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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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  NathanKell said:
Do you have the latest EE from the link next to RftS? Make sure that's the only copy you have, too.

Yes. I only have one copy of EE: GameData/ExsurgentEngineering/ExsurgentEngineering.dll, and it is the newest one dated May 9. One central engine, and it tries to roll and makes the rocket tip over.

  Phredward said:
Do you have just one engine under the center of your craft? If so, you have to disable roll on that engine, or it will do what you are describing. Just right click and disable roll (in editor or while flying).

Yes, one engine in center. How do I disable roll on the engine? I don't have tweakable gimbals installed- I did try installing it, but I couldn't find anywhere to turn off the roll gimbal.

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If you have Klockheed_Martian's km_Gimbal installed, just right-click on the engine, and I believe the very first option is toggling roll gimbal.

If you don't have that mod install, I believe engines do NOT contribute to roll stability, so it's likely a different problem.

Either way, you should be able to either disable gimbaling entirely or have try multiple engines. See what happens in those cases (although you will need some other stability if you disable gimbaling).

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  NathanKell said:
Viggio: you're running both RftSEngines *and* RealEngines. Gotta pick one and only one, and uninstall the other.

Ok. I started with the Rfts Engines and when I still didn't get the RealFuels GUI in the action group window I tried the RealEngines.

I'm not getting the GUI with either of them.

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  Phredward said:
If you have Klockheed_Martian's km_Gimbal installed, just right-click on the engine, and I believe the very first option is toggling roll gimbal.

If you don't have that mod install, I believe engines do NOT contribute to roll stability, so it's likely a different problem.

Either way, you should be able to either disable gimbaling entirely or have try multiple engines. See what happens in those cases (although you will need some other stability if you disable gimbaling).

thanks- I now have this installed: GameData/Klockheed_Martian/Plugins/km_Gimbal_2.0.dll, and when I right click the engines I have no options to tweak gimbal settings at all. Just lock gimbal entirely and change tech level.

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Visaggio: please uninstall one or the other, and *then* give me an outputlog from after you clicked on a known supported engine (say the LV-T30) in action group editor mode. Also a screenshot of what is shown when you click on a placed LV-T30 in action group editor mode.

andqui: RftS engines don't use KM_Gimbal yet; they use ExsurgentEngineeriing, which seems to be causing problems. I said I would port my engines over.

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Found an interesting bug in the Mercury parachute pack. If you just deploy them, everything goes fine, but if you arm them instead, you can't use time acceleration when under a km up. For some reason if you time accelerate down low like this, the chutes will explode and send you shooting straight into the ground. This is much like the April fools prank that stupid_chris played, but not exactly. I've narrowed it down to the secondary chute not getting properly cut for some reason, leading to some strange logic.

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Here's a shot of the VAB, I'm using rfts in this one. Tonight after work i'll attempt a new install from the top, I'm sure I've just missed something, or put something in the wrong place etc.

ok. A clean install fixed whatever I had done wrong, it appears to be working normally now.

Edited by Visaggio
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  SpacedInvader said:
Found an interesting bug in the Mercury parachute pack. If you just deploy them, everything goes fine, but if you arm them instead, you can't use time acceleration when under a km up. For some reason if you time accelerate down low like this, the chutes will explode and send you shooting straight into the ground. This is much like the April fools prank that stupid_chris played, but not exactly. I've narrowed it down to the secondary chute not getting properly cut for some reason, leading to some strange logic.

I will take a look at this as this is part of the FASA RO files...

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  RedAV8R said:
I will take a look at this as this is part of the FASA RO files...

I've actually been playing with this a little more... Apparently, as its configured, there are actually three chutes: one that has a drogue and a main, and then a separate drogue, which is the one that never gets cut. By not arming it, or by cutting it immediately after it deploys, you get around the problem.

I should also mention that it seems that some of the parts defined in those configs are not being generated into the parts list. The one that I know for sure is the Mercury pitch/yaw RCS thrusters. Also the Big-G service module has the connection nodes placed so that there are two above it and none below it.

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Hi guys,

I’m sorry but I’m still struggling with the engines :(

I installed all engine packs + realism packs listed and now have a whole lot of them available. Once I figured out that I need 4, 5 and 6m tanks for most of them I got the lower stages right (I think). But I still don’t understand what would be a proper choice for the upper stages and small probes (like 1.25m).

