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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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On 22.01.2017 at 0:06 AM, CalmLlama said:

I've been trying to get RSS and the Texture pack to work for a couple days now and its just not working.  I usually don't use mods, but even so i started from a clean install with its own folder, and i am only trying to use RSS and the RSS-Textures.  I can see it loading files on the splash screen but the mod doesn't actually do anything.  When i load the game its simply stock KSP.  I couldn't find a good download link so i've been using CKAN, but that program is total garbage and i've never had it work right. 

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I'm not really sure where to go from here. 

I had the same issue after installing RSS v12.0. What I did in order to solve this problem was deleting Kopernicus and RealSolarSystem folders from my GameData, and installing manually latest master from Kerbas-ad-astra's RSS repository and latest release from official Kopernicus repository. After I done it, RSS worked properly again.

Edited by Sol Invictus
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3 hours ago, JEHEDIAHH said:

Can someone help me ?

Kopernicus Won't load in my ksp.

(I've tried other mods that work with kopernicus and they also don't work) 

That's not enough information provided for anyone to help you.  Please read this post to learn common troubleshooting steps and how to provide logs and other information.


Edited by Jacke
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I have encountered an unexpected behavior in my RSS campaign and was wondering if anyone here knows, or perhaps had a suggestion, what is causing it.  My resources concentrations are exactly the same across an entire biome.  Different biomes do have different concentrations.  The orbital scans and the concentration map behaves as expected with varying concentration independent of biome boundaries, but the yield of my drills and the readings on the surface scanner module are always the same no matter where I drill in a biome.

I am using KSP 1.2.2.

Relevant mods are of course RSS, SCANsat, ELP, and the USI suite of mods (MKS, Konstruciton, Life Support, etc.).

Any advise would be appreciated.

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For anybody interested, there is a new RO forum page, since the forum ate our old one. Thanks to @Theysen for putting it together again.


@democedes, sounds like a bug where the biome map is being used instead of the concentration map. Probably a feature nobody has ever tested too deeply, since nobody has every really focused on RSS ISRU support.

/me waves vaguely, ignorantly, and apologetically at the RSS configs for resources. 



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21 hours ago, stratochief66 said:

For anybody interested, there is a new RO forum page, since the forum ate our old one. Thanks to @Theysen for putting it together again.


@democedes, sounds like a bug where the biome map is being used instead of the concentration map. Probably a feature nobody has ever tested too deeply, since nobody has every really focused on RSS ISRU support.

/me waves vaguely, ignorantly, and apologetically at the RSS configs for resources. 



That helps, thank you.  I'll let everyone know if my tinkering yields any results.

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@AlmostNASA. The 'heightmap' is EarthHeight.dds found in the RSS - Textures/PluginData folder. This is the image used to derive elevation data. If you look at that file, you will see that the Mariana Trench is there. However, as you pointed out, underwater altitude is not accurately represented. This is something I have corrected in my custom image, but I am not quite yet ready to release it.

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I have RSS v12.0 installed on KSP 1.2.2 running on Windows (64-bit). It is working great and I got EVE working as well and things look fantastic. Many thanks to the developers! I wanted to add the asteroid Ceres--I saw some addons for more bodies including Ceres but they did not look to be up to date and they added a lot more bodies than I needed. I really just wanted Ceres to test out leap frogging an IPT SpaceX type ship to the outer planets. I copied configurations for Mercury and Pluto and combined them to form the cfg file for Ceres. But it does not seem to work--Ceres just doesn't show up anywhere in the solar system map. My .cfg file is in its own directory. I created a cache directory for it in that directory. I looked for errors in the KSP.log and did not find any relating to RSS, Kopernicus, or my Ceres.cfg. The log does show that the config file is read and applied. The flightGlobalsIndex was set one higher than the max I saw in the RSS planet configs (25), not sure if that is right. Anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? Here is my config file:

