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[WIP][TechTree @ 0.23.5] - [MS19e] - Realistic Progression LITE


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  MedievalNerd said:

But for the VAB information. I'm actually stuck with some stupid problems of description lenght/size. I tried to put more info in the research nodes, but someone pointed out that my long winded description spills out of the boxes. D:

Can't put it in the part description for each part? I'm sorry if it's a silly question, I don't know much about modding it's just that some parts seem to have altered descriptions and some not. But yeah, like I said it's not a big deal. Other science doesn't have the info either, the probes are just so spesific it'd be nice. I'm sure you have a lot on your plate anyway right now, can focus on polishing later :)

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  Creature said:
Can't put it in the part description for each part? I'm sorry if it's a silly question, I don't know much about modding it's just that some parts seem to have altered descriptions and some not. But yeah, like I said it's not a big deal. Other science doesn't have the info either, the probes are just so spesific it'd be nice. I'm sure you have a lot on your plate anyway right now, can focus on polishing later :)

We shall see, but I think the same problem existed in that as well. Although with the new dynamic description boxes... hmm... Yeah, might work! I'll redo description in another hotfix though, plowing through the remaining things.

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Almost there!

Planned MS19b Fixes - Version 2

Tree Updates

•Move ALL stretchy or PP parts to starting nodes FIXED

•Get Real Chutes back in... (Oups, They will be assigned to starting nodes) FIXED

•Move all Fairings to starting nodes. FIXED

•Put Vanguard probe where it's supposed to be. FIXED

•Temporarily move all plane parts to the first node. (Except any KSPI scoops) FIXED

• Add Procedural Wings & Place them in starting node. FIXED

• Lower Costs of Nodes to help early testing FIXED

• Updated Tree Layout FIXED

Plugin Fixes

•Update method for situations to reflect new RSS V6 atmospheric calculations FIXED

CFG Fixes

•Increase payout for WAC-Bumper experiments & Fix Data Recorder limit FIXED

•Review payouts for Sputnik 1 & 2 InProgres

•Fix issues with FASA's Explorer 1 Custom Experiments

•Fix Stretchy & Fairings size limitations & bind to RPL Tech nodes FIXED

•Temporarily remove changes to stock instruments. (Thermometer, etc.) FIXED

•Update tech levels for Real Fuels to match RPL (SRBs & Fuel engines) FIXED

•Remove confusing MS17/18 legacy experiments - FIXED

•Review atmo flags for all experiments - FIXED

•Fix resizing issues with root parts. (... D: ) - FIXED

•Add pre-edited RT2 Settings file. - FIXED

OP Updates

• Update New Altitude Cutoffs

• Put updated version of MS19 tech tree

• Include full patch notes

• Update installations notes to include all necessary CFGs. (To play as intended)

- Brooklyn666 Antenna Range/Power overhaul (Merged with RO)

- Reach For The Stars Engine Config

- RedAV8R's FASA Realism patch Merged with RO

- RSS new Biomes patch/config

- RO TAC Patch files

- Real Fuels ECLSS Patch files


•Add Sample collection around Earth Orbit & on Moon.

•Find my damn Venera & Mars probes, or make quick new ones. (The fly bys)

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Typing so many FIXEDs must feel so satisfying! :D

Keep up the good work and don't forget to enjoy it yourself.

  MedievalNerd said:

• Lower Costs of Nodes to help early testing FIXED

If this fix would have RPL feel playable to the common player, I would suggest using an alternative way, perhaps a custom mission in MCE to grant a major science boost, or a custom science probe hidden from general release (separate download?) to grant lots of science.

Edited by Visari
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  Visari said:
Typing so many FIXEDs must feel so satisfying! :D

Keep up the good work and don't forget to enjoy it yourself.

Haha! Yes it was! And Nathan gave a really huge helping hand!

With this hotfix coming out I've posted a donation button on the OP page for those who are crazy enough to want to feed me Wunderbars or Monster Energy drinks! Or in other words RPL FUEL!

Woo Woo!

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  Visari said:
Typing so many FIXEDs must feel so satisfying! :D

Keep up the good work and don't forget to enjoy it yourself.

If this fix would have RPL feel playable to the common player, I would suggest using an alternative way, perhaps a custom mission in MCE to grant a major science boost, or a custom science probe hidden from general release (separate download?) to grant lots of science.

Yeah, I had a mission that would only need you to have a probe on the LP, and you'd get 100k science. lol

I don't know where it is, and can't stop the train now! woo woo!

