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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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No one responded to me about the auger model so I decided to go for it anyway.

Here's how it turned out.

What do y'all think?

Looks really nice. Love the animations. This surpasses the kethane drills and any drills found around the forums in design. Kudos. Hope youll upload it so i can use it. Have any plans for other parts?

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Pic looks good! Unfortunately my tablet refuses to do embedded videos, despite doing them fine from Youtube etc. Can't even copy the vid web address to open in a new panel. I'll take a look when I get home and try it on my desktop.

With this and the other Smelter posted recently this is looking good :)

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No one responded to me about the auger model so I decided to go for it anyway.

Here's how it turned out.

What do y'all think?

LOVE it. I want it for all my things. Good work!

Pic looks good! Unfortunately my tablet refuses to do embedded videos, despite doing them fine from Youtube etc. Can't even copy the vid web address to open in a new panel. I'll take a look when I get home and try it on my desktop.

Here's a trick: Quote the post (or go to someone who has already quoted the post. 2 people had already done this by the time you posted) and your (or their) quote will contain a link to the vid instead of the embedded vid. Then you should be able to use that link to view the video on your tablet. If you still can't, get a new tablet :D

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Originally I intended it to be the small drill, but do you think it should be the large one? As for making another part for the other size.. should I make a new model or just rescale it?

Im glad you like it!

I like the current size as the small auger (even modern compact drills are huuuge. Like atleast 8m x 1m ++ and thats without the hydraulics. Tho we can assume/pretend kerbals have invented some ultra compact hydraulic system and ore filtering/extraction system)

im currently in the planning stages of a general use large drill. But there are so many potential designs out there so its hard to decide. But it wont be matching in design to this one you made tho so i would love another model for el if you feel like making the large auger.

Really good work you did with the small auger. Id love to test it out and rebalance it ingame for you if you want, ill also get some inspiration/ideas for my own model. Doesnt matter if the small details arent done cuz im good at fixing that stuff.

Edited by landeTLS
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Cool, I think I'll make a larger version as well. I'll pm you my small auger. At the moment its using the same specs as the small auger included with EL (same mass, extraction rate, power consumption), though it weighs half of what the large kethane extractor weighs despite being larger in size... We could consider balancing it in relation to kethane, or not, whatever.

Some tips for planning your drill: I discovered that the kethane drill animator uses two animations; one for the deployment and one that loops for the drilling. The drilling animation only loops 2 or 3 frames regardless of how long you make the drill animation. I couldn't really tell what it was doing because the looped animation in game looked jerky and weird no matter what I did. Even the kethane drill loop isn't making full rotations. So, unless there's a way to override that, don't bother spending time making an elaborate animation for the drilling loop. Also, the sparks particle emitter works fine but the effect of the gas coming out when you hit kethane doesn't seem to work for ore. It might be hard coded into the kethane dll that it only comes out for kethane deposits.

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Cool, I think I'll make a larger version as well. I'll pm you my small auger. At the moment its using the same specs as the small auger included with EL (same mass, extraction rate, power consumption), though it weighs half of what the large kethane extractor weighs despite being larger in size... We could consider balancing it in relation to kethane, or not, whatever.

Some tips for planning your drill: I discovered that the kethane drill animator uses two animations; one for the deployment and one that loops for the drilling. The drilling animation only loops 2 or 3 frames regardless of how long you make the drill animation. I couldn't really tell what it was doing because the looped animation in game looked jerky and weird no matter what I did. Even the kethane drill loop isn't making full rotations. So, unless there's a way to override that, don't bother spending time making an elaborate animation for the drilling loop. Also, the sparks particle emitter works fine but the effect of the gas coming out when you hit kethane doesn't seem to work for ore. It might be hard coded into the kethane dll that it only comes out for kethane deposits.

im aware of the gas emitter problem, its caused by this line in the class KethaneDrillAnimator:

foreach (var emitter in emitters.Where(e => e.Label == "gas"))
if (animator.CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
emitter.Emit = hit && KethaneData.Current.GetDepositUnder("Kethane", this.vessel) != null;
emitter.Emit = false;

changing it to:

foreach (var emitter in emitters.Where(e => e.Label == "gas"))
if (animator.CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (hit && KethaneData.Current.GetDepositUnder(resource.Name, this.vessel) != null)
emitter.Emit = true;

emitter.Emit = false;

makes the emitter work for other resources.

i have no idea why majiir has coded it this way(i pm'd him about the fix a few months ago but no responce, perhaps i should bite the sour apple and create a github account and make a pull request)

the kethane license dont permit distributing this part of the source modified(as far as i can see) so the only choice is to wait for majiir to fix it or to write a new drill animator from scratch, tho it would need to look very similar to the kethaneanimator in order to interface with the kethaneextractor(havent checked the class is exposed public or not, if not then it wont work without another modified open resource source like ORS)

about the drilling animations, there is a clamp animation loop in the animator plugin. probably to prevent memory leaks or something(?)

nice to know its 2-3 sec since im terrible at math so now i dont have to calculate it.

one question, where did you put your "tail" transform?

Edited by landeTLS
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Ah, I've been rummaging through the kethane source for the past half hour to find those details haha. I can't figure out how it defines the length of the drilling animation though.

I just put the tail transform at the top of the drill. Not sure what it's for though.

