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[0.23.5] StretchySRB: A StretchyTanks Continuation v9 Final Pre-PP edition 3/21/14


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There is a problem if I try to use a stretchy fuel tank as a root part of my spacecraft. When I use my spacecraft first, it's fine. If I leave it and retun it later or press the "revert to launch" button I get this:


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I still have two bugs in 8.1:

- vehicles with stretchy tanks loaded from the subassembly manager have trouble with the top nodes, if they are connected to pFairings. They stuck inside.

- i can't use other fuel types than LFO, because in flight it adds every time LFO to the tank.

if you need some data for debugging, please let me know.

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I don't know if this was already reported, but when i try to copy tank part with "ALT" key (KI-1250) after stretching it with "R" key, it's attachment nodes are left inside part. Attachment nodes are close to center, as if they never moved beyond certain point.

EDIT : I had an idea how to bypass this "feature". I have made two more KI-1250 tanks at their default sizes, attached my extruded test tank in between them, then made a copy of the whole trio. Attachment nodes failed as usual, but then i attached them to some part and deleted the additional tanks (with some more reattaching, since one of additional tanks was parent to my test tank). And voila ! Extruded tank had his nodes intact !

Edited by fatcargo
more testing
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Sparker: Holy smokes that's weird. I'll have to try to replicate.

acc, fatcargo: yup, know about the node bug, working on it.

acc: are you sure you nuked stretchy folder and installed v8.1 fresh? Are you using MFT or RF or anything else that does things to fuels? That should have been fixed in 8.1.

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As far as i see it, at time of this bug i had active plugins : engineer redux, procedural fairings, actions on the fly, kerbal joint reinforecement, rcs build aid, kerbal alarm clock and procedural wings (dyj procedural dynamics). Of these, in SPH editor only engineer redux, rcs build aid and procedural wings were used. Another thing i discovered : if copying tank (causing faulty attachment points) and then attaching it to something (on first try or several retries) fixes attachment points. I will tomorrow try to remove all other plugins to clear up any unwanted interference (i zip them up right where they are - no change in folder structure/settings and KSP keeps quiet about it :) )

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fatcargo, like I said: I know the bug, I know what causes it, I'm working on it. If you just hold f or r to rescale the tank slightly, then rescale it back, the nodes pop back. It's because when KSP clones objects it doesn't quite copy everything (i.e. it doesn't copy node position, or (on MFT/RF side) tank contents).

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The only thing I don't understand about this mod is why I haven't used it earlier. It could've saved so much time making perfect delta-V/TWR match for my missions :)

By the way, did anyone try to insert SRBs..eerrr..as inline sepratrons? I tried it yesterday because I was a bit ashamed because of lot of main lifter stager flying around Kerbin (some of them with 30 km periapsis - I just love rail physics for distant objects), so I tried to insert smallest possible SRB between main engine and its fuel tank, stretching it to fit width in order not to break stability. SRBs weight was about 1.5-2 tons and it produced up to 1000 delta'v for decoupled stage - more than enough for deorbiting. Bad side is that it looks stupid (and burns into main fuel tank) and log is spammed with damage to that decoupled part (even though I never saw what exactly are consequences of such damages even on active vessel).

Another thing - why can't tanks be filled with xenon? I plan to remove most of fuel tanks (I used mostly KW Rocketry, but even they're obsolete with this mod) and the only thing that can't be replaced is xenon tanks.

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fatcargo, like I said: I know the bug, I know what causes it, I'm working on it. If you just hold f or r to rescale the tank slightly, then rescale it back, the nodes pop back. It's because when KSP clones objects it doesn't quite copy everything (i.e. it doesn't copy node position, or (on MFT/RF side) tank contents).

Thank you for prompt reply ! I have tested my KSP with all other plugins deactivated and same thing happened. And thank you for the tip ! Keep it going.

Edited by fatcargo
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acc: are you sure you nuked stretchy folder and installed v8.1 fresh? Are you using MFT or RF or anything else that does things to fuels? That should have been fixed in 8.1.

Yep, i removed the old folder before i installed 8.1 and i don't use MFT, RF or another fuel modification.

