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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Performing some large-scale gimbal tests. To test all engines requires 4 or 5 crafts like this.



Turns out a lot of engines have their gimbal vectors flipped.

I am also testing the various gimbal plugins, and so far the best performer is dtobi's. Roll control is problematic with ExsurgentEngineering, and TweakableGimbal seems complex to setup with the various coefficients.

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  tygoo7 said:
Will you add support for Kerbin Mini Shuttle? :)

Considering the mini shuttle isn't officially compatible with FAR, I doubt a rescale would be a good idea. Realism overhaul should support enough mods to make building a shuttle possible.

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Sorry, I thought it was one of your RO required mods that changed the flameout mechanics so that the flameout threshold reported is actually used.

Also, I noticed the rescaled B9 gear is super unstable. I built this skylon replica:


and had terrible trouble with the B9 gear bending all over the place and being generally useless. I then rescaled the stock gear 2.5x and used that instead and it worked fine. Maybe some of the parameters in the firespitter wheel module need to be changed so that they work properly with heavy real scale aircraft?

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I like that Skylon :)

B9 wheels must be aligned so they touch the runway at exactly at 90 degree angle. Otherwise I had no trouble with them (see RealShuttle video on my sig). However I attached them to the B9 fuselage, haven't tried attaching them to StretchyTanks.

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  darcgekco said:
Sorry, I thought it was one of your RO required mods that changed the flameout mechanics so that the flameout threshold reported is actually used.

Also, I noticed the rescaled B9 gear is super unstable. I built this skylon replica:

and had terrible trouble with the B9 gear bending all over the place and being generally useless. I then rescaled the stock gear 2.5x and used that instead and it worked fine. Maybe some of the parameters in the firespitter wheel module need to be changed so that they work properly with heavy real scale aircraft?

Nice Skylon. Does it survive reentry?

For the wobbly wheels, there was a fix posted in a thread which I've forgotten the name of. It was a thread where somebody posted various configs that tweaked certain things. Does anybody know what I'm talking about?

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  SFJackBauer said:

:) That wasn't the one I was thinking of, but it still includes the necessary fix:

In each of these files, there is a line that says "sidewaysStiffness = 2."

This needs to be changed to "sidewaysStiffness = 0.01" in each of the eight files.

This will fix the wibbly-wobbly landing gear, and craft will fly in a much straighter line. May I also note that with excessively heavy craft, you will need to also use more landing gear and then attached struts.

The one I was thinking of was a dedicated thread that someone created to post several module manager configs. But this is the important bit anyway: sidewaysStiffness = 0.01

EDIT: Ha, found it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68142-Enneract-Space-Industries-MM-Compatibility-Patches-and-Tweaks

Edited by Scripto23
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Well, I had to make it 0.001, but it fixed the wobbles. Thanks!

As for re-entry, because it's just built out of stretchytanks, which don't have heat shields, it started burning up when I got to 1600 m/s going into orbit, so for the moment I just turned down the heat multiplier in DRE until I come up with a better solution.

Also, the SABREs have to be turned down to about 2/3rds throttle or they overheat and explode in rocket mode at mode switch altitude/velocity.

Finally, does anyone have ideas on how I could make a FAR-friendly cargo bay for this thing? At the moment it's limited to fuel-only payloads.

Edited by darcgekco
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Procedural Fairings and Infernal Robobtics? Could you not place an interstage adaptor, and add fairings to all sides, then remove the one on the top, and use it on a hinge as a bay door?

Also, AFAIK there is no benefit to having that teeny nose cone (That weighs 100Kg!) on the front. You would be better to just make the stretchy go all the way to a point, or use a second stretchy. FAR doesnt have a special function for nose cones, it just looks at the aerodynamics of the models. You wont get much of a payload to orbit with skylod anyway, but it does have the capability.

Edited by Deathsoul097
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  darcgekco said:
Well, I had to make it 0.001, but it fixed the wobbles. Thanks!

As for re-entry, because it's just built out of stretchytanks, which don't have heat shields, it started burning up when I got to 1600 m/s going into orbit, so for the moment I just turned down the heat multiplier in DRE until I come up with a better solution.

Also, the SABREs have to be turned down to about 2/3rds throttle or they overheat and explode in rocket mode at mode switch altitude/velocity.