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Why lower costs for testing? If you want a heap of science, you just edit the persistent.sfs save file and edit this bit



name = ResearchAndDevelopment

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

sci = 38.79179


to be however much you like. Then you can 'test' however you feel like yet build in balance from day 1

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  Ratzap said:
Why lower costs for testing? If you want a heap of science, you just edit the persistent.sfs save file and edit this bit



name = ResearchAndDevelopment

scene = 7, 8, 5, 6, 9

sci = 38.79179


to be however much you like. Then you can 'test' however you feel like yet build in balance from day 1

Balance at this stage is still highly arbitrary, so it's not going to have any impacts or is it representative of the final product. :)

But that's a cool fix!

Edited by MedievalNerd
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Earth has alot of science to offer, even without custom probes

You have 9 biomes with surface, flying, high atmosphere, near space and high space areas.. access to EVA, crew reports, goo, temp seismic, gravity and pressure experiments, plus magnetosphere probe and upto 6 impact stations on earth...all available fairly early worth maybe 100 science points. Add that all up and thats a few thousand science in itself with no additional experiments (like adding SCANsat or doing the custom experiments).

Then you have the moon that is fairly accessible (hard to locate its biomes, but it has a fair number of them)

due to issues i have with science archives always being blank (custom biomes issue maybe?) i have found this mod useful for tracking science points gathered/in storage/remaining:


Edited by Guest
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  Aazard said:
Earth has alot of science to offer, even without custom probes

You have 9 biomes with surface, flying, high atmosphere, near space and high space areas.. access to EVA, crew reports, goo, temp seismic, gravity and pressure experiments, plus magnetosphere probe and upto 6 impact stations on earth...all available fairly early worth maybe 100 science points. Add that all up and thats a few thousand science in itself with no additional experiments (like adding SCANsat or doing the custom experiments).

Then you have the moon that is fairly accessible (hard to locate its biomes, but it has a fair number of them)

due to issues i have with science archives always being blank (custom biomes issue maybe?) i have found this mod useful for tracking science points gathered/in storage/remaining:


True, but I rather not people have to grind earth in order to progress. The initial point of RPL was to remove the grind aspect of getting science.

But don't you people worry, another objective of RPL is to provide a challenge! So as the experiments populate the nodes, we'll be able to fine tune difficulty. I'll even put up a poll so we can get an idea of how people perceive the difficulty. But we aren't there yet! :)

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Need to finish up the new screenshot of the tech tree layout, and update the OP. And it's time to fire up those engines boys & girls!

Planned MS19b Fixes - Version 2

Tree Updates

•Move ALL stretchy or PP parts to starting nodes FIXED

•Get Real Chutes back in... (Oups, They will be assigned to starting nodes) FIXED

•Move all Fairings to starting nodes. FIXED

•Put Vanguard probe where it's supposed to be. FIXED

•Temporarily move all plane parts to the first node. (Except any KSPI scoops) FIXED

• Add Procedural Wings & Place them in starting node. FIXED

• Lower Costs of Nodes to help early testing FIXED

• Updated Tree Layout FIXED

Plugin Fixes

•Update method for situations to reflect new RSS V6 atmospheric calculations FIXED

•Fix ChemTrail Module (Luna 1) FIXED

CFG Fixes

•Increase payout for WAC-Bumper experiments & Fix Data Recorder limit FIXED

•Review payouts for Sputnik 1 & 2 Fixed

•Fix issues with FASA's Explorer 1 Custom Experiments Fixed

•Fix Stretchy & Fairings size limitations & bind to RPL Tech nodes FIXED

•Temporarily remove changes to stock instruments. (Thermometer, etc.) FIXED

•Update tech levels for Real Fuels to match RPL (SRBs & Fuel engines) FIXED

•Remove confusing MS17/18 legacy experiments - FIXED

•Review atmo flags for all experiments - FIXED

•Fix resizing issues with root parts. (... D: ) - FIXED

•Add pre-edited RT2 Settings file. - FIXED

OP Updates

• Update New Altitude Cutoffs IN PROGRESS!

• Put updated version of MS19 tech tree IN PROGRESS!

• Include full patch notes IN PROGRESS!

• Update installations notes to include all necessary CFGs. (To play as intended) DONE!

- Brooklyn666 Antenna Range/Power overhaul (Merged with RO)

- Reach For The Stars Engine Config Will add to OP

- RedAV8R's FASA Realism patch Merged with RO

- RSS new Biomes patch/config Merged with RSS

- RO TAC Patch files Merged with RO

- Real Fuels ECLSS Patch files Merged with RealFuels


•Created Placeholder Mars 1 Probe (Flyby) DONE!

•Created Placeholder Venera 1 Probe (Flyby) DONE!