        // Ceres
                name = Ceres
                finalizeOrbit = true
                flightGlobalsIndex = 26
                cacheFile = DRN/RSS/CelestialBodies/Cache/Ceres.bin
                        name = Mun
                        removePQSMods = PQSLandControl, PQSMod_VoronoiCraters

                        // Target body name: Ceres (1)
                        // Center body name: Sun (10)
                        // Center-site name: BODY CENTER
                        referenceBody = Sun
                        semiMajorAxis = 413738764346.7532
                        eccentricity = 0.07936349488056565
                        inclination = 27.12733949231346
                        meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 60.016247104516937
                        longitudeOfAscendingNode = 23.45017277406660
                        argumentOfPeriapsis = 12.91910266371100
                        color = 0.776, 0.698, 0.647, 1.0

                        useTheInName = False
                        description = The largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The only dwarf planet within the orbit of Neptune.
                        radius = 473000
                        mass = 9.393E+20
                        solarRotationPeriod = False
                        rotationPeriod = 32667.84
                        tidallyLocked = false
                        initialRotation = 0
                        isHomeWorld = false
                        timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 500 3000 3000 10000 30000 60000 100000

                        biomeMap = RSS-Textures/PluginData/CharonBiomes.png

                                        name = Surface
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0,0,0,1
                                        name = Mordor Macula
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 1,1,1,1
                                        name = Serenity Chasma
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 1,0,0,1
                                        name = Alice Crater
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0,1,0,1
                                        name = Gallifrey Macula
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0,0,1,1
                                        name = Ripley Crater
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 1,1,0,1
                                        name = Nasreddin Crater
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 1,0,1,1
                                        name = Macross Chasma
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0,1,1,1
                                        name = Butler Mons
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0.2,0.0,0.0,1
                                        name = Argo Chasma
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0.0,0.2,0.0,1
                                        name = Kaguya-Hime Crater
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0.2,0.2,0.0,1
                                        name = Kubrick Mons
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0.0,0.2,0.2,1
                                        name = Vulcan Planum
                                        value = 1.0
                                        color = 0.0,0.0,0.2,1

                                landedDataValue = 7
                                inSpaceLowDataValue = 6
                                inSpaceHighDataValue = 5.5
                                recoveryValue = 6
                                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 500
                                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 2500

                        type = Vacuum
                        fadeStart = 50000
                        fadeEnd = 52000
                                texture = RSS-Textures/CharonColor
                                normals = RSS-Textures/Charon_NRM
                                shininess = 0.2
                                specular = 0.2,0.2,0.2,1
                        maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
                        minLevel = 2
                        maxLevel = 12
                        minDetailDistance = 8
                        deactivateAltitude = 87000
                        fadeStart = 52000
                        fadeEnd = 67000

                saturation = 1.0
                contrast = 0.9
                tintColor = 1.000,1.000,1.000,0.000

                powerNear = 0.6
                powerFar = 0.6

                groundTexStart = 0
                groundTexEnd = 2000

                steepPower = 3
                steepTexStart = 0
                steepTexEnd = 50000
                steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_sand00
                steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
                steepNearTiling = 15000
                steepTiling = 500

                lowTex = BUILTIN/snow
                lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                lowNearTiling = 1000
                lowMultiFactor = 30
                lowBumpNearTiling = 5000
                lowBumpFarTiling = 200

                midTex = BUILTIN/snow
                midBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                midNearTiling = 1000
                midMultiFactor = 30
                midBumpNearTiling = 5000
                midBumpFarTiling = 200

                highTex = BUILTIN/snow
                highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
                highNearTiling = 1000
                highMultiFactor = 30
                highBumpNearTiling = 5000
                highBumpFarTiling = 200

                lowStart = 0
                lowEnd = 0.6
                highStart = 0.8
                highEnd = 1

