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What DON'T we want in KSP?

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  crazyewok said:
Tell you what i dont want.

Sandbox fanbois forceing there style of play into career mod.

Career mod should be challenging and should be full of compitition.

I heavily agree.

Career must have loss conditions, risky tasks and make you really "Manage your Space Program", along with all the difficulties it can offer.

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  vexx32 said:
Eh, you've nothing to worry about there. The devs have stated previously that either there will be no DLC, or people that purchased the game prior to initial full release basically get any DLC as a free bonus.


Sorry for kinda offensive writing before, it is just something I do not want to see in final release.

Happy new year everyone! ;)

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  crazyewok said:
Tell you what i dont want.

Sandbox fanbois forceing there style of play into career mod.

Career mod should be challenging and should be full of compitition.

Myself I don`t want people who like to play a particular way to create an artificial divide between people who use different styles of play. There is no right or wrong way to play.

How exactly would `sandbox fanbois` force `their style of play` onto career? (this is very amusing as career has only been around for a couple of months)

I don`t even see that as possible.

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  vexx32 said:
Eh, you've nothing to worry about there. The devs have stated previously that either there will be no DLC, or people that purchased the game prior to initial full release basically get any DLC as a free bonus.
So given that this was a point of confusion, and that we believe that no matter what, a promise is a promise, we are including Expansions in what you can expect to get for free if you have already bought the game. Also, for those considering purchasing the game, we will maintain this promise for all purchases made until the end of this month (April, 2013).

We have to admit though, up until now, we hadn’t considered Expansion Packs to be the same as updates to KSP. That was in large part because we really had no plans for actual expansions at all.

But as you can imagine, over the course of the 2 and a half years we’ve been developing KSP, we’ve come across many ideas that we thought were very cool, but didn’t really fit the original scope of the game. Those would have led us astray from our vision of the complete game, not to mention that they could take many months, if not years, to implement.

Those ideas are massive undertakings, which is why we’d like to have them as optional additions, so we could have them without having to stretch the scope (and deadlines) for the main game.

So this is what we mean when we say Expansion Packs for KSP. We’re not talking about small content bundles, we’re talking about major game-changing sets of features, like Multiplayer, or Colonization. Things that add not just content, but new gameplay possibilities. Things that might not fit the initial concept very well, but we think are too cool to just cut off forever.

Please keep in mind though, that this isn’t us announcing or promising any particular Expansion Packs yet. We’re still quite a long way from that. Our one focus right now is to complete KSP, that is why career mode is the priority now. Once we get to what we can call a complete game, we’ll see where we go next from there.

This is the official line AFAIK. It`s why I got my copy of the game then.

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  Tangle said:
What I don't want is high-power weapons. Low-scale guns are fine, but only if they're like Whack-A-Kerbal: For fun only. No warfare. Warp drives sound fine to me, in any way.

If they impliment colonisation ect i think they should put in abit of warfare but make it a option the carebears csn turn off.

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  crazyewok said:
If they impliment colonisation ect i think they should put in abit of warfare but make it a option the carebears csn turn off.

Warfare with whom? There aren't going to be any aliens, and no competing space program, according to the info we have if I remember that correctly :rolleyes:

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  Skyler4856 said:
Really even KAS, infernal robotics, or kethane?

i see no problems with KAS and robotics in case that squad allow procedural parts in the future to reduce the amount of parts in the menu selection.

But Kethane?? What is kethane?? Oxigen? water? kerosene? what??

It makes me remind the tyberium resource from command & conquer.

Please, I want real resources. I hope it ends being close to the old resource chart made by NovaSilisko and Harvester.

Novasilisko left long time ago. I'm worried that maybe he has been the science guy of the game.


Low-scale guns are fine, but only if they're like Whack-A-Kerbal: For fun only. No warfare. Warp drives sound fine to me, in any way.

Weapons and FTL... seems like these stuff go on the hand.

This is a space program!! Who you wanna kill?

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  Ravenchant said:
Warfare with whom? There aren't going to be any aliens, and no competing space program, according to the info we have if I remember that correctly :rolleyes:

Well maybe they should put in competeting Kerbal nations. Bit of competition wont hurt and will expand the appeal of the game. Plus with you make it a OPTION that can be turned on or off you can please those than dont want and do.

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  AngelLestat said:

This is a space program!! Who you wanna kill?

Maybe a rival Kerbal nation thats tryiny to stick colonies and asets were you dont want?

Either way it should be a in game option or made avalible by Addon. That way everyone can be happy. You play it your way and others can play it theres.

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What I don't want to see:

*PvP as it is understood now -> **** off new comer with your advanced units. In fact no pvp at all would be fine. By extension I would be really cautious with multiplayer if you can deliberatly grief other players "oops sorry my poor little rocket blasted your nice space station you built endless days of work /troll." Some competition ok, but, I'm a carebear not a guy who enjoys to crush my pals.

*Free to play model. Cause it tends to ruins a game. Same with all business model who turn player in cashcow. When a game is good there is no point to use tricks to milk players, they pay cause they like the game. And so far, I will pay and be happy cause the game deserve it. DLC, as long they are nice and useful addons, no problem (depending price of course).

*Simplification. KSP is a complicated game despite his funny design and the blowing stuff entertainment. Make it simplier to allow total noskill to play it would ruin the game. I'm not against tutorial who clearly explain game's mechanics, in fact this is really needed, but nothing more. I don't wan't to see lemmings in this game even it's atm a solo game.

