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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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How do I delete only Kerbin's clouds? I like the city lights and the other planets, but I just cant fall in love with the look of Kerbin being clouded out constantly. It looks nice at times don't get me wrong and the work you do is truly great, but its that.. smeared look to the clouds that puts me off. So I tried just deleting Kerbin's cloud textures. That turned Kerbin into a snowball.. so I put them back in for now. How can I do this?

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Hmm... I took a look at UR's source a while back... I don't recall seeing anything that might do that... another possibility is that my plugin was somehow duplicated? That would probably cause what you are describing.

Whatever happened, its ok now. Could have been a weird dup of your plugin. I've been using this this mod since beginning and doing tweaks, who knows. Something old was left behind.

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How do I delete only Kerbin's clouds? I like the city lights and the other planets, but I just cant fall in love with the look of Kerbin being clouded out constantly. It looks nice at times don't get me wrong and the work you do is truly great, but its that.. smeared look to the clouds that puts me off. So I tried just deleting Kerbin's cloud textures. That turned Kerbin into a snowball.. so I put them back in for now. How can I do this?

in the cloud layer config file, you can remove the entries for kerbin.

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Most of the 'smearing', IMO, comes from the kerbin1 texture. You have a couple of options:

Go into the config file and change it to 'kerbin2' (gives you a duplicate of the sparser cloud texture)

Find another, more pleasing cloud texture on the net, make it transparent (if necessary), put it in the directory and change the config file to point at it (this is what I did).

Or, as the author notes, you can simply delete the cloud entries for Kerbin in the config file.

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Those are with the low-res default lightmap that comes with the mod? Impressive! I'd love to see your detail texture that achieves that!

One thing I noticed about your city texture (the one in the mod already but this one seems to have it too, you can see it especially in the first picture) is a dark vertical and a less obvious dark horizontal line. For tests I was making huge splotches of pure white areas, and the grids were (obviously) very pronounced there.

Yep! The low one. And the updated texture is here.


Not sure what could be causing that, there are no gaps like that in the texture, though that is where the edges are, suggesting tilling issues. I've added some extra light to the edges, just in case, but it might be something to do with the way the texture is being loaded.

Here's the texture with a black background, some colour exaggeration, so you can have a good look at it.


I can still see areas to improve. Next time :)

Edited by Tw1
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A quick tour of the config would be nice - many users seem to know their way around tweaking this mod to their liking (adding more cloud layers etc.), but I cannot decipher the meaning of half of it.

As far as I understand it, it'll probably need some clarifications and correxions.

One of Eve's layers:

body = Eve
radius = 1.004
file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1
x = .5
y = 0
x = .002
y = 0
x = 1
y = 1
file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/detaileve1
x = .5
y = 0
x = .002
y = 0
x = 100
y = 100
r = 0.314
g = 0.216
b = 0.435



The planet/moon your are editing. E.g. 'Kerbin', 'Jool', 'Eve', 'Duna'



'radius =' is used to set how high above the surface the clouds are.

E.g. You want clouds to be x above the surface. r is the radius of the planet.

radius = (x+r)/r

So if you want a cloud layer to be 5km above the surface of a planet with a radius of 600km.

(600+5)/600 = 1.008 (to 3 d.p.)

'radius = 1.008'


Main texture:

The texture being used to provide the cloud cover

e.g. 'file = BoulderCo/Clouds/Textures/eve1' - Tells it to use the eve1 texture

'offset' - can be used if you don't want the clouds to be directly above each other. Useful if you have two layers of the same texture and you want them to be displaced in the x or y axis.

'speed' - is the speed at which it goes round the planet. I don't know the exact units, I just change the value till it feels right.

'scale' - haven't used this one.


The sub-texture used to apply sub-detail to the main texture. Leave it as 'detail1' or 'detaileve1' for now, try switching them round to check the difference.



This is a numeric representation of the Red, Green, Blue values.

