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PorkWorks dev thread [Habitat Pack] [SpaceplanePlus]


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  Desrtfox said:
.rar is basically a standard too. Please go download either WinRAR or 7zip. 7zip is probably better. There's nothing about either of these formats that is difficult.

Incidentally, both .rar and .7z compress much better than zip.

here's a link to 7zip: http://www.7-zip.org/

My PC came with 7zip, but the two don't seem to get along very well :)

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  Porkjet said:
Update Download

Warning: Please delete the previous "PJ Hab Module" folder, as I've renamed it, your previous crafts will not load because of this, so evacuate your Kerbals and finish your missions before you update.

What I've done:

- finished centrifuge internals

- resized centrifuges hatch section because when exiting the hatch, my kerbals kept shooting into my crafts causing Gravity-like events.

- Overhaul of Orbital Orb (OoOO:confused:) - is now a command pod, slightly heavier, holds 50 monopropellant but has no reaction wheels, texture improved, window light animation added. IVA not made yet, changed placeholder IVA to Landercan

- made animations slower, centrifuge now rotates at realistic speed (10rpm)

I'm gonna make a proper realease thread sometime soon, but first I'll consume lots of christmas goose and eggnog.

Merry Christmas to you all.

It is done for a few days now ......

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Okay, so here's what this is about: The argontanks are compatible with near future.

The gold-ish colored ones are Liquid hydrogen, and not compatible with NFP, NFP uses gaseous hydrogen.

Why I'm doing this is, I want the nuclear engine to work like it's supposed to be. With big fat liquid hydrogen tanks.

Hydrogen gas turned out to not be an option because the density is so ridiculously low, you would probably need a tank the size of the VAB attached to your ship to get reasonable amount of dV with a nuclear engine. Of course i could just cram huge numbers into reasonably sized tanks, gas is stored under compression after all, but that's kinda unrealistic, and apparently by liquifying hydrogen you can make it more compact that you could reasonably compress it to in a gaseous state.

That's why I'm adding liquid hydrogen as a resource, even tho I'd prefer not to spam KSP with even more recources, but whatever.

And still: liquid hydrogen has only about ~7% the density of Liquid fuels (kerosene and hydrazine). For simplicity's sake I rounded this up to 10% the density of in-game liquidFuel and used the same amounts per tank as standard LF/O tanks (since LH2 is not stored under compression). So a jumbo-64 sized LH2 tank contains 6400 units of LH2 (2880units LF + 3520 Ox) and the nuclear engine will burn this tank 10 times faster than a LFO Jumbo.

I'll probably keep tweaking around on this after I have tested how this works in game and match it to the 'difficulty' of the game.

Edited by Porkjet
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  Porkjet said:

An army of tanks is waiting to be added to the game.

Those are extremely well done, and have a nice consistent style to them!

  Nertea said:
Holy baloney that's a lot of tanks.

And they look great!

Looks like you've got a bit of competition Nertea :P. It's a shame that these argon tanks have the same orange styling of your HydrogenGas tanks though :(

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  Porkjet said:

Okay, so here's what this is about: The argontanks are compatible with near future.

The gold-ish colored ones are Liquid hydrogen, and not compatible with NFP, NFP uses gaseous hydrogen.

Why I'm doing this is, I want the nuclear engine to work like it's supposed to be. With big fat liquid hydrogen tanks.

Hydrogen gas turned out to not be an option because the density is so ridiculously low, you would probably need a tank the size of the VAB attached to your ship to get reasonable amount of dV with a nuclear engine. Of course i could just cram huge numbers into reasonably sized tanks, gas is stored under compression after all, but that's kinda unrealistic, and apparently by liquifying hydrogen you can make it more compact that you could reasonably compress it to in a gaseous state.

That's why I'm adding liquid hydrogen as a resource, even tho I'd prefer not to spam KSP with even more recources, but whatever.

And still: liquid hydrogen has only about ~7% the density of Liquid fuels (kerosene and hydrazine). For simplicity's sake I rounded this up to 10% the density of in-game liquidFuel and used the same amounts per tank as standard LF/O tanks (since LH2 is not stored under compression). So a jumbo-64 sized LH2 tank contains 6400 units of LH2 (2880units LF + 3520 Ox) and the nuclear engine will burn this tank 10 times faster than a LFO Jumbo.

I'll probably keep tweaking around on this after I have tested how this works in game and match it to the 'difficulty' of the game.

  DasBananenbrot said:
Why not using Real Fuels?

Combined with stretchy tanks no less. Not that I'm trying to discourage you or anything Porkjet, they look great and people can always use new tanks, but some of us have been using nuclear engines the way they were meant to be used for awhile now :wink:

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  Porkjet said:

That's why I'm adding liquid hydrogen as a resource, even tho I'd prefer not to spam KSP with even more recources, but whatever.

I'm sure you'll figure it out for yourself once you start testing things, but liquid hydrogen by itself as a nuclear rocket propellant is an absolute $%^&.

Firstly, you'll need tons to get anywhere but these are vast tons that take up ridiculous amounts of space, so you'll need to make huge tanks that hold thousands of units of the stuff. Using the stock KSP tank mass ratios is just not workable for hydrogen alone, so you'll probably have to reduce that to a fraction of what it is.

Hydrogen/oxygen afterburning could work alright though, or any other number of exotic but poorer performing propellants.

Regardless of my opinions on that damn element, the tanks look very nice and I'm looking forward to some more habitat modules eventually.

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