Finally, does anyone have ideas on how I could make a FAR-friendly cargo bay for this thing? At the moment it's limited to fuel-only payloads.

Glad the fix worked for you. I've been working on a Skylon as well, when I get home I can share a config for a heatshielded cryo conic stretchy tank I created. Also for a cargo bay I am using a resized cargo bay from B9, I can share that too. The overheating sabres, are you using the precooler?

edit: Ok click the first link in my sig and go to the "Skylon cfgs" folder and grab those configs.

Edited by Scripto23
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This isn't an issue with RO specifically, but I'll post it here because maybe someone else has noticed this, or knows what I'm doing wrong.

Anyway, I'm having a lot of issues with roll control on command pods with built-in rcs, and gimballed engines. I notice this in particular with FASA pods and LazTek's Dragon pod. The FASA Gemini has built-in rcs, but I only have pitch and yaw control, same for the dragon capsule. And none of the gimballed engines give me roll either (obviously not single engines), But none of the cluster engines that should provide 3 axis control. Am I missing something?

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Currently, single parts cant have roll control. A single part with Built in RCS wont give you roll authority, and because of the way KSP handles engines, a single engine part wont allow roll either. KSP treats a single part cluster of engines as a single engine with multiple transforms, not a the cluster that it is. So it won't think to use the roll, even when you tell it to, because it thinks it will flip you over or screw with you in some similar way. (The Devs tried roll control i stock a while ago, and it did exactly this, and they removed it.)

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  Deathsoul097 said:
Currently, single parts cant have roll control. A single part with Built in RCS wont give you roll authority, and because of the way KSP handles engines, a single engine part wont allow roll either. KSP treats a single part cluster of engines as a single engine with multiple transforms, not a the cluster that it is. So it won't think to use the roll, even when you tell it to, because it thinks it will flip you over or screw with you in some similar way. (The Devs tried roll control i stock a while ago, and it did exactly this, and they removed it.)

With plugin support, even a single part engine (with multiple thrust transforms) can have roll control.

But if you just play with stock game, it won't support roll control, that's right.

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  Deathsoul097 said:
Which plugin is that using though? EE, yours or Dtobi's?

No I'm not saying any specific plugin because I don't know much about how other gimbal plugins are implemented.

But it is possible to write such a gimbal plugin that will separately adjust each thrust transform according to its relative location to the engine's COM location/vessel's COM location. When using engine's COM location, it will work out the rotation so that each nozzle will turn along the tangent of the side (suppose the side is circular), this will allow most engines to generate a net roll torque without other torques and side-forces, the overall thrust will be reduced a bit by 1-cos(gimbal angle) proportion though.

AFAIK, Dtobi's plugin *might* support that by calculating the transform's location related to the vessel's COM (not sure about it though) *IF* the plugin does the calculation separately for each transform.

My plugin can support it, but it needs one additional condition to meet: engine's thrust transforms around the longitudinal axis of the engine should have different roll angles. i.e. each thrust transform's local x axis should be pointing towards the center of the engine. But most engines in different mods currently just share the same rotation among these transforms.

Edited by HoneyFox
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  Deathsoul097 said:
Currently, single parts cant have roll control. A single part with Built in RCS wont give you roll authority, and because of the way KSP handles engines, a single engine part wont allow roll either. KSP treats a single part cluster of engines as a single engine with multiple transforms, not a the cluster that it is. So it won't think to use the roll, even when you tell it to, because it thinks it will flip you over or screw with you in some similar way. (The Devs tried roll control i stock a while ago, and it did exactly this, and they removed it.)

So basically I just have to plop on extra RCS quads for roll authority? It breaks the beauty of some of the ships, but I can live with that. Does this apply for gimballing as well, and even with dtobi's plugin?

Edit: HoneyFox, does your TweakableGimbal allow for this?

Edited by brooklyn666
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  brooklyn666 said:
So basically I just have to plop on extra RCS quads for roll authority? It breaks the beauty of some of the ships, but I can live with that. Does this apply for gimballing as well, and even with dtobi's plugin?

Edit: HoneyFox, does your TweakableGimbal allow for this?

Yes, but there's no (or maybe there is, but very rare) engine that can satisfy my additional condition mentioned above (each thrust transform has different roll angles).

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