Are there any sample craft files for probes, landers and the appropriate lifting vehicles for them I can download and study?

Why I'm on it, this is my KSC at Kourou:



Edited by marce
added terrain bug
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  SpacedInvader said:
I've actually been playing with this a little more... Apparently, as its configured, there are actually three chutes: one that has a drogue and a main, and then a separate drogue, which is the one that never gets cut. By not arming it, or by cutting it immediately after it deploys, you get around the problem.

I should also mention that it seems that some of the parts defined in those configs are not being generated into the parts list. The one that I know for sure is the Mercury pitch/yaw RCS thrusters. Also the Big-G service module has the connection nodes placed so that there are two above it and none below it.

I can't duplicate the parachute bug...I'm guessing you have another file somewhere that is installing another parachute into the gemini parachute...like maybe the RealChute config. Remove that RealChute file, don't need it.

The Mercury Pitch/Yaw thruster does show up for my install, so make sure you haven't changed any file/folder names for the model as that is what is used.

Good catch on the Big-G service module. I flipped the model 180 so that it was right side up instead of upside down, need to compensate for that flip, I didn't.

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marce: too dark. Use words please.

Also, what do you mean "all engine packs" The OP says either install RealEngines or RftS.

I can't tell you what engines make good upper stages unless I know which pack you're using.

RedAV8R: the Big G service module is flipped so that "control from here" when you use its docking port will be correct. If you flip the model, then when you "control from here" on it for docking, your forward and back axis will be flipped, IIRC.

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  NathanKell said:
RedAV8R: the Big G service module is flipped so that "control from here" when you use its docking port will be correct. If you flip the model, then when you "control from here" on it for docking, your forward and back axis will be flipped, IIRC.

Noted, I suppose I need to test and revert back if neccessary...

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Nathan: you are right, "engine packs" was misleading. I did install one engine pack (SFJackBauer's) and all packs he recommends:

Rocketry packs supported (and recommended)Stock Squad engines

So there are many engines with different sizes, fuels, isp and thrust. I do know that isp is more important than thrust for vac engines, but the only 1.25m engine with proper stas I found so far is the RL10A-3, all others seem to be too big, too powerful. I'm sure I'm overlooking something.

btw: forget about Kourou. The terrain was buggy but it fixed itself while I was fiddling around switching between launch sites.

Thanks again!

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marce: ah, ok! Sorry, I misunderstood. It's just in the past I have heard of people installing both, and... :]

I think you will find some excellent satellite engines in the AIES pack; as for upper stages, KW engines are used for the RL-10 (hydrolox upper stage) and AJ10-118K (storable hypergolic upper stage) / Apollo SPS.

Basically anything listed on the Realistic Engines sheet as U is a good upper stage, and U+ / O a good vacuum-only, possibly-restartable upper stage / orbital maneuvering engine.

Note that vacuum engines have huge nozzles; for example, the RL-10 has as large a nozzle as the Mainsail or Skipper, but only provides about 100kN thrust. (It's to do with efficiency in vacuum.) Don't be fooled by size.

Don't be afraid to make short, squat upper stages!

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  NathanKell said:
marce: ah, ok! Sorry, I misunderstood. It's just in the past I have heard of people installing both, and... :]

I think you will find some excellent satellite engines in the AIES pack; as for upper stages, KW engines are used for the RL-10 (hydrolox upper stage) and AJ10-118K (storable hypergolic upper stage) / Apollo SPS.

Basically anything listed on the Realistic Engines sheet as U is a good upper stage, and U+ / O a good vacuum-only, possibly-restartable upper stage / orbital maneuvering engine.

Note that vacuum engines have huge nozzles; for example, the RL-10 has as large a nozzle as the Mainsail or Skipper, but only provides about 100kN thrust. (It's to do with efficiency in vacuum.) Don't be fooled by size.

Don't be afraid to make short, squat upper stages!

Got it! Don't know how I missed that spreadsheet, there are even some launch vehicles :D

Very last question (for today ;) ): I'm sure you already figured that I'm not an expert, so I have a really hard time to get an equatroial orbit from the various non-equatorial launch sites. Is there some easy trick or best practise I could try to follow to avoid wasting lots of dV for inclination burns after I reached orbit?

