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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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hello, i'm just wondering how long till the 1.0.2 is finished.
If he told you he'd have to kill you.

Seriously, no one knows. Modding takes time and modders have lives outside of modding. Could be a week, could be a month. There's also Realism Overhaul to think about, and Real Fuels, and ... other stuff. vOv

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Keeping an eye out for the next version, but right now I'm getting into RO for .90 for the first time. I'm really enjoying looking up references for real world rockets and "stick building" them from scratch while matching the specs as much as possible. I never thought I'd ever be giddy simply getting into orbit after playing with KSP for over a year :cool:.

Here's my own homebrew Delta IV Heavy I'm quite proud of.


Edited by jonrd463
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I like how this

Probably another week or two. Dunno.
turned into this
One week!
Makes me happy to be a modder. :rolleyes:
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i really love this mod. each day i check to see if the 1.0 update is up. i just saw that there was a donation page and i chipped in 25.00. thank you for making this mod, and i hope my donations will help u :3

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Probably another week or two. Dunno. Need moar help though. :)

Nathan, if you offer me a well-defined task that I can finish in 1-2h with limited knowledge of ModuleManager, but some of math, tell me. (I know it is difficult to come up with descriptions of small tasks, and might totally not worth it for you to do, but that's all I can offer.)

In the meantime I chipped in €18,73.

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Why does everyone think "mod" is spelled "mode"?

'Cause ah... the mode we play in is BigRealPlanets. Yes. BigRealPlanets mode. It's like hard mode but with BigRealPlanets.

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Easy, folks, easy.... :]

Lillienthal: thanks! Regarding small bits of math, RSS is doing ok*, but one thing RO really needs is setting appropriate thermal bits to parts. Like, their emissivity, what their mass specific heat capacity should be, the fraction of thermal mass in the skin vs. the interior (for Deadly Reentry), etc.

*Kopernicus is pretty solid now, we have color maps for most everthing, and so far nothing's crashing.

However, we do need help finding (or making) heightmaps and normal maps for the moons of Saturn, and for Triton (moon of Neptune). So that's another thing.

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I'll have a go at Saturn's moons. (apparently at least some of the people publishing on Cassini-derived height maps sit here in Berlin. Maybe they just drop the data.

Which moons do you intend to include? Where can I find info on how the height and normal maps are structured?


Easy, folks, easy.... :]

Lillienthal: thanks! Regarding small bits of math, RSS is doing ok*, but one thing RO really needs is setting appropriate thermal bits to parts. Like, their emissivity, what their mass specific heat capacity should be, the fraction of thermal mass in the skin vs. the interior (for Deadly Reentry), etc.

*Kopernicus is pretty solid now, we have color maps for most everthing, and so far nothing's crashing.

However, we do need help finding (or making) heightmaps and normal maps for the moons of Saturn, and for Triton (moon of Neptune). So that's another thing.

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Lilienthal (and sorry for the extra L last time): the current texture set is here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures

We've added Dione, Rhea, Tethys, Enceladus, Iapetus, and Mimas. The heightmaps should be black = lowest point, white = highest point. The normal maps can be created from heightmaps quite easily, so don't worry about them (but if someone does have a normal map, it'll already be in the correct format or can be easily converted).

Note that the color maps for KSP are (a) flipped horizontal and (B) offset, so don't be surprised if they look weird. :)

Thanks so much! :)

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Lilienthal (and sorry for the extra L last time): the current texture set is here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures

We've added Dione, Rhea, Tethys, Enceladus, Iapetus, and Mimas. The heightmaps should be black = lowest point, white = highest point. The normal maps can be created from heightmaps quite easily, so don't worry about them (but if someone does have a normal map, it'll already be in the correct format or can be easily converted).

Note that the color maps for KSP are (a) flipped horizontal and (B) offset, so don't be surprised if they look weird. :)

Thanks so much! :)

YES more moons!! If you can't find anything try Space Engine.

Also consider adding Eris and Dysnomia.

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