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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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OK, I just tried 2-4 and the game fully loaded that time. I exited the game at the main menu, then restarted it as instructed. Unfortunately, things got totally borked.

I'd include screenshots, but taking screenshots is one of the things that didn't work. I also had a large number of graphical glitches including:

1) The weird lighting issues others have described up thread.

2) My stock fairings were translucent -- you could see silhouettes of the engines underneath.

3) The navball disappeared and reappeared randomly.

4) Kerbin disappeared entirely, then was replaced by a jagged white circle.

5) My ship disappeared in orbit -- all that was left was a silhouette of it against a white Kerbin with silhouettes of the continents.

6) Finally the game crashed trying to allocate a giant gob of memory.

Mind you, this was on an install that was working perfectly prior to installing the latest version of Active Memory Reduction.

Sadly, I'm going to have to reinstall KSP and all my mods from scratch. Here's my full log should you want it.

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OK, I just tried 2-4 and the game fully loaded that time. I exited the game at the main menu, then restarted it as instructed. Unfortunately, things got totally borked.

I'd include screenshots, but taking screenshots is one of the things that didn't work. I also had a large number of graphical glitches including:

1) The weird lighting issues others have described up thread.

2) My stock fairings were translucent -- you could see silhouettes of the engines underneath.

3) The navball disappeared and reappeared randomly.

4) Kerbin disappeared entirely, then was replaced by a jagged white circle.

5) My ship disappeared in orbit -- all that was left was a silhouette of it against a white Kerbin with silhouettes of the continents.

6) Finally the game crashed trying to allocate a giant gob of memory.

Mind you, this was on an install that was working perfectly prior to installing the latest version of Active Memory Reduction.

Sadly, I'm going to have to reinstall KSP and all my mods from scratch. Here's my full log should you want it.

Did you alter the config file in any way? To revert the changes, you should be able to remove the folders in the config, reload KSP to main menu, close and delete the memory reduction mod and everything should be back to normal.

What OS are you using?

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I dont seem to be having quite the graphical problems that others do, but even after I get all my part addon folders added into the config I still dont save as much memory as I do using just 1-1 Texture Compressor.

Yeah, the config must be updated for all the mods that you use, and even then, you may have to adjust scalling/mipmaps/max_size parameters. It basically allows you to change the size of textures in memory without having to install texture reduction packs and handle mipmap generation.

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Did you alter the config file in any way? To revert the changes, you should be able to remove the folders in the config, reload KSP to main menu, close and delete the memory reduction mod and everything should be back to normal.

What OS are you using?

No, I didn't alter the config. I just deleted your previous version and dropped in this version of Active Memory Reduction.

I'm using Windows Vista Business 32-bit, 2GB memory.

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Yeah, the config must be updated for all the mods that you use, and even then, you may have to adjust scalling/mipmaps/max_size parameters. It basically allows you to change the size of textures in memory without having to install texture reduction packs and handle mipmap generation.
Ahh, so noobs like me should just stick with 1-1 ;p
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Data from me:

Trying out the 2-4 version.

I'm noting that a large number of textures that have gone blank on various parts. And by blank I mean it appears to be a white model with no color. Seems to be hit and miss across parts.

I note parts affected from:

- AEIS: All parts

- Remote Tech 2: All Parts

- Extraplanetary: Some parts.

There may be an error between desk and chair on my end, but only if I have to do something to 'reset' textures when I pulled earlier iterations of the compressor out. At the moment, I'm using only the default configuration.

EDIT: Cancel that, found it. It was a BDC Error.

Note, the above are symptoms of forgetting that initial restart. (Was too busy just trying to find a version that makes it to the main menu and forgot to do that.)

Edited by AdmiralTigerclaw
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Data from me:

Trying out the 2-4 version.

I'm noting that a large number of textures that have gone blank on various parts. And by blank I mean it appears to be a white model with no color. Seems to be hit and miss across parts.

I note parts affected from:

- AEIS: All parts

- Remote Tech 2: All Parts

- Extraplanetary: Some parts.

There may be an error between desk and chair on my end, but only if I have to do something to 'reset' textures when I pulled earlier iterations of the compressor out. At the moment, I'm using only the default configuration.

EDIT: Cancel that, found it. It was a BDC Error.

Note, the above are symptoms of forgetting that initial restart. (Was too busy just trying to find a version that makes it to the main menu and forgot to do that.)