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I don't know if it's related to the current attachNode issue, but if a procedural interstage is attached to a lengthened stretchy tank whenever it is loaded in the editor the interstage is shifted so that it's placed as if it were attached to a stretchy tank of default length.

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Try replacing the dll in GameData/StretchyTanks/Plugins with this one:


See if that fixes the issue.

I tried this and it refused to change type to structural fuselage. Tried two tanks to combine with pwing and put in subassembly, it worked.

Though i can report a new oddity : when trying to make symmetry, sometimes it mirrored half takes some strange orientations. All i do then is move camera and try again. Not so bothersome, but may point some other underlying issue to be fixed down the road.

About attachment nodes - i did once modding a stock part via cfg and have discovered that when editor takes part from library and places it in design space, that part becomes independent from it's source in parts library. I modded part's cfg several times, restarted KSP, reloaded vehicle and found it's component unchanged, despite the changes in cfg. This "disconnect" from library upon placement really does not help the develepment of procedural parts ...

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Ferram: I'll have to look at e-dog's code. I really hope he's not grabbing node position OnLoad.

fatcargo: yes, that dll was only for acc. It's outdated, but I knew it removed fuels properly.

Haven't heard of the weird orientation stuff. A screenshot would be helpful...

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fatcargo: yes, that dll was only for acc. It's outdated, but I knew it removed fuels properly.

Haven't heard of the weird orientation stuff. A screenshot would be helpful...

Here is the shot of random symmetry event, despite it's somewhat ephemeral nature it wasn't so hard to capture it.

Aaand don't judge the book by it's covers, she flew even with stock parts, albeit hard on CPU because of 1500+ part count and it took some babysitting above 25 km. Once i delivered near 100t of deadweight payload to 73x73 orbit, left aftwerwards with nothing but fuel fumes.



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Oh, i would like to inform of you that the SRB thrust curve plugin for v0.23 is available now. (this sounds quite like promoting/advertising my plugin, but i do think thrust curves for SRB is very important :blush: )


It has one config brought with which will automatically give all solid boosters a thrust curve. but you might want your own curves.

So... the thrust curve is edit-able by Tweakable Parameter plugin (see my sig). I know it's a bit inconvenient to install two plugins just to achieve one purpose but well...

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Awesome. :) Just what was needed for big, realistic SRBs. Now, if only the curves were easily available... Besides ATK catalogue, I couldn't find any data on this, especially on ESA solids.

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Awesome. :) Just what was needed for big, realistic SRBs. Now, if only the curves were easily available... Besides ATK catalogue, I couldn't find any data on this, especially on ESA solids.

Ah damn... that ETC plugin contains a config that seems to be troublesome...

Don't use it until i found a way to fix that...

EDIT: Should have been fixed now. You'd better re-download it again.

Edited by HoneyFox
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Oh, i would like to inform of you that the SRB thrust curve plugin for v0.23 is available now. (this sounds quite like promoting/advertising my plugin, but i do think thrust curves for SRB is very important :blush: )


It has one config brought with which will automatically give all solid boosters a thrust curve. but you might want your own curves.

So... the thrust curve is edit-able by Tweakable Parameter plugin (see my sig). I know it's a bit inconvenient to install two plugins just to achieve one purpose but well...

Yay finally :D By the way I have no problem with downloading your tweakable plugin seperately but wouldn't it be easier to include it if it is needed? I guess as both are your own work yoo don't have to worry about license haha :wink:

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That's fine, I was writing from a laptop anyway. :) I didn't download it yet, because I only use the laptop for showcasing KSP to my friends at the university (and an occasional test flight). Almost all development is done at home, and transferred to the laptop afterwards. :)

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HoneyFox, you can post something that awesome in any thread of mine any time :)

Captain_Party: I assume you mean HoneyFox's engine thrust controller plugin (the OP should make clear what Stretchy does!). If so, ETC allows you to create a floatcurve that determines the solid rocket's thrust as a function of time. I.e. it could start at full thrust and decrease over time. (The pictures are "looking down" the solid motor casing.)

From Bob Braeunig's site, here's how different propellant shaping affects thrust (over time):


Link to discussion of solids: http://www.braeunig.us/space/propuls.htm#solid

Edited by NathanKell
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