(as you can tell I'm just winging most of this)


Edited by BahamutoD
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Ah, I've been rummaging through the kethane source for the past half hour to find those details haha. I can't figure out how it defines the length of the drilling animation though.

I just put the tail transform at the top of the drill. Not sure what it's for though.

(as you can tell I'm just winging most of this)


I had a quick look at the kethanedrillanimator class before i went outside now. I havent tested it but changing the values a bit in the last object (function) should allow for longer drilling animations

Btw how many frames are the drilling animation you have now? 2-3 sec ingame can vary alot under load/specs

Edited by landeTLS
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Tail transform is used for checking whether the drill penetrates the ground. There is a raycast from the top of the drill to the bottom of the drill to see whether it hits the ground. The transforms tell the code where the top and bottom of the drill are.

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Oh, I said it was 2-3 frames, not seconds. I'm suspecting its 2 frames because my loop is set to 4 frames but in game it looks like the drill is only rotating 180 degrees before snapping back.

Thanks i Saw it now. Hmm 2 frames. Thats not a lot of time to do any cool animations no. Luckily the drill bit is underground so you cant see it but dang i wanted some sweet "thumping" animations on my drill while its drilling, and perhaps some tiny local smoke emitters on the joints in each cycle(if thats even possible in a unity animation that is).. cant do that with just 2 frames. I guess ill try change that in the kethane source later or just make a simple animation.

I had an idea for a small handheld kas grabable drill unit. I think that would be really cool with eather a big backpack thing or like a kas cable that goes to the refinery/resource storage. But i have no idea how to make the eva animations plugin required for such a part, can even kas grabbed parts be active?

Edited by landeTLS
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Tail transform is used for checking whether the drill penetrates the ground. There is a raycast from the top of the drill to the bottom of the drill to see whether it hits the ground. The transforms tell the code where the top and bottom of the drill are.

Thanks. I thought it was for something like that. But i didnt know if it was the "baseplate" collider or the actual top of the model. Tho if im reading the code right it would probably work with both as long as the transform is above the final position of the deployed drillbit

Edited by landeTLS
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Here's a trick: Quote the post (or go to someone who has already quoted the post. 2 people had already done this by the time you posted) and your (or their) quote will contain a link to the vid instead of the embedded vid. Then you should be able to use that link to view the video on your tablet. If you still can't, get a new tablet :D

Dang, never thought of that! Thanks, works well. Uh, no, not getting another tablet. I normally don't splurge on computer hardware, just getting a fairly basic system with a reasonable (highest rated card with a low power draw) graphics card. When I finally did buckle and bought myself a tablet a couple of years ago I DID splurge. Back then the Asus Transformer was fairly new and, well, not top of the range, but high end anyway. Not splurging again, especially as one of the reason's I got it was it is actually possible to replace batteries etc on this one yourself rather than sending back to base.

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The career I was playing on suffered a crippling blow when my orbital construction yard blew up due to physics errors cause by part count lag (5-1 slowdown just focused on the station itself). So I modified my EPL install to basically get rid of rocket parts (actually remove all metal containers and the rocket part builder, then changed the smelter to go directly to rocket parts and changed the resource definitions so rocketparts were as dense as metal).

New game and my new orbital construction yard has all the same ship construction capabilities at a fraction of the part count and no slowdown yet.

Please tell me the post from about a month ago stating rockletparts might be going away is the plan. Fluffy rocketparts and an extra intermediary resource (metal) may seem better for realism, but dealing with it hurts gameplay.

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Okay and more stuff.

After thinking about the furnace (not smelter - wrong technical term) i came to the conclusion that simple yet different comes around best. Now some people would think: wouldn't they cover it with sheet metal? And i thought by myself: not in operation as it generates too much heat. Hence the warning plaques i put on it. I also thought some old school gauges look just kerbalish enough.

And you might notice that i use the same shell as with the cans. This is of course to cut it shorter for me and to keep a design going that should stretch throughout the new series of parts.

I've send the part to T. It is in his hands now.


aeon phoenix posted this back in december, does anyone know what happened to it?

I'd really like to see it in the game as i love the model and how it fits in with his tank parts

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I had an idea for a small handheld kas grabable drill unit. I think that would be really cool with eather a big backpack thing or like a kas cable that goes to the refinery/resource storage. But i have no idea how to make the eva animations plugin required for such a part, can even kas grabbed parts be active?
The answer to that last question should be "yes". The example I'm thinking of is that I once saw somebody rig up a portable GPS unit by attaching a ScanSat link to a battery and then grabbing the battery. It could pull up the active map just like it was attached to a ship.
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I'm having a problem with the latest build (3.7). Seem like the .dll isn't loading. I've re-d/l'd it twice to no avail. Even tried replacing with the 3.6 .dll.

[LOG 13:35:34.530] Load(Assembly): ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Launchpad

[LOG 13:35:34.531] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Launchpad.dll

[ERR 13:35:34.533] Failed to load assembly C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Launchpad.dll:

System.BadImageFormatException: Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImage () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.PE.ImageReader.ReadImageFrom (System.IO.Stream stream) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.IO.Stream stream, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName, Mono.Cecil.ReaderParameters parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition.ReadModule (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.ScanForBadTypeRefs (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at AssemblyLoader.LoadExternalAssembly (System.String file) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[LOG 13:35:34.536] Load(Assembly): ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/Plugins/Launchpad

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