Had the same problem with the Boat parts, which I solved by adding the folder name in the right place in the config file. I do have Remote tech and Extraplanetary but didn't notice anything bad. My only problem is the fact that parts now look very downgraded in quality. Maybe it's my fault since I just dropped it in a game that already had the 1-1 version in it and might have over done it there. Dunno though

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I, too, prefer the 1-1 approach. On-the-fly reduction with no messing about with other mod folders.

I think that 1-1 and 2-x should be presented as separate mods. Like the first is aimed at people who want a fire-and-forget solution while the newer releases are for those who want to fine-tune things.

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While the ability to tweak individual mods is handy, it would be nice if by default it still applied the memory saving features of v1.1 to all loaded parts.

This is the best idea. Apply the 1-1 techniques by default and have the option for more aggressive changes available for use too.

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AWESOME.... I managed to reduce memory usage from 3.1 to 1.9 GB at game start today, and I nearly see no quality loos THX

But it seams to have problems with following mods:



Ksp Interstellar

The coversion to tga works fine, but the compression during game start causes random crashes

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Aside from avoiding the memory crash, it sounds like this is giving people better performance (especially FPS).

My FPS has gone to hell since the 0.23 update, and I'm trying to ascertain it's NOT this mod--I thought compression might be doing a number on my CPU or GPU, but I have a fairly modern system (470GTX in SLI), so it could be that I need to reinstall KSP.

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Yeah I had same thing, I posted it here:


I wasn't using Active Memory Reduction Mod 2-4, I still use 1-1. I did try out 2-2 last night but took it out and removed most of the files left behind. So I can't say it was Memory Mod. Unless there was something left behind.

I am using the latest Visual Enhancement 6-7, are you using the same?

I had some odd visual glitches with Kerbin coming from a highly inclined orbit.


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While the ability to tweak individual mods is handy, it would be nice if by default it still applied the memory saving features of v1.1 to all loaded parts.

Most of the mods I tried 2-4 on did not seem to benefit from it.

B9 and KW seem to benifit the most.

I also tried it on Kethane and KSP Interstellar. Kethane actually increased it by a few MB, Interstellar made it crash.

Overall it seems to cut down on the ram usage more, be warned that if you install B9 or KW's texture reduction packs you may have issues. Since it seemed to increase usage over what the packs saved.

Edited by Donziboy2
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Well I am at a bit of a stand still here. I have too much time invested on my current mission to reinstall my game and mods. So I need this to work.. All my stock textures are a white out. So I tried what you said rbray a few pages back. Delete the folder lines in the config, run ksp-close-delete mod-restart. Game locks up just before main menu. I figure ok because I have no more compression.. so start deleting mods. One major part pack at a time I stripped my gamedata folder. Each time the same lock up ( and again this is without the mod idk wth happened). Something is wrong.. down. So as is I cannot run my game without 2-4 ( and only 2-4, 1-1 locks up ) and with it I have white textures. .. quite the pickle. Logs don't show much.. they just end abruptly.

Edited by Motokid600
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Well I am at a bit of a stand still here. I have too much time invested on my current mission to reinstall my game and mods. So I need this to work.. All my stock textures are a white out. So I tried what you said rbray a few pages back. Delete the folder lines in the config, run ksp-close-delete mod-restart. Game locks up just before main menu. I figure ok because I have no more compression.. so start deleting mods. One major part pack at a time I stripped my gamedata folder. Each time the same lock up ( and again this is without the mod idk wth happened). Something is wrong.. down. So as is I cannot run my game without 2-4 ( and only 2-4, 1-1 locks up ) and with it I have white textures. .. quite the pickle. Logs don't show much.. they just end abruptly.

Did you restart ksp after installing and running once? That is likely the cause for stock white textures. It probably siezes if it doesn't compress the textures to save enough memory to run.

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I put 2-4 in and now I'm getting what looks like Z-order rendering errors in the UI where textures are displayed out of their correct stacking order. The warp arrows went first, then the vertical velocity indicator needle and the brakes icon. The RCS light went buh-bye and the parts at the top of the navball went behind the outer ring. If I hid the navball, many of the textures in the pitch/yaw/roll indicator section got hid too.

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I put 2-4 in and now I'm getting what looks like Z-order rendering errors in the UI where textures are displayed out of their correct stacking order. The warp arrows went first, then the vertical velocity indicator needle and the brakes icon. The RCS light went buh-bye and the parts at the top of the navball went behind the outer ring. If I hid the navball, many of the textures in the pitch/yaw/roll indicator section got hid too.

Where were you when this started happening? Did you modify the config at all?

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