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What... the... I-I don't even..


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Hey, now, Harv's a great seamstress ;)

But wow... I'd love to know just how some of these got that broken xD

I was just playing the game, mocking around with a Duna sat after it released it's lander, so I decided it would be fun to turn it into an Ike impactor (to make it pay for the lives of my first Duna probes, of course).

I matched inclinations, circularized my orbit, aaaaaand tried to plot an encounter.


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false advertising

Why? That's not the path that the spaceship will actually take. It's a patched conics setting which shows the path relative to a moon, which will of course be weird since the moon follows its own path through space.

I think he voided the warranty once the threw in the extra-planets mod.

Don't worry, it's nothing to do with the extra-planets mod.

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I've never used it, but I've heard that Hack Gravity can create some weird trajectories like that.

On that note: something I discovered about this latest update. Hack Gravity is now persistent across launches. Used to be it reset if you left one ship and launched another. Now it stays on until specifically turned off.

I ran into this after using the hack to test out a docking arrangement ground-side, then afterward switching over to a ship in orbit. I warped ahead so I could de-orbit it in daylight, but even though I was warping at 50x, the ship wasn't going anywhere relative to the ground. The surface speed read a paltry 250m/s, and yet there I was in an indicated stable orbit.... ?????

I turned the ship and burned retrograde, and it was on a de-orbit trajectory in much shorter time than I expected. Eventually, I figured out what was going on when I shrugged it off, went back to do some stage testing, and the staged components just... hovered. O_o


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Lol. Also, I can't seem to find the mod... anyone got a link?


What mod? You can edit [CONIC_PATCH_DRAW_MODE = 3] to be 0 in your settings.cfg.

Or, if you want a mod to make it easy to switch between the modes, go get Maneuver Nodes Improvement (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/maneuver-node-improvement/)

or PreciseNode (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47863-0-22-PreciseNode-0-5-Interplanetary-Maneuver-Node-Assistant)


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Extra planet mod...

Oh! You might be looking for this, then:


Side note: really loving the custom search of these forums for things like this. Can't recommend doing that enough to other Chrome users! "KSPF: [search term]" == More accurate results than the forums' crappy keyword-based search. ^_^

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Okay. Thanks, I had searched "ksp extra planet mod" in Google but didn't come up with much.

There aren't enough folks out there referring to it as "KSP" for Google to get a good idea what you mean. I've figured out that if you want the most relevant results, you have to use the full name first.

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