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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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7 hours ago, korniton said:

Ive been waiting for the mod to update as im using 1.4.2 now. I have no idea what Im doing wrong. I have a construction workshop, 3400 rocket parts, engineers and a stick in the ground. I dont know how to construct stuff? When I left click the EL button nothing happens, when I right click it I get the resource transfer window. 

The stake only marks where to build, it doesn't do the building. For that you need the survey station, which is a repurposed hitchhiker can. Please check section 3 of the manual (EL_Manual.pdf in your GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads directory).

1 hour ago, LatiMacciato said:

should this line stay this way in my persistant save file?

It should be ELSettings.

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Hi there Taniwha, I've installed EL (5.9) a few times on 1.3.1 and I am not seeing the toolbar icon or right click menu option. I see some others have had this problem in the past but I didn't see where they found a solution.
I was a little unclear on the installation. Instructions say to simply unzip the file into game data. However the file I'm downloading has a GameData folder as a subfolder. It is laid out like this...







So I tried this 3 ways:

  1. Only copied the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folder from EL's GameData folder into KSP's GameData folder.
    Results: Launchpads, Rocketparts Containers, Workshop, other containers, etc. were all available. No menu/button in VAB/Flight.
  2. Copied contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder (except for GameData )into that folder's GameData folder; then copied that into KSP's GameData folder.
    Results: Same as #1
  3. Did as instructed (because why try that 1st?) and copied entire contents of Extraplanetary-Launchpads-5.9.0 folder into KSP's GameData folder.
    Results: Only parts that are loaded are the single RocketParts hex containers.

Any idea what may be wrong? Is there any additional information I can provide that could help find a solution?

Any help is appreciated.



Never mind I figured it out. Because I was using an older version I used your Github link and downloaded the 5.9.0 zip from there. I see now that was the wrong file. (Is there a better place to get previous versions?)
Luckily I found THIS ERROR REPORT on your Github where a previous version was linked as http://taniwha.org/~bill/Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.4.0.zip I changed the 4 to a 9 and I'm good to go now. Running fine. 

Edited by shuggaloaf
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1 hour ago, shuggaloaf said:

Never mind I figured it out. Because I was using an older version I used your Github link and downloaded the 5.9.0 zip from there. I see now that was the wrong file. (Is there a better place to get previous versions?)
Luckily I found THIS ERROR REPORT on your Github where a previous version was linked as http://taniwha.org/~bill/Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.4.0.zip I changed the 4 to a 9 and I'm good to go now. Running fine. 

The best place to get previous versions is the same place you get the current: just edit the version number as you did. Every version back to 3.1 is there.

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14 hours ago, taniwha said:

@korniton: Yes: in the USI patches, you should find EL recipes, probably EL_DefaultStructureRecipe (for details and the others, check the manual, section 5.2).

I been working on compatibiy for mods using EL so they are then able to use EL 6.0 with KSP 1.4.x:

for MKS: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/pull/1309#issuecomment-379507733

these are just suggestions and intentions to help mods to stay compatible to the latest version.

EDIT: for GroundConstruction EL mod support


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8 hours ago, taniwha said:

@LatiMacciato: Nice. Please note that you will need to adjust the any metal->rocketparts confverters too, as they use the new recipes as well (though without heat).

I noticed, that's the current task.

Say, would it be ok to add support for CCK (Community Category Kit) so EL gets an own main category? I'm asking because I got to search via parts per manufacturer since MKS and the patch. If thats unfortunate of not fitting I'll be adding this as temp for my save only for working on the EL 6.0 compatiblity patch.

my EL_CCK.cfg can be found here

EDIT: I enjoy seeing the output of Hydrogen & Water because that I can use for fuel too!
What I cannot use is Carbon, CarbonDioxide, CarbonMonoxide, Formaldehyde because them are waste elements/resources to me.

additionally I might just make a gist uploaded a seperate folder to github in one of my repos called funTweaks for all mod patches as reference for mod maintainers to work with.

EDIT2: I really hope this helps modders adding the new compatiblity, instead of daemonize EL

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8 hours ago, LatiMacciato said:

my EL_CCK.cfg can be found here

If you were to create a PR putting those into the .cfg files, I'd merge it. Note that some parts in git have a .cfg.in (not the smelter, though that's there too) and the .cfg is generated from that by my export script.