•Add Sample collection around Earth Orbit & on Moon.

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OMG, small issue trying to get a nice little file setup for RPL

i am trying to get TAC RO fix put together that is more realistic then what i can find, getting and checking the "real life" numbers was the easy part lol. Anyone else here looking to have a better RO working TAC? If so message me, my MM skills just arnt good enough to learn as i go on TAC's files (too many settings/entries i dont 100% understand)

I repeat if you can spare the advice i could use the assistance (i'm a fast learner, but i need someone more experienced to explain my pitfalls)

Sorry to post this in RPL thread, but it is somewhat related and i figured the RO, TAC and RPL threads were the places to ask for the help

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Howdy all!

RPL MS19b Hotfix is out! Delete all your old files before updating!

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT! NanthanKell is working on a few key updates to RO/RSS tonight so sleep on this update until tomorrow! ;)

Now I have to go pass out!

MS19b - Tech Tree Layout Below!

If you'd like to contribute to my stash of Wunderbars & Monster Energy drinks, please feel free to donate! 100% of the calories gained will be directed towards RPL development at my discretion.



heberger une image

Edited by MedievalNerd
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Hey Aazard, apologies for non-presence in the RO thread last couple days; as you can tell by MN's post (and the stuff in RSS) I've been kinda swamped. I will get to it asap (although not until after RO v5 that's coming out tonight, that will be last RO with ECLSS; hopefully in another few days with your help v5.1 will switch to TAC), and if you hop on #kspmodders some time I can walk you through stuff.

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Hello, MedievalNerd. Thank you for your harmonious techtree.

And I found some bugs.:(

1. Vanguard's (LS)Radiation Reading experiment works in FlyingHigh.

2. Explorer probe can't store data resource.

Edited by Kerbium
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Hi MN, thanks for the mod + hotfix (I've been barely touching KSP for the last few months and this has fired my enthusiasm). Found a minor bug where the Kerbin Low Space radiation experiment (can't remember the name of the first probe core :confused:) requires 750 units of data but the probe core can only hold 500. I can't even figure out where this is defined so I can change it myself

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  TheFluffiestThing said:
Hi MN, thanks for the mod + hotfix (I've been barely touching KSP for the last few months and this has fired my enthusiasm). Found a minor bug where the Kerbin Low Space radiation experiment (can't remember the name of the first probe core :confused:) requires 750 units of data but the probe core can only hold 500. I can't even figure out where this is defined so I can change it myself

Uhm, are you using the latest file? I just double checked and that's been fixed. Are you using MS19b files? And are you using the latest RO/RSS updates, which might have been released overnight?

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I did a complete clean reinstall (not that big a deal, considering my setup was completely shot before) and it looks really awesome, lots of thanks and praise from this end of the galaxy for your hard work!

One thing I noticed, though, the "Early Probes" research node contains the WAC Corporal experiments thrice, one of them would need to be researched for 6500. It doesn't stay researched, though, when you switch to the VAB you can only activate one WAC, with the other one grayed out and the "Requires an Entry Purchase in R&D" locking it. There is no second probe besides the WAC in the early probe node (wasn't there one before? I think I remember a tiny Sputnik from the old M19a).

I am rather sure I did everything right this time, did I miss something?

Edit: After reading a few config files (especially RPL_Vanguard.cfg) I get the idea that this surplus WAC should actually be a Vanguard. But ... it isn't.

Edit2: After some more searching, I think it might have to do with RO. I guess I'll wait for NathanKell to release his next version and then continue.

Edited by Ivan Ivanovich
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  Ivan Ivanovich said:
I did a complete clean reinstall (not that big a deal, considering my setup was completely shot before) and it looks really awesome, lots of thanks and praise from this end of the galaxy for your hard work!

One thing I noticed, though, the "Early Probes" research node contains the WAC Corporal experiments thrice, one of them would need to be researched for 6500. It doesn't stay researched, though, when you switch to the VAB you can only activate one WAC, with the other one grayed out and the "Requires an Entry Purchase in R&D" locking it. There is no second probe besides the WAC in the early probe node (wasn't there one before? I think I remember a tiny Sputnik from the old M19a).

I am rather sure I did everything right this time, did I miss something?

Edit: After reading a few config files (especially RPL_Vanguard.cfg) I get the idea that this surplus WAC should actually be a Vanguard. But ... it isn't.

The issue is that RO isn't updated yet, sometime this afternoon. And me & Nathan have been playing hot potato with the WAC parts. :) The third one might be because you can't the .kept file in your game data folder? Make sure to not keep any zips or arj files in your installation folder.

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