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[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)


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  TriggerAu said:
You can already use blizzy's toolbar (which removes that icon) - the option is in the visuals section. Assuming Blizzy's new version works the same :)


I am coding up the 0.24 stuff in between forum posts which should fix all the button stuff . back soon

You are the man, dude... this thing is really cool.

And kinda like a drug ...

At first I was .. "meh ..a resource mod .. do I need it? ... well looks kinda neat .. also bored ... I am giving it a shot"

And then I was "WOW.. look at all those possibilities. .... I CAN'T GO ON LIVING WITHOUT IT *foaming_twiching_eyes rolled backwards*"

Cool thing that it basically works in 0.24 error free (at least no crashes)... but natively integrated would be even nicer...

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v2.4.0.0 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once it's approved

Big thing here is 0.24 recompile and added functionality regarding the AppLauncher. Here's the details

  • Compiled against 0.24 binaries
  • Changed Button Options so you can choose from Basic, Blizzy's Toolbar or KSP Launcher
  • Added KSP Launcher Button stuff
  • Changed texture loading to blurless method (from KAC Issue 33)

So a few notes as well:

To adjust the button style you want go to the settings and choose visuals/styles and it is the 2nd option down.

I have included an AppLauncher button, and it works for me, but please note that Romfarer has pointed out there are challenges with using this in the current version. If you have issues wit the app launcher button then please choose one of the other options.

I know people will ask, and I have looked at the possibility of replacing the stock button. At the moment there is no way to do this exposed in the code, but I have asked for a response form a Dev about whether they have any issues and whether they would be willing to expose that functionality. If its possible I will add the function, but its not there at the moment

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Hey TriggerAu. I noticed one thing about the AppLauncher button (may be due to the limitations as expressed in Romfarers post):

It doesn't show up on Map view. I picked up KER which is also integrated with AppLauncher which does show up. This makes maneuvering and resource viewing on Map mode a bit difficult.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Bad news. This mod and also Alarm Clock make my game crash when I start a new game.

Try to nail down what's causing your crashes because you seem to be posting this in every mod on the face of the earth... Perhaps you're trying to run ksp64 on a non64 OS? KSP64 isn't stable in the first place.

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  Ignath said:
I have both running with no issue. Perhaps a combination of mods with those 2 causing the issue?

Maybe, but nothing so far leads to that specific conclusion. I've ran a few permutation, and I'm not about run more. You know how you calculate those, right?

  BigD145 said:
Try to nail down what's causing your crashes because you seem to be posting this in every mod on the face of the earth... Perhaps you're trying to run ksp64 on a non64 OS? KSP64 isn't stable in the first place.

Yes others have also said it's not stable.

By the way it's not every mod. It's only 4 so far. And I've been careful to narrow it down each time. One thing I haven't tried is running just the "problematic" mod on its own, so I'll do that and report back.

And I have a 64bit system.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Could you put a link to that post with extra icons in your first post? I'm having trouble finding it.....

Doneski, great idea

  Ignath said:
Hey TriggerAu. I noticed one thing about the AppLauncher button (may be due to the limitations as expressed in Romfarers post):

It doesn't show up on Map view. I picked up KER which is also integrated with AppLauncher which does show up. This makes maneuvering and resource viewing on Map mode a bit difficult.

TBH I dont know if I tried that use case specifically. I'll have a look at it soon, but I need a day off :)

  Cpt. Kipard said:
...Yes others have also said it's not stable.

By the way it's not every mod. It's only 4 so far. And I've been careful to narrow it down each time. One thing I haven't tried is running just the "problematic" mod on its own, so I'll do that and report back.

And I have a 64bit system.

I did run up the two mods in 64 bit and they worked OK for me, but there are quite a few vageries with the 64-bit version and I suffer from the mouse locking issue which is soooooooo frustrating I'm not playing 64 bit myself (I dont have 3GB of Mods anyway ;) )

If you can check whether they fail in 32 bit and provide the log from 64 bit I can see if anything stands out

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  Ignath said:
Hey TriggerAu. I noticed one thing about the AppLauncher button (may be due to the limitations as expressed in Romfarers post):

It doesn't show up on Map view. I picked up KER which is also integrated with AppLauncher which does show up. This makes maneuvering and resource viewing on Map mode a bit difficult.

In true fashion I missed a bitwise OR in Jims post - my mistake. I've got it sorted in the code now, just checking what else I might try and tweak before a new release.

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  TriggerAu said:
In true fashion I missed a bitwise OR in Jims post - my mistake. I've got it sorted in the code now, just checking what else I might try and tweak before a new release.

Awesome! Thanks for the quick work and excellent mods TriggerAu!

Also, will you ever be looking to implement the AppLauncher button for KAC as well (just curious, I run Toolbar anyway)?