8 hours ago, LatiMacciato said:

EDIT2: I really hope this helps modders adding the new compatiblity, instead of daemonize EL

Yeah, I held off doing game-breaking changes until a big KSP update because I had players in mind, but kind of forgot about other modders. Really, I held off on that module name change for years because of that. Fortunately, I don't expect any sweeping changes in the future, and I hope that the converter recipes make for easier balancing.

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3 hours ago, taniwha said:

If you were to create a PR putting those into the .cfg files, I'd merge it. Note that some parts in git have a .cfg.in (not the smelter, though that's there too) and the .cfg is generated from that by my export script.

I'm yet writing the CCK config because I think generally adding compatiblity for all containers holding all materials of EL (RocketParts, Metal, ScrapMetal, MetalOre) is a good way to bypass possibly missing compatiblity in KBPS where @Nils277 added a small ScrapMetal container. This way this cfg supports all containers that uses also EL resources in general. I'll PR once done.

EDIT: there you go :DPR #139

no need to add tags into any part of EL, it goes by module and adds it accordingly, this way you add support for any mod that supports and uses the EL modules (including EL parts itself) .. but I hope I saved you some time by adding "tags = cck-el" to every EL part and please adjust if necessary.

3 hours ago, taniwha said:

Yeah, I held off doing game-breaking changes until a big KSP update because I had players in mind, but kind of forgot about other modders. Really, I held off on that module name change for years because of that. Fortunately, I don't expect any sweeping changes in the future, and I hope that the converter recipes make for easier balancing.

it does make sense now! mixing up Ex with EL is confusing, having one simple concept will make it easier to address module names in general, like having a simpler library.

PS: I'm yet struggling with the KBPS converter values, I don't have any references and don't know how to fit the mod and it's modified converter values. Yet I'm just trying to help adding in compatiblity for mods that support EL :)

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2 hours ago, LatiMacciato said:

PS: I'm yet struggling with the KBPS converter values, I don't have any references and don't know how to fit the mod and it's modified converter values. Yet I'm just trying to help adding in compatiblity for mods that support EL :)

Is this tweaking KPBS converters to emulate EL, or configuring EL's converters to use KPBS balancing? I don't know anything about the former but I might be able to help with the latter.

If the latter (ie, using ELConverter), a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. Resource ratios are by mass, not by KSP resource unit. Thus if you want 1:1 conversion, use use 1:1 ratios. Of course, this applies only to resources with non-zero density.
  2. Resources with zero density (ElectricCharge, EVA Propellant) do not contribute to a recipe's total mass and thus do not affect the ratios of other resources. However, they are scaled appopriately to maintain their ratios with respect to resources with mass.
  3. The actual numbers in the ratios have no inherent meaning (ie, scale), because when the recipe is baked, the ingredients are scaled such that their masses add up to the mass specified when baking. For the smelter, it was easiest to work in grams and kJ/kg (kJ/g? even I'm confused on that one now).


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5 hours ago, taniwha said:

Is this tweaking KPBS converters to emulate EL, or configuring EL's converters to use KPBS balancing? I don't know anything about the former but I might be able to help with the latter.

If the latter (ie, using ELConverter), a few important things to keep in mind:

  1. Resource ratios are by mass, not by KSP resource unit. Thus if you want 1:1 conversion, use use 1:1 ratios. Of course, this applies only to resources with non-zero density.
  2. Resources with zero density (ElectricCharge, EVA Propellant) do not contribute to a recipe's total mass and thus do not affect the ratios of other resources. However, they are scaled appopriately to maintain their ratios with respect to resources with mass.
  3. The actual numbers in the ratios have no inherent meaning (ie, scale), because when the recipe is baked, the ingredients are scaled such that their masses add up to the mass specified when baking. For the smelter, it was easiest to work in grams and kJ/kg (kJ/g? even I'm confused on that one now).


I have tried with assuming for KBPS, @Nils277 might have to look over the details tho but technically the converters are working.


