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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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NGTOne, GokouZWAR: are you clicking with the mouse while holding x? x does not actually attach, it only puts KIS into attach mode: you still have to click. Also, you're not trying to attach the stake to a part, are you? That will not work. It must be to the ground or a static object (eg, KSC building, Mun arch, etc). Another thing to check is whether the mallet is actually equipped (says "equip" in the inventory icon). One other thing is some people say it's actually h, not x (dunno, x works for me).

What I do:

  1. I always have the mallet in slot 1 of my inventory.
  2. Stakes are usually iin slot 2 (they're stackable).
  3. I press 1 to equip the mallet (inventory says "equip", the mallet shows up in the kerbal's right(?) hand).
  4. I press 2 to ready a stake.
  5. I press and hold x while positioning the stake.
  6. While still holding x, I click with the left mouse button. *tonk* *tonk* *tonk* stake is attached to the ground.

Steps 1 and 2 are so steps 3 and 4 work nicely: don't need to have the inventory open and I always know which key to press.

Step 5 lets me know (by color) whether the location is valid.

This is something I have been checking every release of late because people keep reporting issues with the stakes. Also, when I create the zip file, I create it from my working GamaData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads directory so you guys get exactly what I tested. While not foolproof (cf the KSPAPIExp fuss), it does save a lot of grief.

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Don't have them in the vehicle you're recycling. I use automated controllers to move ships into the recycler, or I position the ship in front of the recycler, then EVA the kerbal out of it and then turn on the recycler when they're clear.

I've tried that, and it works fine except that it eats my rcs, mono tank and a probe core, minimum every time. So it's only worth it to do that for huge wrecks. I'm just trying to recycle some old parts that are docked to my orbital yard. You know, empty tanks, old engines, decouplers etc etc. I have this inefficient technique where I place it by the recycler, and push it in. Then I quickly reverse in EVA, and hope I don't have to use my quick save. It works, but I was just wondering if there was a better way.

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[quote name='Netoen']Hello. Thank you for the awesome mod and job maintaining it. I have issue - I can't build some things. When I tried to build sub-assambley RecycleBin (I did have RP needed) on Minmus - it shows it needs 20 RP, but right after process stops, 0%, 0s, and Alarm Clock says it's finished.
Tried same with making fresh new "vessel" consisting only out of Launch Pad 2 and 4k RP on Kerbin, and creating a KIS-compatible container with same 1 Recycle Bin in it - same resulst.
But when I tried to create most simple vessel (pod, tank, engine) using only vanilla items - it had no issues at all.
Ready to give you any info needed.[/QUOTE]

First, sorry about the delay in replying: last night I was beyond helping (too tired) and this morning I was rushed so had time only for the stakes.

I guess the first thing I need is a screenshot showing the stalled build window and the context menu of any command pod or workshop (ie, one showing Vessel Productivity). A screenshot of the build in the VAB/SPH with the EL info panel open might help, too.

[quote name='sardia']I've tried that, and it works fine except that it eats my rcs, mono tank and a probe core, minimum every time. So it's only worth it to do that for huge wrecks. I'm just trying to recycle some old parts that are docked to my orbital yard. You know, empty tanks, old engines, decouplers etc etc. I have this inefficient technique where I place it by the recycler, and push it in. Then I quickly reverse in EVA, and hope I don't have to use my quick save. It works, but I was just wondering if there was a better way.[/QUOTE]

The trick is to get part of the vessel to be recycled into the recycling bin's field (it extends above the bin, so just laying across the opening of the bin works too), and then either evacuating any kerbals, or undocking your tug, before activating the bin. I do this all the time.

[quote name='The Pfaffanater']Why is this not on CKAN?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. Take it up with the folks that maintain CKAN.

