spaghetti.


Edited by NathanKell
Resized cute cat (NK fix typo)
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  Starwaster said:
And in computer programs, unstable is not like the Marvel Universe where unstable means things like unstable molecules which lets superheroes have nifty costumes that don't shred when they use their powers.

This is motivational poster material for a coding shop wall. ;)

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  Starwaster said:
Chutes: Found a problem that will be fixed soon.

x64: There will be no x64 version because KSP x64 is too unstable to troubleshoot and isolate issues on. Sorry :( Maybe later when Squad has a stable version out. (you will notice that their download page states it is unstable. And in computer programs, unstable is not like the Marvel Universe where unstable means things like unstable molecules which lets superheroes have nifty costumes that don't shred when they use their powers.

@Yellow Dart: try lowering density exponent in 0.05 increments. (0.5 was found to be too lethal for a lot of people which is why it's all the way back to 0.85)

here's a cute cat to tide you over until the next update. Eating spaghetti.


Here's a cute wolf to even further tide everyone over until your next update. Eating a cat.

(sorry, i am more of a dogperson :) )

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  smart013 said:

Here's a cute wolf to even further tide everyone over until your next update. Eating a cat.

(sorry, i am more of a dogperson :) )

I'm both, and that cat is not being eaten ;)

(p.s., you should use linked thumbnails instead, that's fricken huge!)

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  GavinZac said:
Ah, I thought they'd introduced some sort of new 'parachutes don't work' feature. Looking forward to the fix!

Well there is, if you try to deploy chutes into the fiery hot plasma bow shock.

It's just that a tiny wee bit of logic is missing that controls when failure happens :P

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two 38x38 images to serve as button icons for Deadly Reentry. Could be letters (DR or DRE initials) if so Papyrus font recommended (do you have to ask why?)

Or could be graphic images. (perhaps capsule undergoing reentry)

One has to be the 'off' state and the other the 'on' state.

Also has to use alpha channels to mark clear/opaque areas.

(I'd do this myself but this is a new computer and it's lacking in certain developmental tools including a tragic lack of Photoshop)

Edited by Starwaster
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*Fixed typos in SPP.cfg and Wings.cfg (some parts were not getting


*Additional sanity check when raycasting for parts shielding parts.

*Added logic check to make sure a chute was actually exposed to

damaging temperatures when deployed

*Groundwork for toolbar support. (in-game per save game difficulty

settings coming soon)

*No, you won't see anything but the code is in place.

Also, please refrain from breaking this for awhile, so I can go spend some time updating a few other mods....

(well that was worth a try anyway... never mind)


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