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I just figured a way how to apply the cck-el tag ONLY if none is there in the part which has EL modules, @taniwha let me update the PR once done tested properly

EDIT: patch done, I did add a separate file which handles all tagging of untagged parts. you might want to check if that is ok with EL because it adds a basic support that implents untagged parts. 

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@taniwha Absolutely love your effort. Have been playing with EL since May 2015.

@LatiMacciato I definetly appreciate your efforts to merge this with MKS.

Still, since KSP 1.4.2, I try installing all my favourite mods. But whats new, is: EL doesn't work well with MKS.

Since I like to play with the extra effort of MKS, which changes the production chain, and thus I don't need the extra parts EL provides, (sorry taniwha) I constantly get an exeption error, which terminates the game.

I also like to construct complicated interplanetary craft in orbit, which extra-planetary launchpads provides.

The bundeled B9PartSwitch throws an error about not having MetalOre defined, which I don't need because of the changed production chain. Whatever I delete or amend does not seem to do the trick.

Is the resource of MetalOre hard coded, (I checked all CFG-files left)?

I tryed this MM-Patch to no avail:


        @RESOURCE = MaterialKits {}

Not that I have much experience with MM-patches. What can I do? Where is my mistake? Am i making the wrong assumptions?

Help is much appreciated! :)

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@Kurbalizer you might have to check out the patch manager configs or in your game in custom settings --> patch manager, there you can toggle settings to hide EL parts, also you find there an option to use MKS resources instead EL's.

check out the little paper icon with the wrench which opens this menu with a blank button (why? i dont know). but this opens the MKS options for EL.



This also might just belong to the MKS thread too :P
EDIT: PR #1401 might be relevant too.

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@taniwha @LatiMacciato will make the needed changes to restore support for EL. The values for Smelter/Workshop used in KPBS are just scaled values from the EL parts. So once i figured out what scaling factor i used it should be easy to adapt to the changes.

@taniwha i saw that you mentioned that renaming the moduls from Ex[...] to EL[...] breaks old saves. If i remember correctly it should be possible to use the Save Upgrade System from KSP to change/update the module names when loading an older save. Or am i completely mistaken? 

Edit: Oh, heh, seems the configs for the Smelter and Workshop changed from resource nodes to Recipes. This indeed makes an adjustment way more easy

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12 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

Edit: Oh, heh, seems the configs for the Smelter and Workshop changed from resource nodes to Recipes. This indeed makes an adjustment way more easy

Reading this gladdens my heart :)


18 minutes ago, Nils277 said:

 i saw that you mentioned that renaming the moduls from Ex[...] to EL[...] breaks old saves. If i remember correctly it should be possible to use the Save Upgrade System from KSP to change/update the module names when loading an older save. Or am i completely mistaken? 

Oh, dear, I had completely forgotten the upgrade system was there.

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@LatiMacciato Sorry for the bother. I figured it out now. Nevertheless your hint with the patch manager was helpful. Didn't know about that before.

The actual problem seems to be an incompatibility between EPL and "Stockalike Station Parts Redux", which depends on B9PartSwitch. And the latter throws the error.

Posted the problem on that thread.

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1 hour ago, Kurbalizer said:

@LatiMacciato Sorry for the bother. I figured it out now. Nevertheless your hint with the patch manager was helpful. Didn't know about that before.

The actual problem seems to be an incompatibility between EPL and "Stockalike Station Parts Redux", which depends on B9PartSwitch. And the latter throws the error.

Posted the problem on that thread.

I have both mods .. updated and heavily modded (my own RP sort of)

