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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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I'd just like to confirm this bug. The current RealChutes release bugs crafts when they're loaded occasionally. I'll put a craft in orbit, come back to it, and parts are bugging away from the craft rapidly, crew is gone, planet is gone, but still in the orbit I left it, and moving. Also uncontrollable. The issue no longer happens after removing RealChutes. Running on OS X machine.

Due to recent events here, I'm not relying on a fix, just confirming slumpie's bug. I can live without RealChutes for a while. Hang in there stupid_chris. :)

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He wants your ouput_log.txt file if you are on a PC. player.log if Mac or Linux. The support threads elsewhere have detailed instructions on finding them. Those threads are stickied.

I can't give you detailed instructions myself at this time as my access is limited to an iPhone. Just typing this is a hassle.

edit: regarding Chris on break, anyone who can help you here wants the same thing he wants. Or they can't help. And you can post your logs using Dropbox to host them. That is the easiest solution I've seen both for the one posting the logs and the ones who have to retrieve and read the logs.

The one under the KSP_Data folder or Launcher_Data? (I'd assume KSP_Data, but lets be concise here)

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Well then...

I tried to recreate, succesfully, the quicksave reloading bug.

I thought I better remove all other mods (except MM of course), so yeah, no other mods involved.

Windows 32bit and latest realchute version by the way.

Output log:


What happened:

I started the game, loaded and launched a rocket. It was all fine then and RC was working perfectly fine, I even tested the chutes.

Then later in orbit I was no longer able to load quicksaves...

I never had this before, the f9 key just didn't work.

So I had to go to the space center and load the quicksave from there, which directly resulted in my rocket being buged. The only thing that remained was the docking port, the rest just vanished (although it was glitchly, sometimes the parts showed up for a split second). Oh and the staging was buged too.

I retried loading the quicksave, but with the same result.


Now... I'm actually not sure if it's really RealChute (although it's causing nullreferenceexceptions). I experienced something very similar in the pure stock game several times.

Often after reverting to launch the rocket bugs (plus some fancy fx reentry effects on the launchpad), the staging gets messed up and you can no longer control the rocket.

I'll try to recreate the situation in the stock game.

EDIT: I lied, I forgot to remove editor extensions...

Interesting, it's throwing errors trying to load config nodes from the Parachute class constructor. That's the most likely cause right there of parts of the rocket disappearing. Everything after chute load failure isn't initializing properly.

Whether that's linked to the other quickload failure you experienced I don't know. I've seen that happen before but I don't attribute it to any mod in particular. When the game gets in that state it's best to restart it or it could cause other problems.

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Here is a sample bug report template modified for use on this forum. Try it. Use it... LOOOOVEEEEE ITTT....


Bug Title - one liner


date the bug was found goes here

include the time, if you are submitting more than one bug


Operating System and version

KSP version

Mod version

other installed mods, if applicable

hardware information, if applicable


A concise description of what the problem is. Pure description, no narrative or conversational language.


Trivial, Minor, Major, or Catastrophic


Step by step instructions on how to reproduce this bug.

Do not assume anything, the more detailed your list of instructions, the easier it is for the developer to track down the problem!

Test these steps as you have them written. If they don't work then the bug is unreproducible and should not be reported yet.


Type what happens when you follow the instructions. This is the manifestation of the bug.


Type what you expected to happen when you followed the instructions. This is important, because you may have misunderstood something or missed a step, and knowing what you expected to see will help the developer recognize that.


Describe anything you did to try to fix it on your own.


If you found a way to make the mod work in spite of the bug, describe how you did it here.


output_log.txt or player.log

Edited by FlexGunship
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Removal of RealChute closes Admin building and erases Reputation Bar


TG626 - Ted Thompson

PM via forum




Operating System and version - Win7 64bit

KSP version - 0.25.642

Mod version -

other installed mods, if applicable - Environmental Visual Enhancement, Chatterer, Engineer, FASA Launch Clamps, HullCameraVDS, HyperEdit, KSP-AVC, MechJeb2, Docking Port Alignment (NavyFish), Procedural Fairings, SCANsat, Texture Replacer, Turbo Nisu Parts

hardware information, if applicable - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6BVIFMeRP1enZVZ1BYejVISkk/view?usp=sharing


Admin Building inaccessible, Reputation bar is missing - there is an open gap between the Funds counter and the Science display.




Start the included Persistant.sfs without RealChute installed.


Can't enter Admin building, even if I right click first and click the available "Enter" button, I get the message "This facility is close". Reputation bar is missing.


Normal behaviour with no RealChute parts.


Looked for references to RealChute contracts and/or parts in sfs file. Discovered that if I accepted a RealChute contract and then removed RealChute, all previous complete contracts regardless of agency, vanish from the in game list of completed contracts.





Edited by tg626
Moved file to Google Drive as Dropbox seems to be having fits ATM...
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Wow TG626, that was an awesomely written bug report! Kudos!

Unfortunately, it's nothing that Chris can do about in RealChute. Looks like a problem in the stock game. There should be some mechanism in place in stock KSP that cleans up contracts which are missing parts that the contract requires for completion. Either that system is not working or never existed in the first place. I shudder to think what would happen if a contract template or entire class went missing because a mod was uninstalled.

