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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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  ev0 said:
Looks like you just need to replace the second and third @ with either nothing or a %. @ is used to edit existing modules and things, no prefix would just create them, and a % would edit if they exist or create if they don't. PART[turboFanEngine] doesn't seem to have a MODEL, so there's nothing to edit with @.

Does this work? Not sure if you have to do anything with a scale value or the mesh though...

%model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/model.mu

When I try this, it removes the part from the VAB completely. I also tried:

-mesh = delete

%model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/model.mu


!mesh = DELETE

%model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/model.mu


@mesh = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/model.mu

%model = Squad/Parts/Engine/jetEngineBasic/model.mu

I wouldn't think this would be a difficult thing lol.

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  Styles2304 said:
When I try this, it removes the part from the VAB completely. I also tried: ...

Weird. Have you also tried not either prefix @ or % except for @PART[...]?


Actually, try what you just tried before, but don't include ".mu" with the file path.

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For some reason, nothing of these seem to work.

// Adds difficulty multiplier to science lab

@scienceMultiplier *= 0.3

when that didn't work, I tried:

// Adds difficulty multiplier to science lab

@scienceMultiplier = 1.5

In fact not even change the actual value in the part config itself seems to do a thing. No matter what I try, in order to make my science multiplier apply to the lab, fails. Does anyone know, or have a guess as to why?

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  Sokar408 said:

In fact not even change the actual value in the part config itself seems to do a thing. No matter what I try, in order to make my science multiplier apply to the lab, fails. Does anyone know, or have a guess as to why?

Not to be too obvious but I have seen this a couple times on this board. Are you sure you are editing and running the same KSP? I have seen people edit things in one KSP folder and run a shortcut that refers to a different KSP folder.

You are editing the files in GameData right? You're not duplicating the part file right?

Less likely delete your MM cache.

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  futrtrubl said:
Not to be too obvious but I have seen this a couple times on this board. Are you sure you are editing and running the same KSP? I have seen people edit things in one KSP folder and run a shortcut that refers to a different KSP folder.

You are editing the files in GameData right? You're not duplicating the part file right?

Less likely delete your MM cache.

Turns out its because its an integer. So when MM did its thing, it made a decimal, and when I changed it in the file itself, it it was also a decimal, which doesn't work. Stupid integer

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Could anyone point me to some documentation for the RDNode config node? I've looked through the original post and the wiki, but I didn't see anything. (Sorry if this is somewhere obvious and I just missed it)

The reason I ask is I am trying to make a cfg that creates a node if ModOrientedTechTree is present. I've made the following cfg, and placed it in GameData/MyCFG/ but it doesn't seem to work.

id = cryogenics
title = Cryogenics
description = Tired of Jeb stealing all the snacks on deep space missions? The boys at R&D have come up with some better options than padlocking the snack cupboard.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = df_cryogenics
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_largeVolumeContainment
pos = -885,800,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = largeLifeSupport
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = lifeSupportConverters
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
@TechRequired = cryogenics
@TechRequired = cryogenics

If anyone can see any obvious errors (of which there are likely many, because I don't actually know what I am doing >.> ) please point them out.


Nevermind, I got it working :D

Edited by JDCollie
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I'm trying to duplicate a node and then edit both of them.

For example something like that:

@heatProduction = 1
@heatProduction = 2

Doesn't seem to duplicate the node at all (looking at the part database in the debug console), so where am I taking a wrong turn?

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I'm seeing odd results when I reload the database. Specifically, I'm seeing parts flash in the sky, with one part remaining stuck in the sky


I'm not sure whether this is a problem with reloading the database, or how I have structured the cfg. I have placed an example copy of one of the cfg files I write for MM ahttps://www.dropbox.com/s/dcimbg9a0mewv1g/Easy.cfg?dl=0

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When the DB reload it also rebuild the PartDatabase.cfg drag info. To do that the game takes 6 screenshots of all part in a special texture on the load screen (Index 4 on the texture index on the loading screen, quite fun to watch). It seems it uses on of the sky texture to do that while in the spacecenter screen. AFAIK it should not change a thing for the game.

Edit : with the last MM you have a "quick reload" button in that menu that skips the PartDatabase.cfg rebuilding.

Edit2: err, no it is on my disk only. Next version :wink:

Edited by sarbian
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  sarbian said:

- Ignore the cache (and force a PartDatabase.cfg generation) on KSP version change

Oh wow man, thanks for the quick response on that.

One additional question: if there is no cache (as in the first time ModuleManager runs), does it force generation of PartDatabase.cfg as well? That's the one potential area left I could see things going wonky.

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So I have a question too, hope somebody arround here can help me:

I just want to change the texture of my Mk1 chute, so i thought i skip the texturereplacer thing...

But im stuck (im a noob too)

The fairings (wich i used ase a test) were easy to do since their ModuleProceduralFairing got a TextureURL wich I managed to adress, even with my low skills. But how could i do this with a PART or MODULE wich does not have a TextureURL?

Simply adding one didnt help much and there are two textures model000 and model001..

So does anyone know what to add or adress with a patch wich forces it to take my textures instead?

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I'm going crazy

over this thing, how does the copy-paste syntax work?

this is my situation:

one .cfg file from MOD1 defines this

name = onepointtwo
key1 = 1
key2 = 2
key3 = 3

a cfg file from MOD2 adds this

name = onepointfour

now, with my mod I want to copy Module3 and all it's keys into Module4

final result should be:

name = onepointtwo
key1 = 1
key2 = 2
key3 = 3
name = onepointfour
key1 = 1
key2 = 2
key3 = 3

how should I write the cfg?

I was using this, but it doesn't work:

#Module1/Module2/Module3 {}

any help would be apreciated :)

nevermind -.-

had to find the solution just 2 seconds after posting this whole thing....

Edited by Sigma88
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