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[1.3] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v3.3.3 7/24/17


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Have a issue were I cant unlock my craft. someone said this mod might be the reason?

What information do you need?

Here the save data information of the docked craft:


I had the same issue with this version. Love the mod. I can provide a log but I'm heavily modded so I don't want to waste your time or presume anything

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loving this mod but I am also having big problems with ships having ghost torque. I've built a simple space station and ghost torque is making it rotate when out of time warp, making docking impossible.

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I'm using the Win64bit workaround, have been since 1.0 came out. Please, hear me out:

It's stable. With over 180 mods installed and a 12gb ram footprint, I can leave my game running for 72 hours without any crash.

Does it ever crash? Yes, of course. My last ship had 484 parts, and it would crash every 6 or 7 scene changes, or sometimes during a quick reload.

However, the same 484 part ship under the 32bit version and only a handful of mods installed would crash even more often than that. So I still think 64bit is more stable, at least in my experience.

What I'm asking:

I think I speak for a lot of folks here when I say: Please, allow us to run your great mod in 64bit versions.

I understand you don't want to support it, and it makes sense. We're not asking for it, we just want to be able to use it in our builds.

If it crashes, I know it's my own fault, I'm running something experimental and I have full responsibility for figuring it out by myself.

I will not come to this thread to bash your work cos it crashed during launch, corrupted my savegame, burned down my computer and my house.

You could just enable a version of your mod to run in win64 and say it in big bold letters "I do not support this version, use it on your own risk!"

No announcement required, can be done in a very subtle way, for the few of us who are not willing to give up on the 64bit for the wonders it allow us.

Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top? :D

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I'm new to the mod and a bit confused about all the scaling factors. Any advice for some config settings to get an effect somewhere between Stock and full KJR? Or are there any guides/tips/posts out there covering the parameters and some recommended values?

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ferram, may I, with your permission, update the metadata in CKAN to use the new ranged formatting? This would set a ksp_version_min and _max, which would allow your mod's users who use CKAN to see it as "compatible" there, and install it easily rather than bothering you here in the forums. I can set the min to 1.0.2, and the max to 1.0.4 - making it available to people running any of those versions. I can also set the max to 1.0.99 meaning in all likelihood this mod is OK to use until 1.1 (the Unity 5 update). I will not do anything unless you say its OK, but after that it should cut down on questions here.

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I dunno why you're asking me, I have nothing to do with CKAN besides yelling at them about the problems they cause for me. Go take any of their problems to their place and please don't bring them here again.

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Im asking you because its your addon, and some authors would rather not have anyone do anything that might affect their app, even peripherally, such as an indexer like CKAN. Along those lines, did you know that CKAN can and will stop indexing your stuff if that is what you wish?

Its not a "CKAN problem" Im bringing in here - is your apparent anger management issue with CKAN I am trying to help solve, because I like both of those things. I was merely offering, politely I might note, to help to try to keep those CKAN questions away by helping update the metadata. I am providing the courtesy of asking you first, rather than just going ahead and doing things - Ive seen what users that just jump in can do, and just how bad they can screw things up (Sarbian and Mechjeb and a user who reposted his stuff without asking).

But given your response, your "yelling" (since when does that accomplish anything online other than appearing as a tantrum or trolling?) I'll take that as a "no" to all of the above. Good luck, have fun yelling.

One final suggestion - when someone comes in and politely offers help, dont be a jerk, it reflects pretty badly on you.

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Im asking you because its your addon, and some authors would rather not have anyone do anything that might affect their app, even peripherally, such as an indexer like CKAN. Along those lines, did you know that CKAN can and will stop indexing your stuff if that is what you wish?

Funny, they won't. As noted here, since KJR (and most of my other mods) are openly licensed, they won't stop indexing it except for if there are substantial issues. I'll get to that later...

Its not a "CKAN problem" Im bringing in here - is your apparent anger management issue with CKAN I am trying to help solve, because I like both of those things.

I didn't know that metadata issues weren't a CKAN problem. I'll note that for future arguments with CKAN contributors. The amount of downplaying of issues is amazing.

I was merely offering, politely I might note, to help to try to keep those CKAN questions away by helping update the metadata. I am providing the courtesy of asking you first, rather than just going ahead and doing things - Ive seen what users that just jump in can do, and just how bad they can screw things up (Sarbian and Mechjeb and a user who reposted his stuff without asking).

And I was merely noting that I didn't know why you were asking. They have never cared about what I want, why would anyone start asking for permission now?

But given your response, your "yelling" (since when does that accomplish anything online other than appearing as a tantrum or trolling?) I'll take that as a "no" to all of the above. Good luck, have fun yelling.

Let's say that you're talking to pjf and you're trying to get a straight answer about what circumstances would actually result in them de-indexing. After much wasted time you finally get an answer of anything that isn't "immediately fixable." And then you try to get an answer of what does and doesn't qualify as "immediately fixable" and you can't get a straight answer about that.

