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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Even though, it's a good thing he recognizes his mistake and is now apologizing. Afterall, humans aren't robots. We commit mistakes. :)

The technical term is a nonpology. It's like that dude you'd be dating who was treating you horribly, and then went and get super apologetic once he realized he pushed things a bit too far and might become single, but can't really properly apologize even, so remains nonplussed that you're dumping him.

FWIW, I totally understand Sarbian's decision, and even if I had an iron skin, I'd seriously consider if this is worth getting it scratched. Removing posts is a nice step, but I think this would have warranted use of a banhammer.

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Here is a backup link to Module Manager 2.5.6




License reminder: CC share-alike license

I will likely create a new thread as the future seems a bit unclear at this point for the fate of this thread.

Thank you for doing that. I am currently updating my KSP from .25 and would not have gotten very far without this mod.

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Don't bring on the tears. I am back, don't worry. Thank you all for the kind words, it's nice to see that for every hater there is a lot of satisfied users.

However I'll go on slowly for a couple of weeks and enjoy a break from this madness (those who follow the MJ thread know that this was not the only incident of the last few weeks). MM does not need major change right now (but some features are on their way) so it will not change things much.

As for Eddie Rod I'll say that ModZero post is spot on. There are things you can't take back once you said them.

So let's resume the modding

As your were.

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I saw once a long time ago another user say "Sarbain is a boss". It's absolutely accurate.

Sarbain shows up and it's a word of authority and expertise, earned through action and deed. The loss of that voice and knowledge will be greatly felt.

This is what, the 2nd or 3rd major mod author that has discontinued their efforts over someone being nasty over the hopelessly broken 64 bit? I'm not one for censorship but starting to think that it may have to become a "what shall not be discussed at risk of suspension or banning" here in the mod side of the forums. Much like in the suggestions forum, even if just for the sanity of the makers.

The Nyan Cat thing IS funny too btw. Kinda wish 64 bit worked just so I could see that as my loading screen. :P


Edited by helaeon
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Don't bring on the tears. I am back, don't worry. Thank you all for the kind words, it's nice to see that for every hater there is a lot of satisfied users.

However I'll go on slowly for a couple of weeks and enjoy a break from this madness (those who follow the MJ thread know that this was not the only incident of the last few weeks). MM does not need major change right now (but some features are on their way) so it will not change things much.

Thank you for your decision to stick around.

But may I ask you to kindly revert your latest commit which removes all the sources from your github? Your code is too useful to the community to let it die ;.;

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Eat LOTS of bacon. That always helps. No matter what, BACON helps.....

Great seeing you sarbian, and take that break....

and remember, ........ bacon......

Bad idea. There is already too much of me (hence my back problem in late Dec.) so I'll have to go soft on the bacon :)

DuoDex : I'd rather have the cfg that generate such problem because '&' is used in working patch already.

hakan : I will when I'm at home (can't seems to revert from github), but git does not delete anything. You can browse the code at any commit stage or clone and revert yourself, as Starwaster did.

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Don't bring on the tears. I am back, don't worry. Thank you all for the kind words, it's nice to see that for every hater there is a lot of satisfied users.

However I'll go on slowly for a couple of weeks and enjoy a break from this madness (those who follow the MJ thread know that this was not the only incident of the last few weeks). MM does not need major change right now (but some features are on their way) so it will not change things much.

As for Eddie Rod I'll say that ModZero post is spot on. There are things you can't take back once you said them.

So let's resume the modding

As your were.

Welcome back.

Re. Eddie Rod, my personal way of dealing with things like this are to give the benefit of the doubt, especially when the offender has apologized. He needs to prove that those actions are past. You can ignore him or not, whichever you feel is best.

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I'm trying to work out how to use Module Manager to edit the Contracts.cfg file. Can anyone confirm if the following will make satellite deployment contracts sometimes request the Banana for Scale?

