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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Can't wait to take a look! Let me know if there is anything you'd find useful in the GUI or features you want in the shaders. I'm improving the GUI for the next release along with a few shader tweaks that will allow for more options.

As a matter of fact, there is!

I presume you had good reasons to change the color format from decimals to integer values, but this ended up taking away the ability to make noctilucent clouds, auroras, and self-illuminated Sun layers. I presume the CityLights system is meant to replace that functionality, in which case it'd be nice if we could specify altitudes and colors for "city" lights.

Do you intend to put sandstorms on Duna and Eve and lightning storms (and auroras) on all atmospheric bodies (Kerbin, Eve, Jool, Duna and Laythe)?

Unfortunately, not at this time. This is mainly due to the limitations I pointed out above - I managed to dupe the CityLightsManager into making glowy bits on Eve's and Jool's "surfaces", but auroras being up in the air, the city lights feature wouldn't be suitable. It's for a similar reason that I didn't edit the Sun either :\

Regarding sandstorms I just didn't feel like it ^^;

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Hi everyone! I really like this mod and i would like to find some high res textures for planets and moons to use with this mod but i cant find any? Maybe some of you guys know where to find textures or is there a mod that improves appearence for celestial bodies without atmosphere? And im getting fps drop to about 15-20fps with this mod, im just using some part mods and texture replacer?

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Hi everyone! I really like this mod and i would like to find some high res textures for planets and moons to use with this mod but i cant find any? Maybe some of you guys know where to find textures or is there a mod that improves appearence for celestial bodies without atmosphere? And im getting fps drop to about 15-20fps with this mod, im just using some part mods and texture replacer?

Use texture replacer and rename the files per TR's name scheme.

8k planets (excluding the Mun): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0?p=581916&viewfull=1#post581916

8k Mun: http://i.imgur.com/ACopldB.jpg

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Unfortunately, not at this time. This is mainly due to the limitations I pointed out above - I managed to dupe the CityLightsManager into making glowy bits on Eve's and Jool's "surfaces", but auroras being up in the air, the city lights feature wouldn't be suitable. It's for a similar reason that I didn't edit the Sun either :\

Regarding sandstorms I just didn't feel like it ^^;

Anyway, thanks!

But I have a question: I think another pack (Avera9eJoe's) made auroras and lightning storms through another method - AFAIK, he created a "shining layer of clouds" that played the role of a lighthing storm and colored one that played the role of an aurora. Can't it be done with this version of EVE?

I'd gladly convert the .cfg files from that pack to this version, but I confess I don't quite understand how to do it...

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Whoa, working shadows.....

....could you make other bodies cast them as well, for visible eclipses? It'd be really nice to finally have a visual indicator for being in the shadow of a body other than the one you're orbiting. No more wondering why your EC is suddenly running out, if Kerbin's blocking your sun on the Mun (or vice versa) you'll see it.

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EVE rebooting, scatterer just released an update and now Astronomer is showing his face again... I couldn't have picked a better time to get back into KSP! Exciting times with 1.1 around the corner and these wizards getting back to the frontlines to make KSP something worth lookin at! Couldn't thank all you modders enough for all the awesome work you are doing in your spare time!
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[quote name='V8jester']Awesome! I had no idea you were back! I will gladly pull down my excuse for a caretaker release of Interstellar V2 just say the word and it's done.[/QUOTE]

lol jk
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This doesn't look right to me - two problems. So first the attached scenario is my lander is flying back to Kerbin. First problem is the ringing artifact on the first image. Second is if you compare the first and second picture, the cloud isn't scaling according to Kerbin planet (because I'm approaching) - rather it's like an image with a clipping window enlarging (see the cloud from the right side - instead of cloud becomes bigger, I instead seeing more clouds as if the picture expands its edge).
I'm running most recent version from CKAN, 1:EVE-1.05-1, texture high, KSP ver
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[quote name='Blazing Sun']Ok, I had the previous version installed, and it worked just fine, but when I installed this version, it won't work at all. Am I doing something wrong? I have both the EVE and BoulderCo folders installed in the GameData folder.[/QUOTE]

did you check ingame or just the menu screen?
you wont see no clouds in the menu since the update - but ingame everything should be fine.

If problems persist: delete the named folder in your gamedata and copy the ones from the update again - perhaps you mixed some old / new files by accident.
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[quote name='jlcarneiro']Anyway, thanks!

But I have a question: I think another pack (Avera9eJoe's) made auroras and lightning storms through another method - AFAIK, he created a "shining layer of clouds" that played the role of a lighthing storm and colored one that played the role of an aurora. Can't it be done with this version of EVE?

I'd gladly convert the .cfg files from that pack to this version, but I confess I don't quite understand how to do it...[/QUOTE]

That one and Astronomer's used the same method last I checked, and as I mentioned, rbray has changed the color format in a way that makes it impossible. Before, colors were decimal values from 0 to 1, and setting a color to higher than 1 would make the cloud layer glow in the dark. Now, colors are integers from 0 to 255, and setting anything above 255 simply makes the cloud layer fail to appear. With any luck, rbray has a new method in mind ;)
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Just doing some testing.
Also I wasn't able to plug the line from earlier versions to make the framework gui to appear in-game. Is it an upcoming feature for the current version?
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[quote name='Astronomer'][url]http://i.imgur.com/Ohr5QK8.png[/url]

Just doing some testing.
Also I wasn't able to plug the line from earlier versions to make the framework gui to appear in-game. Is it an upcoming feature for the current version?[/QUOTE]

ALT-0. I would also pull the version from [url]https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/raw/master/x86-EVE-Release.zip[/url] to get the new GUI updates and fixes. This is very close to the next release.
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I'm trying to use the same cloud texture at different offsets on different cloud layers but whatever values I put into the offset variables, the texture does not seem to get affected. I looked through other example configs and they all seem to use 0,0,0. How is the Offset feature supposed to be used?
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[quote name='Poodmund']I'm trying to use the same cloud texture at different offsets on different cloud layers but whatever values I put into the offset variables, the texture does not seem to get affected. I looked through other example configs and they all seem to use 0,0,0. How is the Offset feature supposed to be used?[/QUOTE]

It isn't used at the moment. Next release will address all parameters not currently being used by either implementing a fix or removing the value.
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