Thank you again!

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No problem! :)

You have run up against one of the more annoying aspects of physics. You *cannot* launch into an orbit of lower inclination than your latitude directly. You have three options:

1. Make a dogleg during ascent. See here (large book on rockets and ascents, section on doglegs or here for a general overview of rendezvous ascents. Basically you yaw some during ascent, making a "dogleg" or kink in your ascent trajectory. You can use this to change your ascent azimuth, and thus inclination; it is, however, more useful for increasing than decreasing inclination, since the impetus for your inclination comes from gravity's pull due to your offset from the equator, and thus builds throughout your ascent until you reach the equator.

2. For geostationary launches: launch into a parking orbit, then insert into geostationary transfer orbit at the AN/DN. This will ensure you arrive at geosynchronous height at the DN/AN (respectively) and can thus combine plane change with your apogee kick (circularization).

3. If launching from *very* high latitudes (the break-even point is about 45 degrees IIRC), you can launch into a super-synchronous orbit and perform a bi-elliptic transfer. Here's what Proton does for some geostationary satellites. You actually burn for a much higher apogee, and do your plane change there (cost of higher apogee + cheaper plane change + circularization burn to bring your apogee down < more expensive plane change). Then you move your perigee to the desired orbit's apogee, and finally you circularize at perigee.

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Hey NathanKell, I need some help re-scaling this Taurus HCV pod. I'm trying to make it an Orion pod. I copied over the code from the Mk1-2 Module Manager patch, and edited the various boxes to match the real Orion pod. I'll send a download over if need-be.

There's a blue, red, and what I think is yellow (I'm colorblind :P) arrow underneath the pod. I don't think it's the CoM, CoL, or CoT markers, either. The mass in-game is also slightly higher than what I specified. Thanks in advance! :)

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Woopert: I've been getting that axis gizmo myself semi-randomly. It's probably not related to what you're doing. It might be related to RF. (IIRC it's RGB, though I forget which is which axis.)

Note that you really should be changing the size of the nodes, though, so the seventh number in each node matches (diameter of surface in meters).

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So the Realism Overhaul cfg for FusTek Station Parts is coming close to being finished. Atm I'm quite stuck though.

I want to add a science experiment to the science lab parts and I want it to be able to generate science slowly, generate science while timewarping and/or while other vessels are selected.

If possible I also want the player to be able to transmit data whenever he/she feels like it and not necessary when the biome is maxed out.

Now the question: Does anyone know of a plugin that can do this?

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Uhh... Why is this happening?


EDIT: Also, the control pod things on the end of the S-IVB stage fire in the VAB and may not function correctly. In short, RedAV8R needs to work on these patches, ASAP.

EDIT 2: Also, could we get .craft files designed with RSS in mind for both the LazTek Pack and FASA? It would be really nice.

Edited by Fox62
Actually asking for something this time XP
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I have a problem! Even though no one else seems to have it, it's totally because RedAV8R's mod is broken!

Seriously, if you have a problem, post your output_log.txt. Then we can see what's really going on. If you just post a screenshot and don't even say what's wrong, we're in magic wand land

Regarding craft: if people submit craft, I'm happy to add them.

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  Fox62 said:
Uhh... Why is this happening?

EDIT: Also, the control pod things on the end of the S-IVB stage fire in the VAB and may not function correctly. In short, RedAV8R needs to work on these patches, ASAP.

EDIT 2: Also, could we get .craft files designed with RSS in mind for both the LazTek Pack and FASA? It would be really nice.

Control Pod Things...is that the technical term??? I have an idea what you are talking about, but until you figure it out and let me know, I won't help you, not with a tone like that.

Make sure you grab the latest versions on my thread, the latest version of RO only has the build available when it was released, things have been worked on, tweaked, whatever since then. Also make sure you have everything else updated as well, FASA, RO, RSS, MJ, etc...

The .craft files will come in due time.

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Look at the speed indicators. 407m/s horizontal, 0 vertical speed @ 0% throttle. But that might just be a physics initiation glitch, seeing as the portraits haven't loaded yet.


Did you download the Principia N-body test version?

Edit: At a second glance, I think he means the black void surrounding the launch pad.

Edited by MAKC
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