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Most important lesson you've learned in KSP?


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I do this all the time. Once I'm not using the lower stage I don't care if it explodes. In fact, I prefer it :D

well the issue i was refer to exactly is where the lower stage doesn't clear in time, so the exhaust from the boosters pushes the spent stacks into the rest of the rocket before you can clear it. Jeb's lost a lot of his 9 lives to that one....

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It feels like cheating, but...briefly turning time warp on and off again will immediately stop your craft from rotating. This makes it easy (even for large, sluggish craft) to hit the target on your navball without overshooting it and without having to slow your rotation before you get to the target.

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The most important thing I learned is this:

Assign a Job (or jobs) to each stage.

If the stage is not able to complete it's assigned jobs - go back and rework the stage.

Don't let later stages cover for the failures of early stages; it will just lead to you running out of propellant for your mission.

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Something I learned that is terribly important: When creating an ejection system, remember to use a decoupler. While the two sepratrons and radial 'chute will remove the front of the ship at ~175m/s, they won't remain long enough to keep the pilot alive.

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