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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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I absolutely love this mod, and it's great to see how much it has developed, however, I am having some trouble saving changes I make to layers. Whenever I close KSP and re-open it, all the planets have reverted back to their default cloud layers, and reseting to save doesn't revert it back to how I left it. Does anyone know what might be causing this? (I am making the changes with the in-game GUI and using the save button).

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I absolutely love this mod, and it's great to see how much it has developed, however, I am having some trouble saving changes I make to layers. Whenever I close KSP and re-open it, all the planets have reverted back to their default cloud layers, and reseting to save doesn't revert it back to how I left it. Does anyone know what might be causing this? (I am making the changes with the in-game GUI and using the save button).

The current GUI isn't the greatest. For me it's crumbling. I can't add anything unless I change it in the config. so \_(._.)_/

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Is there a resource where i can learn about the cloudLayer.cfg syntax/structure?

I have five(5) different cloudLayer files in my 'BoulderCo\Clouds' folder. one of them is only has 5 lines of text (BetterAtmosphere's cfg; which i assume is some kind of #include file)

I'd like to combine aspects of some of these mods. ie. use kerbin_aurora, Rolling Dust Storms on Duna, Clouds-Oinker & Astronomer's Visual Pack/ BetterAtmosphere but i am not sure of the structure, if i combine do they overwrite one another, how does the config file do a read/execute process and is there any documentation for this?

love the mod, thank you for putting in the hours; makes such a difference!

Edited by PizzaMore
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I'm using a Mac too, and everything is working fine. Merging folders on a Mac doesn't work the same as it does on a PC, so that's likely the problem. The best way to make sure everything is where it needs to go is to open two Finder windows - one with your KSP GameData folder, the other with the contents of Astronomer's pack. Copy the files you want from Astronomer's pack and past them directly into the appropriate sub-folders located inside your GameData folder; just click, drag and overwrite individual files in each separate sub-folder. If you're careful, it works perfectly.

Be sure to have a backup of everything first; if you're using Time Machine and run into a problem just roll back to a prior copy of your GameData folder from an hour or two earlier. If you're not using Time Machine or other backup system, create a backup of your GameData folder on your Desktop or something just in case.

That's what I did when I originally installed it.

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I LOVE the new beta! Hopefully this will stop the every-page requests on how to remove the city lights that eat at my soul :D

I repainted Kerbin City and then checked it out in-game. Here's a quick vid.


Quick question Rbray, is the "main.png" ever displayed directly? I'm wondering how much I can wander from what I made before, and use it more like a map and less like an image.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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I LOVE the new beta! Hopefully this will stop the every-page requests on how to remove the city lights that eat at my soul :D

I repainted Kerbin City and then checked it out in-game. Here's a quick vid.


Quick question Rbray, is the "main.png" ever displayed directly? I'm wondering how much I can wander from what I made before, and use it more like a map and less like an image.

the plan for the main image is to be used as a landclass map, including cities in the alpha.

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Ok, another DEV TEST build: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/OVERHAUL-4

Release Notes:

Working on the depth-based ocean shader. Preliminary.

Still needs:

Main tex integration

Filter for angle of view


Detail optimization

EDIT: YOU have to open the GUI, go to the terrain manager and hit "Apply"

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I've tried installing your pack but the game stops responding while trying to load the "duna1" texture

I am using the default resolution textures

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the plan for the main image is to be used as a landclass map, including cities in the alpha.

Okay, so color doesn't really mean anything any more? Or at least it won't from 8 on? Do you have a preferred color to match anything else you're going to do? I've consdered just going with shades of grey.

I can work in any color but am currently keeping with the yellowy texture. It just seems less important now but I don't want to break how Kerbin looks from afar.

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No more water in kerbin! You have stolen it all :D


rbray89, the volumetric layer is all over the place because it can not read for kerbin1 texture I suppose, right?

That's actually pretty cool. Imagine going to another planet, coming back through some timewarp tunnel and finding your home planet bone-dry.

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I've tried installing your pack but the game stops responding while trying to load the "duna1" texture

I am using the default resolution textures

You're out of mem. Delete some large mod(s) like B9 or other and or try using a texture reduction pack for Squad and B9 parts.

That's actually pretty cool. Imagine going to another planet, coming back through some timewarp tunnel and finding your home planet bone-dry.

No. Not cool, man. Not cool.

Edited by Astronomer
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You're out of mem. Delete some large mod(s) like B9 or other and or try using a texture reduction pack for Squad and B9 parts.

Well, I don't have B9 and I'm already using active texture management. I don't feel like parting with the mods I do have, so I guess I'm out of luck.

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Okay, so color doesn't really mean anything any more? Or at least it won't from 8 on? Do you have a preferred color to match anything else you're going to do? I've consdered just going with shades of grey.

I can work in any color but am currently keeping with the yellowy texture. It just seems less important now but I don't want to break how Kerbin looks from afar.

The map for now uses all color for city lights, but that will soon change to use RGB for determining what detail texture to use.

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The map for now uses all color for city lights, but that will soon change to use RGB for determining what detail texture to use.

That right there sounds pretty awesome. Maybe I'll switch alpha shades of pure white so it'll be easier to modify later.

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Obviously a bit too early to really comment fully on the dev build, because there are obvious issues that are obvious. What I can say is, "Yes." Not being able to see to the bottom of the ocean is as welcome as your clouds. The new city lights textures look great and the effect is really cool (if not a bit overused right now). Thanks for giving us a sneak peek.

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Well, I don't have B9 and I'm already using active texture management. I don't feel like parting with the mods I do have, so I guess I'm out of luck.

There's no reason at all to load all the cloud textures in the pack. For example I'm only flying around Kerbin at the moment, and of course Mun is close enough to want to use some added detail. So I go into the .cfg file and delete every cloud layer that is not labeled for Mun or Kerbin. Then I delete all the textures that are not specified in those remaining cloud layers. Instant memory savings.

Best thing is the .cfg files in the Clouds folder are additive. So when I was done removing all the other layers (after making a backup of course) I renamed the file "Kerbin&Mun.cfg". Now if I want to add Duna I can just add a "Duna.cfg" file into the folder with the Duna cloud layers and put the needed textures into the folder as well. Or just swap things out if I only want Duna. Currently I just have "Kerbin&Mun.cfg" as well as an additional "Aurora.cfg" so I can remove the aurora textures if I'll be nowhere near the pole to appreciate them.

This same idea goes for the planet textures in Texture Replacer. If I'm only operating around Kerbin & Mun, why bother load all the other high-res detail textures?

Check the mod list link in my sig for more extreme memory reduction measures, and also check into this - which I haven't had need for yet and am waiting for it to come out of WIP status

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Astronomer's Visual Pack V3 is finally out!


So I installed the I-WANT-MY-PC-INCINERATED MODE for cloud density and I must say I'm rather disappointed at the lack of flames shooting out of my tower. Also lack of clouds


or maybe I have the wrong idea about what "cloud density" means. I assumed at first it meant I would see volumetric clouds at greater distances, but perhaps it just makes the clouds themselves thicker? I'm trying to reduce clouds "popping" up in front of me as I fly and also make high-altitude photos look a lot nicer by having volumetric clouds off into the distance. My PC showed absolutely no performance hit with these max-density settings and regardless, all photos I take are generally done after I've already flown a mission where I go back and recreate scenarios I can try a bunch of different angles from to get a good shot. So performance isn't really an issue as I'm only going for eye candy not trying to actually fly around and do stuff realistically (cheats are on and all that)

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