I strongly suspect you could replicate this in stock if you were to accept a contract to test a stock part and then removed the part that the contract depended on. (as in actually removed it from Squad's Parts folder)

Edit: To clarify this a bit, Chris did not code any contract functionality into the plugin. Instead he added a config file that adds RealChute and Wenkel Corporation as Agents. If any part has a manufacturer listed which has the same name as an Agent, then the stock contract system can generate contracts for that part. This is outside Chris's ability to do anything about other than to not add Agents to his mod. This is something that Squad needs to address in a future update or it seriously impedes a modder's ability to use the Contract System.

Edited by Starwaster
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Here's some additional info - if I make a Vanilla game with only Real Chute, play a few beginner contracts so I can get offered and accept a RealChute contract, then save and exit. Remove RealChute and restart, the rep bar and admin buildings are FINE. (Contracts still vanish, but that appears to be an unrelated issue, as you say)

Using the install and save game I provided earlier, I discovered something additional.

I tried removing just the PARTS folder in RealChute, thinking it would fix the problem but remove the buggy chutes from my VAB. When I did this, the Rep bar vanished and the admin building is closed. If I restore the PARTS folder, the Rep bar and admin building are also restored.

SO - is seems that the absence of the PARTS is the issue. Trouble is (and I may be blind, even though I am using Notepad++ to look at it) I can't find ANY reference to RealChute in my save game....

Anybody else want to take a look for me?

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Removal of RealChute closes Admin building and erases Reputation Bar


TG626 - Ted Thompson

PM via forum




Operating System and version - Win7 64bit

KSP version - 0.25.642

Mod version -

other installed mods, if applicable - Environmental Visual Enhancement, Chatterer, Engineer, FASA Launch Clamps, HullCameraVDS, HyperEdit, KSP-AVC, MechJeb2, Docking Port Alignment (NavyFish), Procedural Fairings, SCANsat, Texture Replacer, Turbo Nisu Parts

hardware information, if applicable - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-6BVIFMeRP1enZVZ1BYejVISkk/view?usp=sharing


Admin Building inaccessible, Reputation bar is missing - there is an open gap between the Funds counter and the Science display.




Start the included Persistant.sfs without RealChute installed.


Can't enter Admin building, even if I right click first and click the available "Enter" button, I get the message "This facility is close". Reputation bar is missing.


Normal behaviour with no RealChute parts.


Looked for references to RealChute contracts and/or parts in sfs file. Discovered that if I accepted a RealChute contract and then removed RealChute, all previous complete contracts regardless of agency, vanish from the in game list of completed contracts.





Wow TG626, that was an awesomely written bug report! Kudos!

No kidding... I strongly suspect there would be a lot more support if everything came in this way. Have you tried removing the *.dll and leaving the parts intact? Some parts may fail to load their respective modules, but I believe you should still be able to play the game.

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Here's some additional info - if I make a Vanilla game with only Real Chute, play a few beginner contracts so I can get offered and accept a RealChute contract, then save and exit. Remove RealChute and restart, the rep bar and admin buildings are FINE. (Contracts still vanish, but that appears to be an unrelated issue, as you say)

Using the install and save game I provided earlier, I discovered something additional.

I tried removing just the PARTS folder in RealChute, thinking it would fix the problem but remove the buggy chutes from my VAB. When I did this, the Rep bar vanished and the admin building is closed. If I restore the PARTS folder, the Rep bar and admin building are also restored.

SO - is seems that the absence of the PARTS is the issue. Trouble is (and I may be blind, even though I am using Notepad++ to look at it) I can't find ANY reference to RealChute in my save game....

Anybody else want to take a look for me?

One of your experimental parts is a RealChute part.

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Quickload F9 seperates the parts of my vessel


10/15/14 LogTime: around 00:45:00


Win7 Prof


DRE,FAR,USI-Mods,EPLP,TAC (LS,FB,SC),CLS,Contracts Window,KJR,Toolbar, Firespitter, NFP, KAS, MFT, Oblivion, SCANsat, RT, Alarmclock, Universal Storage, Tweakscale, TextureReplacer, Realchute, RCSbuildAid, Procedrual Fairing, Protactor, Infernal Robotics, EditorExtensions, Active Struts and perhaps some more


After rescueing one Kerbal from Orbit (Contract) my vessel crossed the hot zone (DRE) and I decided to quicksave, because i formerly recognized, that the parachutes were destroyed by heat, though i was in Atmosphere without reentry effects. I think it depends on velocity... To be sure that my kerbals land savely I did a quicksave at 12km height. After staging the parachutes (also for fullfilling a contract) they were destroyed as I expected. I did a quickload and my vessel comes in two pieces, see pictures at dropbox. The pod belongs to the gap between heatshield and the rcs tank with batteries. The chute should be at the rcs tank near the batteries, but it isn't. Furthermore on top of the pod, there have been some solarpannels... they are gone too.


Deadly, i think for the kerbals.