                                globalDensity = 0

                                        map = RSS-Textures/CharonColor.dds
                                        order = 10
                                        enabled = true
                                        map = RSS-Textures/PluginData/CharonHeight.dds
                                        offset = 0
                                        deformity = 10264.0
                                        scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                                        order = 20
                                        enabled = true
                                        seed = 2211221
                                        deformity = 200.0
                                        octaves = 12.0
                                        persistence = 0.7
                                        frequency = 10.0
                                        enabled = true
                                        order = 102
                                        seed = 45
                                        blend = 0.125
                                        colorStart = 0,0,0,1
                                        colorEnd = 1,1,1,1
                                        octaves = 12.0
                                        persistence = 0.7
                                        frequency = 2.0
                                        enabled = true
                                        order = 200
                                        seed = 1283704385
                                        frequency = 8
                                        octaves = 9
                                        persistance = 0.6
                                        heightStart = 0
                                        heightEnd = 1
                                        deformity = 1200
                                        mode = Low


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@Kramer If your config is the same as presented here then you are missing a closing bracket at the end of the PQS node:

10 hours ago, Kramer said:

    maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
    minLevel = 2
    maxLevel = 12
    minDetailDistance = 8
    deactivateAltitude = 87000
    fadeStart = 52000
    fadeEnd = 67000


Edit: the KSP log files are your friends in such situations. This error will definitely show up when Kopernicus tries to compile the body config.

Edited by Phineas Freak
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8 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

@Kramer If your config is the same as presented here then you are missing a closing bracket at the end of the PQS node:

Edit: the KSP log files are your friends in such situations. This error will definitely show up when Kopernicus tries to compile the body config.

The indentation is definitely off, but I checked and the brackets are correct. But good thought. Before I posted I did check the log files and I presume such an error would show up there.

16 hours ago, schrema said:

@Kramer: Don't what's wrong with your config. I'm using several Planets/Moons/Asteroids including Ceres from

Works fine to me.

The plugins I found similar to what you posted are all out of date and do not work with the current RSS I think.

But I downloaded one just to check it against what I was doing and found the problem--it was very simple.

I just needed to change the starting line from:




So simple. And now I have my new dwarf planet.


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I'm having a persistent issue with rockets sometimes spawning vertically clipped into the launchpad. It seems largely random - sometimes slight clipping, sometimes severe, sometimes negligible, a revert-to-launch or revert-to-VAB and relaunch will often produce a different result. For a rocket sitting on the pad it kicks it into the air, for one on launch clamps it shakes it around and actually bends the clamps over.

RSS (and Kopernicus and Module Manager) only* with 8K textures, 64-bit KSP 1.2.2 on Debian 8.

Any suggestions for a workaround other than having to repeatedly retry the launch every time?

(* Yes, I'm playing with unaltered stock parts, just to see if I can. So far in spite of this bug it's been going alright.)

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8 hours ago, cantab said:

Any suggestions for a workaround other than having to repeatedly retry the launch every time?

The only safe way that at least i have found is to revert to the VAB. It gets worse each time you try to revert to launch and sometimes the kick is bad enough to break apart the launch vehicle.

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On 2/5/2017 at 9:04 AM, AlmostNASA said:

the bottom of the ocean in RSS is 300-500m

Part of the challenge, is even with a 16k (pixel resolution) image we are still working with an 8 bit (color depth) greyscale heightmap with values from 0 (lowest elevation) to 255 (highest elevation) to represent altitude. Earth elevation, ranges from about -11km below sea-level to about 8.8km (Mt. Everest) above sea-level. This means that over half of the elevation range is underwater.

If realistic underwater altitude is important, we would have to use at least half of our dynamic range for underwater details that are not seen by most players. Given that KSP is mainly for flying in the atmosphere or in space, it is understandable that we would want most of our heightmap range (0-255) used for above sea-level details.

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Is there a way to modify the locations of the stock game's built-in Ground tracking stations without the use of Remote Tech? RSS really needs more stations than the default amount, and moving the stock ones as well as adding a few new ones would be helpful. 