You'll commonly see these given as 0-255 (as it's the max range of colour an 8-bit byte can offer), but it in the config it is given as 0-1. To convert from 0-255 to 0-1, you just need to get the RGB values and divide them by 255.


A pale blue might be as:

R: 112

G: 148

B: 240

So for Red: 112/255 = 0.439 (to 3 d.p.)

and the same for G and B.


r = 0.439
g = 0.580
b = 0.941

Use a site such as this: http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html to get the RGB values if you don't have image-editing software installed.

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The only thing I notice, if I start game up in fullscreen. The screen with 3 kerbals floating and kerbin behind, it shows clouds. If I go in menu switch out of full screen and somthing smaller res. I come back to intro, its scene on mun and kerbin in background doesnt have clouds. Might want to check that out for yourself.

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OK, this goes back to an earlier problem I posted a day or so. It was about getting double layers of clouds. I start game, first go in tracking center. I see clouds as normal. I back out, then go to menu screen, thats when I see kebals and kerbin, no clouds. When I go back in game then again tracking center I get double clouds, kerbin looks very cloudy. I don't think I would of tracked problem until new release. The only thing I do different is change cloud rgb in file.

Try and see if you can reproduce problem.

It's OK if I don't back out and just go straight into game and play. This might be why people were complaining of having too many clouds.

The only thing I notice, if I start game up in fullscreen. The screen with 3 kerbals floating and kerbin behind, it shows clouds. If I go in menu switch out of full screen and somthing smaller res. I come back to intro, its scene on mun and kerbin in background doesnt have clouds. Might want to check that out for yourself.
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OK, this goes back to an earlier problem I posted a day or so. It was about getting double layers of clouds. I start game, first go in tracking center. I see clouds as normal. I back out, then go to menu screen, thats when I see kebals and kerbin, no clouds. When I go back in game then again tracking center I get double clouds, kerbin looks very cloudy. I don't think I would of tracked problem until new release. The only thing I do different is change cloud rgb in file.

Try and see if you can reproduce problem.

It's OK if I don't back out and just go straight into game and play. This might be why people were complaining of having too many clouds.

Thanks! I'll take a look when I get home.

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Is there any possibility someone could upload a config file that is just light cloud cover on the appropriate planets? This is a bit overwhelming to me. Thanks all :)

I just started working with this mod today (trying to get some realistic settings down.) So far I'm nearing on a decent Kerbin setup after doing some calculations for the atmosphere and creating/modifying some textures, and Duna is now more like real life mars (sparse, wispy clouds in it upper stratosphere). So sparse that you can only see them in the right light. I can send you what I've got so far, if you want that.



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I've been playing with this mod all week, and I just want to say how awesome it is. :D

It also makes landing on Eve way more challenging. It's really tough to see the topography beneath such dense cloud cover. Just for fun I turned up the speed of the clouds lower down on Eve too, and boy does it look inhospitable from the surface. o.o

Thanks so much for this mod! n.n

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You guys try out these RGB codes.

Here is the RGB tweak I did for this mod. You guys will have to try it in game, the pictures don't do justice. The color gets saturated when I take photos of them.



I change the second cloud layer, Kerbin 2. I dulled out the white a little went in the grayish side, not much. Picture shows it too much, in game looks better.

In game its not that much noticeable. I did the change to give the different cloud layers dimension.





You're not going to notice the clouds with Duna right away, that's the way I wanted it. I wanted them to blend in with terrain color, to make it dust like. You will notice it more on the white capped poles. When you land on Duna you will see that the clouds are there.





Laythe in the first screen shot looks very purple, in game its not so. I changed color of Laythe to give it a difference in look from the Kerbin Clouds.

This is the RGB changed I did:


r = 0.4

g = 0.4

b = 0.60


r = 0.38

g = 0.16

b = 0.098

Kerbin, the second layer kerbin2

r = 0.909

g = 0.909

b = 0.878

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