Title = Have a Banana for Scale on the satellite
KeyWord = Scientific
Part = BananaForScale
Chance = 5
FundsMultiplier = 1.05
ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
Chance = 15
FundsMultiplier = 1.05
ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
ReputationMultiplier = 1.05
Chance = 25
FundsMultiplier = 1.05
ScienceMultiplier = 1.25
ReputationMultiplier = 1.05

Edited by DaPatman
added link to the Banana for Scale thread
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I'd rather not see any & in the keys, but you don't have much choice with how experiment works.

Try with https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.5.7.zip and tell me if all is fine for you.

DaPatman : it looks fine

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Clearly I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps someone can help?

I was attempting to add "DrawGauge = True" to the stock ion engine. Initially, I went with:

DrawGauge = True

But that didn't work; the stock engine remained unchanged. So I decided to get a bit more aggressive and tried this:

!MODULE[ModuleEngines] {}
name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = False
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 2
heatProduction = 0
name = ElectricCharge
ratio = 1.8
name = XenonGas
ratio = 0.1
DrawGauge = True
key = 0 4200


Eureka! That worked! I got "DrawGauge = True" to display as intended. However on closer inspection I realized I had another problem. My part now had two engine modules: the one I added with drawgauge and the stock version. It would appear the line "!MODULE[ModuleEngines] {}" was not deleting the default engine.

Similarly, I tried to alter the Mk-2 Structural Intake. First I went with:

area = 0.25

That resulted in two (seemingly) identical parts. That's right; I didn't have just one Mk-2 Structural Intake show up in the VAB, I had two. And it didn't appear to change the intake area in either.

So like the ion engine, I tried this:

!MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake] { }
name = ModuleResourceIntake
resourceName = IntakeAir
checkForOxygen = true
area = 0.25
intakeSpeed = 10
intakeTransformName = Intake

Once again I got two separate intakes in my parts catalog, but at least this time one did have the proper change to area.

I'm really confused. I can kinda see why the ion engine might be getting a 2nd module, assuming I got the syntax wrong using !MODULE, but why would (essentially) the same edit create an entirely separate part for the Mk-2 intake?

Thanks in advance for any help/tips! :)

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I'd rather not see any & in the keys, but you don't have much choice with how experiment works.

Try with https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ModuleManager-2.5.7.zip and tell me if all is fine for you.

I bet you do, however, whatever you did, it did the trick. Messages for the R&D biomes now get called reliably.

Thank you for your continued assistance in allowing mods to make a great game even better.

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XenonGas for the ion engine

Add the '@' symbol infront of area in the intake (it's editing an existing value)

Wow, I'm a colossal dumb dumb. Still getting unexpected results though. Here's my revised scripts:

DrawGauge = True

Doesn't draw the fuel gauge. Is there something inherent to XenonGas (note: correct spelling :P) that prevents this function?

And here's my revised intake script:

@area = 0.25

Got this:


That's two copies of the intake. One has the default part values, the other has my modified @area value. This really has me puzzled. I have no idea why it is it creating a second part rather than just modifying the original.

Is it possible there's a conflict with other scripts? Or maybe my ModuleManager.ConfigCache file is corrupted? Would it hurt anything to delete the latter?

Thanks again! :)

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Will fix the duplicating parts. '$' is the same as '+', it duplicates whatever it is applied to and makes the edits on the copy.

I'm not sure what's going on with the ion (it is in a .cfg file right...)

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For the ionEngine have a look at the config in game with the debug menu (ALT-F12, second tab). You may have an other mod that convert the ModuleEngines into a ModuleEnginesFX
Wow, I'm a colossal dumb dumb. Still getting unexpected results though. Here's my revised scripts:

DrawGauge = True

Doesn't draw the fuel gauge. Is there something inherent to XenonGas (note: correct spelling :P) that prevents this function?

As sarbian said,maybe you're using other mods that modifying "ionengine"

[color=red]%[/color]DrawGauge = True

this works for me with hotrockets.

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