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Dramatic alarms

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This thread gave me the start idea for my GPWS addon (that might be renamed as some had good ideas for it ^^), which adds altitude callouts, too high vertical speed at low altitude (Duit, duit! Pull Up!), a bingo fuel alarm, all of which are stoppable (except the callouts, obviously).

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Would anyone like the IVA to be more... I don't know... active? I'd like to see some serious lights blinking, alarms going off (of course, everything with a purpose and toggleable) and Kerbals going nuts when alarms start. I'd like some LOL moments, not just them looking around in fear or awe.

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Just came up with another idea related to sound alarms/warnings, how about sound altimeter? It constantly beeps, but lower we descent, higher frequency of beeps become.

The name of that instrument is a variometer. They're useful for landing because you don't need to look at your instruments to find out what speed you're going. It was one of the first mods I ever made, never released. Here's a version you can use.

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An "sound altimeter" that constantly beeps and changes pitch based on vertical speed sounds like a variometer to me, but both are ideas that could be made into mods pretty easily.

A "sound altimeter" gives you your altitude over terrain or ASL, but does not rely on vertical speed. You can be at 0 Vertical Speed and still hear the altimeter pitching because you're flying up a hill.

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I see what you mean; altitude and vertical speed are independent. Changing the variometer code to an audio altimeter would be pretty easy though.

I could add that to my GPWS/Nagging Nadia MOD; the only thing is how to implement the beep sound and how to pitch it depending from the terrain. This idea could be a way around the "landing callouts", which are more planes-like ... Ideas, lots of ideas !

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I could add that to my GPWS/Nagging Nadia MOD; the only thing is how to implement the beep sound and how to pitch it depending from the terrain. This idea could be a way around the "landing callouts", which are more planes-like ... Ideas, lots of ideas !

You can get the altitude from terrain, sea surface and buildings using this:

float currentAltitude;

if (vessel.heightFromTerrain == -1 || vessel.altitude < vessel.heightFromTerrain)
currentAltitude = (float)vessel.altitude;
currentAltitude = vessel.heightFromTerrain;

The pitch of a sound can be changed using audio.pitch. 1 is normal pitch, 0.5 is half, 2 is double. Any higher than ~2000 and it'll start to drop again due to something similar to the wagon-wheel effect. If you need help for setting up a sound in code, check the link in my sig.

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float currentAltitude;

if (vessel.heightFromTerrain == -1 || vessel.altitude < vessel.heightFromTerrain)
currentAltitude = (float)vessel.altitude;
currentAltitude = vessel.heightFromTerrain;

I have that, on a more "compact" version* :) Thanks still !

The pitch of a sound can be changed using audio.pitch. 1 is normal pitch, 0.5 is half, 2 is double. Any higher than ~2000 and it'll start to drop again due to something similar to the wagon-wheel effect. If you need help for setting up a sound in code, check the link in my sig.

So, let's say, 500 meters is 0.5 pitch, 150 meters is normal pitch and 0 is 3 pitch ? (yeah, it's not linear and it's intended, that way the pitch change is more noticeable and easier to hear at very low altitude, and will make the pilot react much quicker, along with the "Pull up" if he's not in a good shape :D )

* yeah:

float altitude = (vessel.GetHeightFromTerrain() == -1 || vessel.GetHeightFromTerrain() > vessel.altitude ? (float)vessel.altitude : vessel.GetHeightFromTerrain());

Edited by SolarLiner
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Another idea come by.

Periapsis and apoapsis sound signal. Just two sound signals, reminding us that we reached these parts of orbit. Optionally, 15 second before apo/periapsis, another sound signal warning about peri/apoapsis incoming.

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Another idea come by.

Periapsis and apoapsis sound signal. Just two sound signals, reminding us that we reached these parts of orbit. Optionally, 15 second before apo/periapsis, another sound signal warning about peri/apoapsis incoming.

I can imagine my speakers exploding as soon as I get into a proper circular orbit :(

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I think that the alarms should be editable: in exemple, you could set at which sink rate you trigger the alarm, which altitude is "low", which roll rate is dangerous etc...

There shoudl be few sets of predefined settings, for each planet.

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I'm in favour of Kerbals voicing concerns depending on the (perceived) danger they're in, and maybe a crude claxon, to keep the spirit of simplicity and opportunism of KSP. Anything more technical should remain playing field for mod developers: Without any highly detailed cockpits to micro-manage and pages-long checklists I wouldn't want to be bothered by a warning about the voltage in some auxiliary bus for the windscreen wiper being off by a few percent or some such.

That isn't to say that designing and implementing a "natural" feature would take less effort than creating mods that deliver the things mentioned above. Loads of samples (perhaps even a voice synthesiser) and a clever logic would be needed to avoid making them sound repetitive.

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Alright. I made one of these last year (with some help) and I don't really like the nadia one (no offense), and since there seems to be a demand; I'll take another crack at it.

I'll dig up the old source and get to work. I can make you something that will be helpful. I'll start this weekend.

One thing, would you prefer a male or female voice? I have custom sounds in female, but not the call outs. If anyone has a source for bells, dings, alarms, and cockpit annunciations; it could prove helpful.

I pretty much have everything needed to do the sound and conditions for many of the requests. The gui I can do also, but it won't be pretty.

Edited by Meatsauce
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