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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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I'm a little confused on version...

Github has



BUT... the that I downloaded reports itself as "" in KSP-AVC

Did I get something wrong??

BTW - seems to have fixed the "can't reload vessel/eveything but the capsule is gone" bug.

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I'm a little confused on version...

Github has



BUT... the that I downloaded reports itself as "" in KSP-AVC

Did I get something wrong??

BTW - seems to have fixed the "can't reload vessel/eveything but the capsule is gone" bug.

Forum number will always be the good one. If the title says, it's

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Forum number will always be the good one. If the title says, it's

The GitHub repo is actually out of date in this instance. See the OnActive() being in GitHub but not in the release. Then again people shouldn't be poking around github expecting release software.

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Forum number will always be the good one. If the title says, it's

Should I edit the version file to reflect Right now it's (I wouldn't have even noticed, but KSP-AVC shows the version #s during loading...)

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I just installed the latest RealChutes as part of a RealismOverhaul install. It pops up a warning saying it's incompatible with the version of unity (at the loading screen). This is on mac. If this isn't known, I'm happy to grab any logs or whatever's helpful for debugging.

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Hello. Not sure if this is a known issue or not. But I'm getting this in my log after adding realchute. Everything seems to be working fine otherwise. Using 32bit ksp and most recent versions of everything.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.MeshFilter:set_sharedMesh (UnityEngine.Mesh)
at SpriteMesh.CreateMesh () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SpriteMesh.get_mesh () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SpriteRoot.Delete () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at SpriteBase.Delete () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIListItemContainer.Delete () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIScrollList.RemoveItem (Int32 index, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy, Boolean doEasing) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at UIScrollList.RemoveItem (IUIListObject item, Boolean destroy) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ApplicationLauncher.RemoveModApplication (.ApplicationLauncherButton button) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at RealChute.SettingsWindow.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Would someone help me start troubleshooting an interesting problem I've found? I'm not sure if it's this mod, SDHI, or both that have this issue, but SDHI and RealChutes' parts appear to have this really weird red shading. And RealChutes' parts don't have their normal textures. I'm not sure what info I should provide, nor whether I should report this to both mod authors.

Umm... why am I getting ignored? Is it something I'm doing wrong?

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And something else (which the linked post doesn't suggest but should be common sense)

post a screenshot of the red shaded part. Because if you say a thing like that and nobody else has ever seen it, they have no idea what you're talking about, so they don't say anything. Saying would be knowing. Do not know so cannot say :P

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Quick question...

The tech requirements and cost/entry costs in RealChutes seems rather strange. In the MM configs I noticed that it changes the cost of stock chutes. Meanwhile, all of RealChutes own parachutes are marked as free. With strange entryCosts as well, I think. And it seems odd that the cone chute comes at the start, before you have anything which even fits it.

I don't mind writing something to reconfigure all of this to something that makes more sense, but I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something first...

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Quick question...

The tech requirements and cost/entry costs in RealChutes seems rather strange. In the MM configs I noticed that it changes the cost of stock chutes. Meanwhile, all of RealChutes own parachutes are marked as free. With strange entryCosts as well, I think. And it seems odd that the cone chute comes at the start, before you have anything which even fits it.

I don't mind writing something to reconfigure all of this to something that makes more sense, but I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something first...

The costs are variable dependent on configuration. Click the action groups tab up at the top, click on the parachute, and you get options to toggle size of case, material and size of parachutes, autodeploy altitude/pressure*, and other things. Once you click "set parameters", the cost and mass of the parachute will adjust itself based on how big the parachutes are.

*If you play with Deadly Reentry, for the thousandth time, don't deploy your parachutes until you're below 200 m/s on Kerbin. It can go a bit higher on light atmospheres like Duna, and slower in Eve's "thou shalt not return" atmosphere. Look up the Apollo parachute deployment profile for a good guideline. I tend to set auto-predeploy at 6-7 km, and full deployment at 500-700m.

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I just installed RealChute, but only 4 are showing up in the parts window of the VAB. Looking in the parts folder in GameData, there are only 4 .cfg's. Should there not be one for each chute model?

That's because RealChute comes only with four parachutes: resizable cone, double-cone, stack, and radial parachutes (click on the Action Groups tab, and then the parachute to tweak).

EDIT: Also, to save us all further posts: delete the stock parachutes config file in RealChute/Module Manager (something about 0.25 caused stock parachutes to horribly break the game if modified to act as RealChutes), and if using Deadly Reentry, don't deploy parachutes at supersonic (> 330 m/s) velocities. Wait until you're at 200-250 m/s or so.

Edited by Starman4308
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You can't fix the warning – there's nothing to fix except rephrasing it to say "may be incompatible" instead of "is incompatible."

With 0.25, KSP for Macs uses a different version of Unity than all other platforms. It's just a warning saying that you may experience problems that stupid_chris couldn't account for, since her/his KSP doesn't use that version of Unity.

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hi im trying to juse your mod for ksp 25.0 but its not working for me i do have the parts but not the interface and no chute icon in the stage bar plz help

Are you running x64? Stupid_chris set the mod to automatically disable itself if used with the x64 version of KSP .25.

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hi im trying to juse your mod for ksp 25.0 but its not working for me i do have the parts but not the interface and no chute icon in the stage bar plz help

See this post for detailed instructions.

The most common trip-ups with RealChute:

#1: 64-bit Windows. Chris got fed up with x64 support requests (because for some people, including Chris, Windows x64 is an unstable piece of crap), and disabled his mod for Windows x64. Linux x64 works perfectly well. Use 32-bit, use Linux 64-bit, or eliminate the check from the source code and recompile*.

#2: The stock parachute configuration file (in RealChute/Module Manager) causes major issues: either delete the config, or never use stock parachutes.

#3: Wait until 200-250 m/s to deploy your parachutes if using Deadly Reentry. Supersonic speeds eat parachutes, and the speed of sound is ~330-350 m/s.

*It basically means reprogramming his mod yourself to eliminate the x64 check. Also, if you go this route, just be aware that Chris won't lift a finger to fix bugs for you: you recompile at your own risk with no expectation of support.

Edited by Starman4308
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