*Weapons. Ok There already are mods with weapons and the vids made me laugh but kerbals are not humans, the only tolerated violence is relative high speed rendez vous.

*the game becoming too much serious. I don't want to play Space Program Simulator 2013, I want to play Kerbal Space Program, with moar struts, moar rockets, blowing stuff, building WTFdesign rockets and land on other plantes with them.

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  Vahal said:

*the game becoming too much serious. I don't want to play Space Program Simulator 2013,

You see thats what I DO want (theres not exactly other game options). This is why there should be a seperation between Career mode and sandbox. Or better yet do what most games do have AJUSTABLE OPTIONS! Allow the player before they start to play pick there own game parameters that was no ones forced into playing a certain style.

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  John FX said:
Myself I don`t want people who like to play a particular way to create an artificial divide between people who use different styles of play. There is no right or wrong way to play.


Which is why there should be ajustable options at the start of game so we can all ajust our own games to how we like to play.

  John FX said:

How exactly would `sandbox fanbois` force `their style of play` onto career? (this is very amusing as career has only been around for a couple of months)


By demanding no resources and no money or what ever else requires work. Basicaly making career another sandbox version.

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It's not a matter of Career or Sanbox, it's a matter of taste between ppl who like realistic flavor simu and ppl who like some scifi fun. Imo KSP is a good mix of serious business gameplay and fun gameplay. If I want serious only game, I go play Take on Mars or same kind of games. Sandbox and Career have similar fun and seriousness, the only difference is that in Career you have to build your space program from scratch and Sandbox you're already the king of the hill and have only the challenges you want to face. Career is also a good start for beginners who are not flooded by tons and tons of parts when they are barely able to make fly a tiny rocket.

What you're saying is a difference of taste, not game option (Career/Sandbox) and seriously how can you want more serious game with those little green guys?

Really is that serious?


I can understand that ppl want serious space program, but Kerbal Space Program with less fun aspect it's like you wanted to have seriousness in Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon or Duke Nukem, It's not intended for that, I want serious FPS, I jump on ArmA III. KSP brings both fun and simu aspect in a nice shaped working game, making it less fun or less serious could break this balance and twist it in a way should be only allowed by mods not implemented in the game officially.

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On the whole 'STL vs FTL interplanetary' thing,

FTL is in the realm of theoretical physics, whereas the rest of KSP is grounded in fact (or an extrapolation of it to make the game playable and entertaining). It would be very out of place with the other parts and would kind of take away some if the fun of messing with orbital mechanics, planning all your manuvers and burns and 'ooh, will X work better that Y?'


I would not oppose FTL if it was implemented as

1. Extremely endgame

2. As close to realism as is possible

3. Insanely difficult


As in 'build colossal megaship, attach 10,000 tugs, fly into interstellar space with STL and throw the big red switch' difficult. If its just a matter of sending a 10t module into LKO and warping across space, count me out.

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  Vahal said:
It's not a matter of Career or Sanbox, it's a matter of taste between ppl who like realistic flavor simu and ppl who like some scifi fun. Imo KSP is a good mix of serious business gameplay and fun gameplay. If I want serious only game, I go play Take on Mars or same kind of games. Sandbox and Career have similar fun and seriousness, the only difference is that in Career you have to build your space program from scratch and Sandbox you're already the king of the hill and have only the challenges you want to face. Career is also a good start for beginners who are not flooded by tons and tons of parts when they are barely able to make fly a tiny rocket.

What you're saying is a difference of taste, not game option (Career/Sandbox) and seriously how can you want more serious game with those little green guys?

Really is that serious?


I can understand that ppl want serious space program, but Kerbal Space Program with less fun aspect it's like you wanted to have seriousness in Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon or Duke Nukem, It's not intended for that, I want serious FPS, I jump on ArmA III. KSP brings both fun and simu aspect in a nice shaped working game, making it less fun or less serious could break this balance and twist it in a way should be only allowed by mods not implemented in the game officially.

But diffrent tastes can be accomidated?

Options! Thats all you need options!

So you choose between sandbox or career.

You pick career.

So now you get a menu

Do you want realistic aerodynamics yes/no

Life support ye/no

Real reentry yes/no

Resources yes/no

Bugdet strict/easy/nonr

FTL yes/no

A rival kerbal nation yes/no


Get the idea? Everyone can tailor the game to themselfs.

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  crazyewok said:
But diffrent tastes can be accomidated?

Options! Thats all you need options!

So you choose between sandbox or career.

You pick career.

So now you get a menu

Do you want realistic aerodynamics yes/no

Life support ye/no

Real reentry yes/no

Resources yes/no

Bugdet strict/easy/nonr

FTL yes/no

A rival kerbal nation yes/no


Get the idea? Everyone can tailor the game to themselfs.

I'm going to throw "A huge options screen with dozens of game-changing toggles in it" into the DO NOT WANT list. Core gameplay should be core. Life Support, re-entry effects, and the way aerodynamics works is core gameplay and you should NEED a mod to change it.

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  5thHorseman said:
I'm going to throw "A huge options screen with dozens of game-changing toggles in it" into the DO NOT WANT list. Core gameplay should be core. Life Support, re-entry effects, and the way aerodynamics works is core gameplay and you should NEED a mod to change it.

Very this.

I can handle some basic pre-launch config in games, the Civ series tended to have this (size of game world, number of opponents, etc), but there's no need for that in a moddable game like KSP. The core game can have a standard set of features, and the community can provide alternatives through the mod system.

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