[quote name='DarthJeb']Great mod all though it could use a rebalance,considering how expensive the workshop is) and and re-texturing.Maybe have the smelter as a more modern piece of technology that isn't radial only.[/QUOTE]

The workshop is very deliberately that expensive: it is 25 times the value of its mass in RocketParts. This represents the fiddly work that would go into producing all those high-precision tools. Any imbalance comes from the same mass of structural trusses taking the same time to build (this will be remedied in a future release when I un-hard-code kerbal-hours). The idea is you can either spend a lot of money to buy a workshop, or you can spend a lot of time to build one (and possibly miss that launch window), though with its productivity boost, it may well be worth the time investment. Also, the workbench (currently in pods) is a nice stepping stone for bootstrapping.

Retexturing: maybe one day.

The smelter is hardly radial only: it has 4 stack nodes on it! Not only that, but all four stack nodes are in line with the smelter's center of mass. Better yet, as of KSP 1.0 (or so), any stack node can be used to attach to any other stack node, not just the ends. Also, the radial attach node is such that the trough goes against the parent part.

node_stack_dorsal = -1.52104, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_ventral = 1.47572, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_top = 0.0, 4.98617, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -5.03150, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
node_attach = 1.47572, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2

Good fun attaching one using KIS :)
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My problem is.. My construction things? They're not recognizing the survey stakes I've set out as a "base". So no matter what configuration I set them up on, any launchpad I use says "no base found, explosions likely". I have no idea why this is suddenly happening, it was working before when I was building up my Mun base..
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1) less than 20 meters. 2) It's not a survey station, it's a part from Umbra Space Industries that has Survey Station ability (it worked beforehand, as I mentioned, but it suddenly isn't registering the stakes). 3 & 4) one 3 star Bill is currently sitting inside of it looking clueless.

e: uhh.. Never mind I guess, it suddenly decided to register the stakes after I went back to the space center to try a different station part out and then went back to my Mun base. I guess it's working again? Most queer and unusual. Edited by Kershu5
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The first time I'd just dropped the stakes down, without hammering them- that had worked beforehand- then set their origins and went about my business. After that it just.. Refused to register them. Switching around the vessel, boarding vessel, going into worldmap view, I dunno what the heck happened, but as far as the station part was concerned? Didn't exist. Then just a little while ago it said OH HEY Bill's base is there! And let me build, after I'd gone back to the KSC, done some work in the SPH, and gone back to the Munbase.
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[quote name='taniwha']

What I do:
[*]I always have the mallet in slot 1 of my inventory..[/QUOTE]

That's probably the issue...I'm using the screwdriver not the mallet.

What about the ore usage issue I reported? I've been trying to find more ore and I drove my broken rover nearly 26km away to a spot that was "supposed" to have a higher concentration of metalOre, but it still just shows N/A on the auger...I even tried building a new auger and equipping it with no luck...:(

[COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[quote name='sardia']I've tried that, and it works fine except that it eats my rcs, mono tank and a probe core, minimum every time. So it's only worth it to do that for huge wrecks. I'm just trying to recycle some old parts that are docked to my orbital yard. You know, empty tanks, old engines, decouplers etc etc. I have this inefficient technique where I place it by the recycler, and push it in. Then I quickly reverse in EVA, and hope I don't have to use my quick save. It works, but I was just wondering if there was a better way.[/QUOTE]

I built me a ship that has a claw on it, and I run around with that grabbing parts out of space and bringing them near the recycler, then releasing them. Float away a bit, turn on the recycler...done.

Use an engine as well as a really large reaction wheel to reduce the need for RCS fuels. Keep the RCS around in case you have a larger item that needs recycling...in those cases, i'll install a verner or RCS block on the end of the object to "assist" with turning.

