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I've Been Neglecting My Kerbals.


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I love KSP... Really I do... But lately I haven't been playing the game as much as work on things like my Nav Ball project.

I think I just overloaded myself with the amount of KSP I did in the previous months... oh and maybe the fact that I had sooooooo many setbacks making this darn hardware panel. Perhaps that is it.

Anyone else get a case of the Kerbal Blues Greens after playing too much recently?

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I'll be honest -- for the first few months after I got the game, I absolutely obsessed over it. Then I "crashed" for a few months and wanted nothing to do with it, to the point of withdrawing from the forums for a while. Took another update to bring me back.

Since then, I've been trying to take things at a rather measured pace and leave time to pursue other interests as well. It helps me stay balanced.

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After I accidentally overwrote my save and lost THIS:


... I have been neglecting the game while I "recharge". That and I don't have the heart to redo it. So I'll have to change gears and do a different project.

When I can figure out what it might be.

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Much like specialist I kinda obsessed over the game when I first got it. I then took a break, a few weeks really. Not all of it was because I didn't want to play I just had work to take care of, and then I didn't find my way back.

However I saw there was a career mode update sooo had to come back around and give a try and I am back to being obsessed, though trying to manage it. Play an hour or two here and there and then call it good for the day.

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I often take a couple of days off after completing a big project, or when I run out of ideas for new projects. Or when I've utterly failed at something (like SSTO planes) and I'm ticked off with the game. But I can't stay mad for long, and always think of something else to try.

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During the summer, I played KSP all the time; I enjoyed setting goals (like reusable crew transportation systems) for myself. Whenever I ran out of ideas for my missions, I'd simply go to the challenge page and try out some of the ones posted.

However, ever since I went back to university for the fall, I've found that my KSP time has dwindled significantly. I barely have enough time to launch a mission to the Mun, let alone build a base there! As such, I've only allowed myself to play after I've completed all my schoolwork for the night, or on Friday night when I'm not yet prepared to launch into my studying.

0.22 has been a lot of fun though; I've almost managed to unlock the entire tech tree, and I have to admit that it is one of the best update's I've been privy to yet (I started with 0.18.2).

Any other engineering students on here who feel my pain?

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I've been working on my Mun base recently, and was getting ready to drop a combination science lab and greenhouse next to the hab module. However, I just read in the latest dev post that they're working on an actual functioning Lab (not something faked up with Hitchhikers), so I'll be putting that on hold.

Still, that leaves me with Mun excursions to the various anomalies, rover testing, probe testing, and maybe planting something permanent on Minmus. I'll get back to it soon enough.

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I'm obsessing pretty hard right now. I was obsessing right after I found it and bought it last summer, and then my computer crashed (hard drive died) and life got crazy, so I let it slide. Now I've got an old computer working again just so I can play.

I tend to go through phases where I focus on something almost exclusively for a while before moving on to the next thing, but I always come back. And I'm not too worried about it yet because it hasn't affected my work, which is pretty darn important.

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I'll be honest -- for the first few months after I got the game, I absolutely obsessed over it. Then I "crashed" for a few months and wanted nothing to do with it, to the point of withdrawing from the forums for a while. Took another update to bring me back.

Since then, I've been trying to take things at a rather measured pace and leave time to pursue other interests as well. It helps me stay balanced.

Exactly my story.

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I got pretty obsessed at the beggining too. Nowadays I try to balance my game time between KSP and the other titles i might be interested in playing at that moment (currently Hearthstone and Arkham Origins). But still, when im playing something else i typically have some KSP idea, and switch to it :P

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I played KSP every day for a few months after buying it (when it was released in Steam after 0.19 came out).

I also played quite a bit of 0.20 and 0.21, but then I took a pause for a couple of months.

Now with 0.22 I kind of feel that it takes more features to get me completely obsessed about the game again. A few more planets, resources and full career mode might do that, but until then I'll keep playing every now then, but not daily.

Maybe this also has something to do with the fact that I had absolutely nothing else to do between March and August, but now I'm very busy with school.

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I go in spurts... I will play obsessively and get big projects done and then I will quit for a month or two... rinse and repeat! I came back to try career mode and unlocked everything in a couple days and now working on a manned trip to Eve and back

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Just wait till the department of Kerbal services hears about how you leave your kerbals in the astronaut complex to starve...

They need to be fed and exposed to loud explosions at least once a week.

Edited by ZedNova
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For a whilew weeks back, I almost got back into Minecraft. When I realized the only thing I wanted to build were rockets, I went back to KSP.

That's what they should reveal for 0.23. Land on a planet and find that you can treat the KSP biome like a minecraft biome - a sort of melding together of the two games. I'd never have time for real life :)

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