And then you get told that it wouldn't matter, because FAR is a dependency for RO, and so it would never be de-indexed because of all the people for which it works (despite the fact that all the issues are from CKAN screwing up the install, which means that all CKAN users have the issue), showing that you just wasted all your time trying to get answers and that the guy in charge missed the point completely after dodging so much.

I think yelling is quite suitable there.

One final suggestion - when someone comes in and politely offers help, dont be a jerk, it reflects pretty badly on you.

All I did was note that I didn't understand why you wanted my permission and asked you to keep CKAN issues to CKAN. I'm not sure how that makes me a jerk.

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Sorry if I have missed this and it may not be an issue with KJR, but is anyone experiencing ships break apart and launch clamps going sideways on revert to launch? I'll post log and picture when it happens again.

Update: It is definitely every time KJR changes physics. This was mild btw.



Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/okziiubv1is6rn7/AAAgPUq5Sbhx_yuGa76cvyzpa?dl=0

Edited by blnk2007
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Sorry if I have missed this and it may not be an issue with KJR, but is anyone experiencing ships break apart and launch clamps going sideways on revert to launch? I'll post log and picture when it happens again.

Update: It is definitely every time KJR changes physics. This was mild btw.



Logs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/okziiubv1is6rn7/AAAgPUq5Sbhx_yuGa76cvyzpa?dl=0

Your launch clamps are not supporting all axis, which might be the problem.

ferram: Which values do I need to modify to specifically make docking port connections much stronger, and maybe also to extend the range of sequential part connections.

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Works great on 1.0.4. Love this mod! Solved my issues of ships bending like wet noodles, and no more ships acting like accordions when thrust is applied. Thanks!

Edit: Just wanted to mention that the pop-up text message "KJR stabilizing physics load" can get annoying after a while. It's also immersion-breaking.

Edited by Targa
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Hi ferram4, was wondering if you could fix KJR jamming up the stock spin-o-tron motors? Amazing mod btw! It's on my 'mandatory' list. Thanks for all the work you have put into this!

Oh here's the link to the spin-o-tron mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114295-1-02-Spin-o-Tron-Motors-(FINALLY-UPDATED)



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Hi ferram4, was wondering if you could fix KJR jamming up the stock spin-o-tron motors? Amazing mod btw! It's on my 'mandatory' list. Thanks for all the work you have put into this!

Oh here's the link to the spin-o-tron mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114295-1-02-Spin-o-Tron-Motors-(FINALLY-UPDATED)



You can fix it yourself. Open up GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml and add the following line:

<string name="exemptModuleType5">ModuleJointMotorTest</string>

after the other exemptModuleType lines.

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I can't seem to find the more comprehensive definition list of the config.xml vars from years ago when I last played and used this mod.

Was wanting to make my stuff fall apart a tad bit easier - believe it or not - under rapid g changes, etc. I miss the pinata effect and trying to land half a plane and pulling it off is so rewarding - but it's still a must have for my taller payloads - Just that var would be enough.

Also, a suggestion: Add them in comments or on the main thread post so noone else will have to answer this again :) Thanks,


EDIT: n/m I should have checked the repo first - If anyone else wants these: Here you are

Edited by egreSS
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You could have just checked in the download. The readme is included in the zip file, you should either see it when you go into the zip to copy everything or when you extract everything from that.

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Thanks! Actually installed it via CKAN, but I do still have the cached copy. Also, as to my original point, to clarify, it's my smaller planes that seem to be stiff - Heavy unstrutted builds fall apart as expected.

From the var list i'm assuming you would try raising the minimum-part-mass-for-reinforcement one or would you know of something else I might try? Thanks again!

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You can fix it yourself. Open up GameData/KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml and add the following line:

<string name="exemptModuleType5">ModuleJointMotorTest</string>

after the other exemptModuleType lines.

Thanks blowfish!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Note: To avoid possibly exacerbating any of the win64 KSP build's instability inherent issues, this mod will disable itself if run on a win64 build of KSP.


I'm using the win64 KSP build and KJR doesn't seem to be functioning. What gives?

Due to the instability of the win64 KSP build, KJR will disable itself on that build. This is to ensure that any issues caused by the win64 build can be definitively traced back to it. KJR is not supported on the win64 build, and you are encouraged to use either the win32 build or to switch over to linux, as both of those builds are much more stable.

Would like to ask if there's a way to enable KJR in win64 KSP? =)

I know what the note and FAQ says ="> just want to try it out on win64 mode ="> and yes it's the buggy win64 KSP build's fault for being so buggy =P

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Yes, remove the check and recompile the dll.

No spoon-feeding policy applies.

Ah, thought it was a simple config editing :D

Is it okay to ask how do I recompile the dll? Sorry am not a programmer :">

Thanks for your reply though :) am looking at other options now to run win32 KSP again with selected mods [along with KJR and B9 are a must :) ] or maybe dual boot to unix.

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