I also installed a robot arm using infernal robotics one time to grab parts out of space and then bring them into the recycler...just be careful to remember to release it before recycling... :)
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[B]GokouZWAR[/B]: Ah, sorry, I missed the bit about ore. That is something I didn't test: mining via stock (just plain forgot as I prefer Kethane's mechanics). I'll take a look at it when I get a chance (on the sooner side: I'm preparing for a Duna expidition).
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[quote name='taniwha'][B]GokouZWAR[/B]: Ah, sorry, I missed the bit about ore. That is something I didn't test: mining via stock (just plain forgot as I prefer Kethane's mechanics). I'll take a look at it when I get a chance (on the sooner side: I'm preparing for a Duna expidition).[/QUOTE]

So will it matter how far away I drive now? I basically depleted the entire planet of Duna of all its metalOre?
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taniwha: here you go, Bob Kerman of course should be not stupid (33%) so productivity of 0 is kinda odd. Adding to that at first I was trying with MKS-Lite, then with OKS and the screenshot show (I assume) your own part for rocketparts (on screenshot right up front). Curiously, the OKS tank for RP was not counted, but that was after changing its type.
As of craft in VAB - which one of two, the launchpad-owner, or the launched-one ?
[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/TEf5ntO.jpg[/IMG] Edited by Netoen
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[quote name='Netoen']taniwha: here you go, Bob Kerman of course should be not stupid (33%) so productivity of 0 is kinda odd. [/QUOTE]

Bob kerman is a scientist...so his productivity is 0 unless you have a 5 star engineer in the ship then you get productivity from him.
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Quick question on Recyclers, how much metal are you suppose to get out of things? I crunched down an old station and it only gave me 300-400 metal for it. It was a poodle, orange tank, and a full set of science/command/lab/rcs parts. Also I noticed that the recyclers state 1/tn rate, but it looks like the recyclers work instantly.
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[B]Netoen[/B]: Bob doesn't know what to do with the tools, but knows to keep his hands off unless told otherwise (back before we had "classes", Bob was the best of the three, about 0.8 iirc, and Jeb was actually fairly productive (between 0.25 and 0.5)).

As GokouZWAR said: get a 5-star engineer (really, 5th level kerbal with the construction skill) in the same part and Bob will be productive.

[B]sardia[/B]: dry mass of parts * 0.8 / 0.039 (80% reclamation, 0.039t/u). 400u of Metal works out to 15.6t of Metal, or 19.5t of recycled dry-mass. If you are using EL 5.2.2, then the entire vessel will disappear instantly, but the recycler will be busy for 20 seconds. Since 5.2.90, the recyclers work part-by-part, so you would see the parts disappear (instantly) one by one over those 20 seconds (taking the appropriate time between each part).
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Ah. What about the message about transferring resources on the recycler? Is that message accurately noting when it's crunching and when it is done? I did some time warping, and the message didn't go away until I switched vessels or turned the recycler off. Based on what you said, sounds like the message isn't updating accurately.
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[quote name='GokouZWAR']Second problem, i was mining metalOre from the ground using the tiny auger and i kept mining ores, i received a message that said something to the effect of 100% depleated or something...i thought at first it was a stock ore thing (i was mining a lot of different items) but now all of a sudden i have "N/A" whenever i use the tiny auger. Is the AUGER broken, or do i need to relocate to find more metalore? I am not use kethane mod, just Karbonite.[/QUOTE]

I have the same problem, mining metalore using the tiny auger. In 1.04 it worked, in 1.05 it don't (I just get a MetalOre rate: n/a). I thought it might be something to do with infernal robotics, since I had the tiny auger mounted on an adjustable rail which got borked when the base moved a bit. So I built a new unit with the tiny auger and tried again, no dice. Unlike GokuZWAR, however, I am using kethane, and the orbital map says there's 475610 MetalOre at the base location. I'll try again using a different auger.
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Yea I went to my base on minmus that hadn't been there for some time and I saw NA on the tiny auger but I also had the larger one as well and it also reported NA. I figured that was already depleted since it had been there for several game years already.

I don't think it's relates to the auger or the infernal robotics because my larger auger was not connected on a rail (my tiny one was on my Duna vehicle) but the minmus base's tiny auger was not. So far I've not been able to mine any metal ore in 1.0.5. It's all good though because I'm flipping over to the MKS rocket part methods of mining. I'm just scrambling to get some machinery to my bases now before my kerbals all starve...lol.
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