my mod list


KSP: 1.4.2 (Unix) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Linux 4.4 Ubuntu 16.04 64bit
000_AT_Utils - 1.5.1
Filter Extensions - 3.2.1
Toolbar -
USI Tools - 0.12
ToolbarControl -
Airplane Plus - 21.0
B9 Animation Modules - 1.1
B9 Part Switch - 2.2.1
B9 Aerospace - 6.4
B9 Aerospace - 6.4
B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.4
B9 Aerospace Legacy Parts - 6.4
BD Animation Modules -
Better Science Labs Continued -
Chatterer -
ClickThroughBlocker -
Community Category Kit - 3.0
Community Resource Pack - 0.10
Community Trait Icons - 1.0
ConfigurableContainers - 2.4.2
Contract Configurator - 1.24.4
Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.7.1
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2.1
CSIFreighter - 0.3.1
Crew Light - 1.14
Crew Portraits - 1.3.1
CryoEngines - 0.5.11
CryoTanks - 0.4.9
Custom Asteroids - 1.5
CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
Contract Parser - 1.0.8
Contracts Window Plus -
Progress Parser - 1.0.9
Airline Kuisine - 1.6.1
AGExt -
DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.3
EarnYourStripes - 1.4
Easy Vessel Switch - 1.6.6640.41793
EVAFollowerFollowed -
Extraplanetary Launchpads - 6.0
FShangarExtender -
Firespitter - 7.9
GCMonitor - 1.4.8
GroundConstruction -
Hangar - 3.3.4
HeatControl - 0.4.5
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.13.1
RasterPropMonitor - 0.30
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6.4
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.10.6640.40620
MKS Patches for KPBS - 1.0
KSP-AVC Plugin -
KSPDev LogConsole - 0.17.40068.6640
KSPRescuePodFix -
KSPWheel -
KerbNet Controller - 1.0.4
KerbalAtomics - 0.4.11
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.3
Kerbal Foundries -
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3
HyperEdit - 1.5.6
Feline Utility Rover - 1.2.4
KeridianDynamics Vessel Assembly - 0.8.2
Kurrikane -
Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.4
MandatoryRCS Part Pack - 1.1
MarkIVSystem - 2.4.1
MunarIndustries Fuel Tank Expansion -
NearFutureConstruction - 1.0
NearFutureElectrical - 0.10
NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.1.5
NearFutureProps - 0.3.2
NearFuturePropulsion - 1.0
KSP-AVC Plugin -
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.7.8
DockingCameraKURS -
One Window - 1.0.3
PanzerLabs AreoSpace K-Sat Series - 1.1.1
PartCommanderContinued -
PatchManager - 0.0.15
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.6.3
Portrait Stats - 1.0.17
Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts -
RCS Sounds - 5.2
SETI-ProbeParts -
Science Relay -
ShipManifest - 5.2.1
Spacetux -
SpaceY Expanded - 1.4
SpaceY Lifters - 1.17.2
MicroSat - 0.1.1
StationPartsExpansionRedux - 1.0.3
StreamlineEnginesTanks - 1.1
Surface Mounted Lights - 1.7.6641.38911
TooManyOrbits - 1.1.2
Tracking Station Evolved - 1.0.3
Alternate Resource Panel - 2.9.3
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.9.1
<b><color=#ffffff>Tundra</color> <color=#0090ff>Exploration</color></b> -
TweakScale - 2.3.10
USI Core - 0.7
USI Exploration Pack - 0.11
Freight Transport Tech - 0.10
Karbonite - 0.12
Konstruction - 0.5
MKS - 0.55
Malemute Rover - 0.6
Universal Storage - 1.4
Universal Storage - Stock Resource Fuel Cell -
EVAParachutesAndEjectionSeats -
VesselMover - 1.7
Waypoint Manager - 2.7.2
Snacks - 1.10
OSE Workshop - 1.2.4
[x] Science! - 5.14

The only file that may cause this is a missing resource definition. From EL that is generated like this and just make sure you have the right version (don't just click the clone or download button on GitHub unless you wanna mess with the source files) .. instead try downloading the latest EL with CKAN.

EDIT: oh and make sure you have the latest version of Community Resource Pack

or grab it at --> github releases

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This will probably be a silly question, but I've searched to no avail. Every single time I build a rocket on a launchpad, the rocket itself builds just fine, and even though I have enough LF/O onboard my base when building, every single time I build the rocket, no fuel gets taken from my base, and the rocket is always empty. This isn't so much of a problem when my rocket is attached to the base itself, like in an orbital launchpad, as I can then simply transfer fuel into it before undocking. However, when using a survey stake, I never get the option to transfer fuel into it, and all of my rockets start with no fuel. This is proving to be frustrating at best and mindboggling at worst, because I still get the fueling screen before the final undocking, but even though everything is set to 100%, it always spawns with nothing.

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