Edited by Ignath
Question about KAC
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  Ignath said:
Awesome! Thanks for the quick work and excellent mods TriggerAu!

Also, will you ever be looking to implement the AppLauncher button for KAC as well (just curious, I run Toolbar anyway)?

No Probs :)

I'm not looking at that just now for KAC. The current launcher will run out of space real fast if we all pile in, will wait to see whats next for it.

I really wanna get v3 kicking along for KAC next, just need to get over the upgrade hump and then fix the API and a few other bits and it should be OK to start testing.

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v2.4.1.0 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once it's approved

Sorry for the short time between versions, but really wanted to fix that MapView issue with the AppLauncher while I was working on it. Here's all the bits:

  • Fixed issue with AppLauncher button not displaying in MapView (Issue #32)
  • Added option to be able to choose left or right for Last Stage Bars (Issue #30)
  • Stopped displaying the insertion icon when dragging of no change would occur (Issue #33)
  • Adjusted Drag and Drop detection to better use the mouse position (Issue #34)

The Drag and drop tweaks are so that as you drag it will now display the insertion bar above or below the resource you hover over based on the mouse position. this now means you can drag something right to the bottom... and my mild OCD can relax a little :)

Some ideas maybe

The last thing I wanna get done now is update the included icons to have all the ones for the existing packs. I've done a check of the ones I'm missing and I got the below with some notes:

  • LiquidHydrogen - Use LiquidH2
  • ChargedParticles - Some Glowing Particles
  • UraniumNitride - Liquid U2N3
  • Plutonium-238 - Radioactive 238
  • Helium-3 - He-3 Gas
  • LqdWater -Water
  • Alumina
  • H2Peroxide - Tank H2O2
  • Ammonia - Use LqdAmmonia
  • LqdHelium - He Tank
  • Nitrogen - N Gas
  • MON1
  • MON3
  • MON10
  • MON15
  • MON20
  • Hydyne
  • TEATEB - two circles like TEA-TEB stuff
  • Helium - He Gas

If anyone has some good ideas (especially for the ones in bold) then please let me know, and as always if you have any feedback/ideas/issues then yell out as well. Will do my best (although this 64-bit thing is hard work)

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Got a strange issue on KSP_x64.

When I have a solid rocket set as the first stage, it appears all the fuel types are stacked on top of each other and I can't see my Solid fuel. Once I decouple the solid fuel (whether it's empty or I am still sitting on the launch pad without even firing), the ARP reverts back to how it should look.


Is this something I've messed up in the settings or a bug of some sort?

Edit: Also, only seeing 1 error in the Debug toolbar when it happens:

[Exception]: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

This error repeats untill it fills the Debug toolbar.

Edited by Ignath
Adding debugger info.
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Just got the same bug! Tested a little bit around and could reproduce it with a vessel with liquid and solid fuel.

The full Exception:

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.Int32,KSPAlternateResourcePanel.ARPResource].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.ARPWindow.DrawWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourWindow.DrawWindowInternal (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Eurekas for Station Science please. Make it a golden crown on a blue background, or halfway submerged in water.

Hangon, that wasnt on my list!!! :P

I can do one or two extras, is that the only resource in Station Science? haven't used it myself

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  Ignath said:
Got a strange issue on KSP_x64.

When I have a solid rocket set as the first stage, it appears all the fuel types are stacked on top of each other and I can't see my Solid fuel. Once I decouple the solid fuel (whether it's empty or I am still sitting on the launch pad without even firing), the ARP reverts back to how it should look....

  SMILIE said:
Just got the same bug! Tested a little bit around and could reproduce it with a vessel with liquid and solid fuel...

Certainly looks like a bug to me darn those things. Good reporting, I should be able to set up that test case easily after work.

If you have time, can either of you confirm whether it happens in 32 bit as well for you?

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Happens on 32bit windows as well, was just going to report the bug myself

If you need any logs let me know, I should have some

edit: looked through the log, other than 20MB of the exception posted 3 posts above there's nothing related to ARP going wrong

Edited by Alvin853
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  TriggerAu said:
Hangon, that wasnt on my list!!! :P

I can do one or two extras, is that the only resource in Station Science? haven't used it myself

It also has Exposure Time, Test Points, Bioproducts, Kuarqs and Kibbal.

Edited by dak180
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Yup, I've also got that issue. 2.4.0 was fine. The screenshot was taken after I've deleted settings.cfg, just to be sure.

complete Output_log.txt uploaded here (as a 7z), just in case. Actual exception seems the same as above:

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.Int32,KSPAlternateResourcePanel.ARPResource].get_Item (Int32 key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.ARPWindow.DrawWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourWindow.DrawWindowInternal (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


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