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On 2/12/2017 at 5:59 PM, cantab said:

I'm having a persistent issue with rockets sometimes spawning vertically clipped into the launchpad. It seems largely random - sometimes slight clipping, sometimes severe, sometimes negligible, a revert-to-launch or revert-to-VAB and relaunch will often produce a different result. For a rocket sitting on the pad it kicks it into the air, for one on launch clamps it shakes it around and actually bends the clamps over.

RSS (and Kopernicus and Module Manager) only* with 8K textures, 64-bit KSP 1.2.2 on Debian 8.

Any suggestions for a workaround other than having to repeatedly retry the launch every time?

(* Yes, I'm playing with unaltered stock parts, just to see if I can. So far in spite of this bug it's been going alright.)

I get somewhat better results from higher graphics settings specifically. Textures Set to full, detail to full, resolution full.  If i don't do these i get sinking into the launchpad to serious to play in some cases even wrenching launch clamps into odd positions.

https://github.com/NathanKell/RealSolarSystem/wiki/FAQ-and-Troubleshooting  The troubleshooting also suggests using active texture management, however i'm not sure this is needed.  No 1.2.2 version on CKAN anyway.

If you use these settings you'll likely need to run using the 3dx11 or open GL command line switches. 

I got a bit of crash stability from also running MemGraph and setting the buffer to a larger amount 4GB since i have plenty of memory free.   If you have the memory to spare this will help and somewhat eliminate stutters that happen from garbage collection.

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I'm trying RSS for the first time, and decided to stick with a non-RO setup until I'm more comfortable.

My question is, without RO is there a recommended setting to change re-entry heating to? Or should stock 1.2.2 100% re-entry heating be reasonable? My spaceplanes now burn up entering at the higher speeds and I want to figure out whether stock heating is manageable or not. If people routinely play with it set at 100% I'll go back to the drawing board on my craft design. 

My apologies if this has been asked before. Thx.

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22 minutes ago, proteasome said:

I'm trying RSS for the first time, and decided to stick with a non-RO setup until I'm more comfortable.

My question is, without RO is there a recommended setting to change re-entry heating to? Or should stock 1.2.2 100% re-entry heating be reasonable? My spaceplanes now burn up entering at the higher speeds and I want to figure out whether stock heating is manageable or not. If people routinely play with it set at 100% I'll go back to the drawing board on my craft design. 

My apologies if this has been asked before. Thx.

If you're burning up then your reentry angle might be too steep. It needs to be shallow with your plane doing as much braking as possible while still in the upper atmosphere. You should be taking about one half of an orbit at least before even hitting max Q.

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2 hours ago, Starwaster said:

If you're burning up then your reentry angle might be too steep. It needs to be shallow with your plane doing as much braking as possible while still in the upper atmosphere. You should be taking about one half of an orbit at least before even hitting max Q.

How much of your orbital speed (~7 km/s) should you be able to shed in the upper atm before max Q?

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14 hours ago, proteasome said:

How much of your orbital speed (~7 km/s) should you be able to shed in the upper atm before max Q?

Assuming you're coming in from ISS altitudes, set a periapsis of 60-65km. Through most of your reentry you'll probably want a pitch up of 35-40 degrees

When you reach 73km you should be down to about 6.3km/s. At 70km you'll be around 5.5km/s and that's about where you'll really hit some major braking. Your skin temperatures should be dropping by now.

Max Q will probably be reached at around 45km altitude and be over 2kPa. (depending on your design it might be higher. I actually hit 2kPa around 70km and it gradually climbed to about 2.3)

By this point you should feel free to pitch down whenever you feel like it. Pretty much you'll want to do so by the time you're subsonic or you could lose control.  But again, from this point on you should be able to fly your plane normally. If it's purely a glider design then you'll want to be pitched down a bit so you don't slow too much and stall.

Edit: On the subject of S-Turns: I have no idea if you'll really need to or not. The shuttle had to in order to prevent overshooting the runway. The purpose is to divert lift off to the sides. As each turn takes you off course, you reverse the turn to the other side and bring yourself back on course. (roll reversals)

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