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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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I wonder then, because Planetshine 1.4 didn't do that. If it's only the 2.0 it might be worthwhile to bring it up in that thread as well. But yeah, I also use Planetshine and I recently updated it.

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No, converting EVE's textures to dds is not going to work. EVE needs many of them kept readable in memory, and DDS is never kept readable (at least the way Sarbian wrote the loader), it's shunted straight to the GPU. (Some of) the detail textures you can convert, but the cloudmap for example you can't.

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No, converting EVE's textures to dds is not going to work. EVE needs many of them kept readable in memory, and DDS is never kept readable (at least the way Sarbian wrote the loader), it's shunted straight to the GPU. (Some of) the detail textures you can convert, but the cloudmap for example you can't.

Umm...the cloudmap from 7-4 got converted okay and I have clouds over Kerbin in the menu, in map view and in-game okay. *Shrug*

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Volumetric clouds will be broken for you though.

I've done some reentry and landing tests with KSOS yesterday and remember passing through a thick cloud layer. I'm not sure if these are the volumetric clouds you're referring though, but even if they aren't, I take 'em.

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Sorry if this is nothing to do with this mod at all but I thought I should see if anyone has come across this problem below. I had this problem once last week and it seemed to have sorted itself out after restarting the game, tried the same 3 times so far and its still showing up as this? Any help or advice would be much appreciated. http://i.imgur.com/coBlPEc.jpg
Re-installing EVE from scratch worked for me. (deleting the folder) Also, if you are using the astronomer's visual pack, re-install that from scratch as well.
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The only surefire way to fix that bug seems to be to convert the TGA textures to PNG for city lights. Otherwise the problem seems somewhat intermittent. I didn't have it before, then it started happening. It would go away when I restart KSP but it would come back. So I converted the TGA's to PNG and it hasn't been an issue since. That's the recommendation I make, it's easy and seems fool proof.

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Probably running into the known issue in .25 where TGA loading just...fails, sometimes.

Seems so.

At first I had the weird white striped textures on All Kerbin night side, after some reloading I got white blurred city lights ...

And finally without changing anything my latest sessions were fine with awesome city lights again.

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Ph34rb0t: Check my post immediately above yours.

"i.e. the test "should volumetrics be created" will always return true, not "you will see no volumetrics" "

I.e. volumetric clouds where there should be none? Is that what you mean? Because EVE's internals read the cloudmap's alpha channel to determine where to render clouds or something? Can I at least convert the cloudmap from that disgusting .tga format into .png?

Or I'll shout them away.


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I've installed this mod after a long pause of playing KSP. Along with another visual mod; BetterAtmospheres. But I seem to have gotten some kind of graphical glitch.

Now I don't know if it is because of this mod, BetterAtmospheres or perhaps my settings.

It starts to glitch out when I get up to altitude (couple of km's) and disappears again when I go above 150km of Kerbin. (Hence I was thinking it might be either atmosphere related or most likely terrain related)

If someone recognizes this glitch and knows how to fix it please respond. Screenshots below;





Thanks in advance and my apologies if I posted this in the wrong section, didn't know where else.


I've found the problem, it had to do with another mod called "Real Solarsytem" that came with BetterAtmoshperes.

I've updated the .dll file of Real Solarsytem as ModuleManager suggested, but that glitched it out. Works fine with the old .dll file that came with BetterAtmospheres

Edited by Crunch0r
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