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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Small (non-)issue, the velocity gauge remains in surface mode a long way after "space" begins. In stock Kerbin it auto-switches before the edge of the atmosphere. Is KSP setting the switching altitude on its own or can it be overridden in the mod?

Taked about it just a couple pages ago :) Auto-switch is hardcoded to be at the altitude of 6% of celestial's radius, which for rescaled Kerbin is 384 km.

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Taked about it just a couple pages ago :) Auto-switch is hardcoded to be at the altitude of 6% of celestial's radius, which for rescaled Kerbin is 384 km.

Ah, I must have missed that. That's too bad, it should be made configurable at some point. Then again, clicking shouldn't stop working when your ships get destroyed. So, yeah, I guess there are other priorities :P

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Ah, I must have missed that. That's too bad, it should be made configurable at some point. Then again, clicking shouldn't stop working when your ships get destroyed. So, yeah, I guess there are other priorities :P

It's hardcoded in KSP itself, not it the mod. I guess it still could be corrected, but I'd say there are higher-priority tasks at the moment :)

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It's hardcoded in KSP itself, not it the mod. I guess it still could be corrected, but I'd say there are higher-priority tasks at the moment :)

Yes, I got that, that's why I mentioned the mouse input bug as an example of more important things that Squad (not Nathan) has to fix before considering making this value configurable :) I should have made it clearer.

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Regarding reentry heat, can someone comment it: does KSP actually model any heat? Will usual stock parts (not pods) burn in the scaled Kerbin atmosphere?

Nope. You could re-enter at interplanetary velocities and the only thing that will stop you is the ground, unless you have DRE (which will burn you) or FAR (which will probably break you up).

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Kerbal guide to real Kerbin

1. Build a gigantic rocket. (Min 1000t)


2. Not big enough? Add MOAR BOOSTERS! ( Min 2000t - here 3800t :D)



3. Get 300 Tons to KEO


(4. Get cool pics.)


Actually steering these things is not that hard - just make little adjustment at start and let gravity do the rest, just like in real life.

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There are some pretty good F-1 models somewhere on the forum. Forgot who made them.
That...that's a Saturn V with S-IC strapons!? Good gracious, bigger even than the V-24L. It's Saturn Multibody with S-ICs!

EDIT: Wait, those look like Stretchy Tanks, so what's the engines?

Yeah they're the 1:1 F1 engines. Look nice but they're resource hogs with those nice textures.


The author has also an 1:1 Shuttle srb which would fit perfectly with real sized ksp.

Btw was saturn multibody real thing/design or is it just from Eyes turned Skywards?

Edited by p3asant
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Nice! Reminds me of what e of pi and Workable Goblin (née truth is life) did with the Vulkan Multibody (do you know about ETS?)--a kerolox CCB instead of Energia. Uses equivalent of 3x RD-180, IIRC.

That NK-43 is actually one hell of an engine - it's got TWR of over 128 while still having 1.75 MN of thrust! If there is a candidate for SSTO engine - it's gotta be it! Atmo Isp kinda sucks (246 s), but that's totally expected given the "vacuum" nozzle - it's actually so huge that makes the whole NK-43 engine (5 meter height) full 1 meter higher than RD-171(4 meters height)! But vac Isp of 346 is very good, and given the unusually high thrust I was able to easily build a two-stage rocket that lifts around 30 tonnes to ~300 km orbit (as you can see on the screenshot, second stage accounts for 2/3 of rocket's dV).

I mean, I knew that NK-33/43 are amazing engines, but I didn't think they are that amazing!

Edited by asmi
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Actually, a series of experiments with this rocket and dummy weights showed that it's max performance is almost 50 tonnes (my test launch with 50 tonnes payload ended on -40 x 200 km orbit, which likely means that with more careful piloting it could've reached orbit). But 40-45 tonnes will be good even with my sloppy piloting.

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You should release those engines, asmi. Rd-171, Nk 33/43, add more real life engines like rd-180, ssme, j2,f-1, some real life strap-ons and you got one hell of a pack for this amazing Kearth mod.

P.S !!!

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About to launch-test this badboy.


The external tank is re-sized to the real-life counterpart in mass (760t) and its a 10-meter part. The boosters are the 1:1 replica made by 1096bimu, comes with a custom engine controller that does a thrust curve similar to the real SSRBs. And the orbiter looks a bit smallish since its payload bay is for 2.5m instead of 4.75m, but its mass (100t), the payload (30t of cupolas, who ordered 30t of cupolas?!) and delta-v are fairly close to the real one.

Oh and the SSMEs are hand-edited to give their real thrust and isp as I couldn't find a good enough counterpart.

The result is that the burn times, total delta-v and TWR looks fairly realistic.

EDIT - Ermm.... actually delta-v of the orbiter is way higher than the real-one, I must correct it later.

Edited by SFJackBauer
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Nathan - I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question. But does the game hold the possibility to make a 50% scale Saturn? I just assumed full-scale Saturn would be too large, and if 1/2-scale were possible we could maybe make a Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. I'm also imaging how amazing it would be hop between the best moons of Jupiter (Europa, Io, and Ganymede, Callisto), and Saturn's (Enceladus, Titan, Rhea, Mimas, Dione, Thethys). Thanks for your awesome work!

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Nathan - I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question. But does the game hold the possibility to make a 50% scale Saturn? I just assumed full-scale Saturn would be too large, and if 1/2-scale were possible we could maybe make a Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn. I'm also imaging how amazing it would be hop between the best moons of Jupiter (Europa, Io, and Ganymede, Callisto), and Saturn's (Enceladus, Titan, Rhea, Mimas, Dione, Thethys). Thanks for your awesome work!

Saturn is actually one of the planets I'd like to try to make first once I have the time to fully try out my approach to making planets (December at the earliest), mainly because it doesn't have a terrain, and that once I get terrain working I can put that to use on its moons. Plus it would be fun to implement rings. I'm going to try full scale first and deal with any problems that come out of that.

The answer to your question: I think the possibility is there, but as with all things in this game there may be unexpected problems along the way. For example we have recently discovered that there's a large hurdle in the way of implementing axial tilt, which may be insurmountable without hacking the game.

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You should release those engines, asmi. Rd-171, Nk 33/43, add more real life engines like rd-180, ssme, j2,f-1, some real life strap-ons and you got one hell of a pack for this amazing Kearth mod.

P.S !!!

These engines were made for me (right now these include NK-33/43, RD-171M, RD-180 and RD-191, and there will be more of them, to a total of 10) by BobCat on a condition that they won't be publicly distributed. I'm allowed to give them to other people as long as they agree to not redistribute them. I know that it sounds kinda weird, but I would've agreed on whatever terms if that would allow me to get my hands on these masterpieces. Just look at this:


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