I did multiple quickloads, with the same results, see log at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/byeh9pg50gfnsf1/AABfuVWRdhsE9zJ7AC4VtZ9sa?dl=0

I've looked at the Log and there are some entries might be related to the bug...

1. staging chutes... why are they deactivated short time after activating through staging

[LOG 00:45:05.065] [RealChute]: parachuteRadial was activated in stage 1

[LOG 00:45:05.067] [parachuteRadial]: Activated

[LOG 00:45:05.069] [RealChute]: parachuteRadial was activated in stage 1

[LOG 00:45:05.070] [parachuteRadial]: Activated

[LOG 00:45:05.109] [RealChute]: parachuteRadial was deactivated

[LOG 00:45:06.076] [RealChute]: parachuteRadial was deactivated

2. This shows up every quickload... more or less the same syntax

[EXC 00:45:29.082] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

RealChute.Parachute.Load (.ConfigNode node)

RealChute.Parachute..ctor (RealChute.RealChuteModule module, .ConfigNode node)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.<LoadParachutes>b__20 (.ConfigNode n)

System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectIterator>c__Iterator10`2[ConfigNode,RealChute.Parachute].MoveNext ()

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute].AddEnumerable (IEnumerable`1 enumerable)

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[RealChute.Parachute]..ctor (IEnumerable`1 collection)

RealChute.RealChuteModule.LoadParachutes ()

RealChute.RealChuteModule.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node)

PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node)

Part.LoadModule (.ConfigNode node, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartModuleSnapshot.Load (.Part hostPart, System.Int32& moduleIndex)

ProtoPartSnapshot.Load (.Vessel vesselRef, Boolean loadAsRootPart)

ProtoVessel.LoadObjects ()

Vessel.Load ()

Vessel.MakeActive ()

FlightGlobals.setActiveVessel (.Vessel v, Boolean force)

FlightGlobals.SetActiveVessel (.Vessel v)

FlightDriver.Start ()

Last... does anyone have a quick solution to get my kerbals home... regardless rewards for contracts... just save my kerbals ;-)

Edit: The vessel is frozen after quickload... if i warp twice it falls down and falls further in 1x timewarp, but instead of smashing at the ground it falls into kerbin until it reaches -1138m

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Hi funk!

Two things

  1. If you link to a log, please use output_log.txt, not ksp.log. (ksp.log lacks important details that are present in output_log.txt) (Mac/Linux users want player.log; there is no output_log.txt for them )
  2. Can you provide the save file where you're having this problem? I have an idea about the problem I want to investigate but need to be able to reproduce it reliably. (and it might let you get your Kerbals home)

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Thx for quick reply i'm currently uploading the files...

ehem... there is no output log in the folder... will i have to close the game first? Didn't work.. no outputlog in session folder... sry my fault I've found it

Nevertheless i load the last persitent save, which was saved a few minutes before the bug occured... the rescue-ship wasn't loaded... and the Kerbal is back in Orbit. Crew seems to be lost :-(

Edited by funk
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One of your experimental parts is a RealChute part.

Indeed! I was just coming to report that I succeeded in repairing my persistant.sfs file. I hunted down all mentions of rc.whatever and removed them - I pulled the lines with them in experimental parts, and deleted the contracts that had rc.xxx parts within them.

Pursuant to the idea of pulling JUST the dll, yes, that did make it work correctly, though I did have "dud" RealChute parts in the VAB/SPH.

So it appears that THIS issue is indeed pointing to a lack of error trapping when a mod that has contracts is pulled.

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Don't know if this is helping... Log repeating something like this at various places:

[WRN 00:13:10.718] [RealChute]: Could not find the canopy parachute model within library

[WRN 00:13:10.720] [RealChute]: Could not find the case texture at the index [0] within library

[LOG 00:13:14.733] parachuteRadial(Clone) added to ship - part count: 32

[LOG 00:13:14.734] stage count is: 2

[LOG 00:13:22.283] EditorExtensions: Setting symmetry to 1

[WRN 00:13:22.289] [RealChute]: Could not find the case texture at the index [0] within library

Perhaps it is related to

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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So it appears that THIS issue is indeed pointing to a lack of error trapping when a mod that has contracts is pulled.

I think you may be right :)

I had the same happen after premoving AJE with related 'part test' contracts active, so it's not RealChute specific. - Unfortunately logs long gone now.

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im new to using this mod, i dont know if this is intended but my landing gear burns up on re-entry am i supposed to use some kind of heat protected version? ergo how do you land with legs intact

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im new to using this mod, i dont know if this is intended but my landing gear burns up on re-entry am i supposed to use some kind of heat protected version? ergo how do you land with legs intact

RealChute should not be doing that, because RealChute just adds some parachutes, and in theory, functionality to existing parachutes. Are you referring to Deadly Reentry? In that case: make sure your landing gear is tucked away behind a heatshield: I will often use a procedural heatshield from Procedural Parts which is just a bit wider than the rest of my craft. Anything which sticks out more than the tiniest bit from your heatshield is liable to fry if you're using Deadly Reentry.

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