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Krags PlanetFactory. Updated Jan 22


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Smack in the middle of a Hohman transfer to Serious with a single 2m Nerva. Long burn is long >.< I would have 3 if the orange tank with an engine hadn't broken off for no reason forcing me to move fuel and dump its twin



Despite losing a full orange tank along the way, bob made it to Joker over a period of about 15 years with 4km/s of dV to spare. Not enough to come home but still pretty good. The 1Mx and 50Mx warp is super clutch. Mod is crazy awesome, I can't wait for black hole shenanigans. Album if anyone cares

Edited by The Ideal Gas Lawyer
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  LORDPrometheus said:
Is Kragrathea a play on words of Magrathea? If so it makes a lot of sense! People who have read hitch hikers guide to the galaxy will get it

Yes, the original launch thread was basically Krag roleplaying someone trying to sell a planet pack to a bunch of Kerbals.

Someone complained, and the thread was locked because of the "no roleplay" rule. Sad times.


For anyone interested, this was the original discussion thread.

Edited by kahlzun
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I have had an idea for a neat planet you could include at the mod.

Its name is Aspectrus, and orbits Serious. It's map color is dark stone gray, and compared to the rest of the planets, it's surprisingly easy to get to and land, if you don't count it's massive black hole-like moon with an incredibly large sphere of influence. We'll get to it later.

Aspectrus' atmosphere is a dark stone gray, and it's soil is even darker. If you have terrain scatter on, trees without foilages will be dotted across the landscape. Aspectrus has many canyons and mountains, and is quite a windy, dark place, making it creepy at times.

About it's moon. It's called Vacuuer, and you better believe it's name. Possessing gravity akin to a black hole, a total black appearance and no solid surface, it may very well be classified as a "Junior" black hole. It's "surface" resembles Jool's, but is black, and the atmosphere is a really dark gray. It spins abnormally quick around Aspectrus, making it hard to predict where it will be next. Despite the fact that Vacuuer has no solid surface, it has visible chunks of meteors floating high above it's atmosphere.

And now, for the Easter Eggs.

• Aspectrus: There are 5 gravestones scattered across it's surface.

• Aspectrus: At the north pole, there is a big pumpkin.

• Aspectrus: 0° North, 0° East, there is a haunted mansion on the end of a canyon, surrounded by pumpkins. On the mansion's balcony there is a SQUAD monolith.

• Vacuuer: Crashed nuclear ICBM at a meteorite hovering above the moon's north pole.

• Vacuuer: Run-down original Mk1 Pod hovering above the south pole.

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  kahlzun said:
Yes, the original launch thread was basically Krag roleplaying someone trying to sell a planet pack to a bunch of Kerbals.

Someone complained, and the thread was locked because of the "no roleplay" rule. Sad times.


For anyone interested, this was the original discussion thread.

That and Krag ignored good questions about coding and yet answered all that played into her act. Since Krag is still doing the same, I've decided to switch to aftokinito's code. It has a few bugs but I already like it more than planet factory.

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  Kragrathea said:
Latest Updates:

Dec 3:

Fixed "default" texture on Sentar

DEC 1 Update:

Added Serious (star) and Joker (small planet)

OCT 6 Update:

-Fixed(?) Mac/Linux/Steam versions (sorry).

-Added UltraWarp disable option to Ctrl-U

Hello Kerbals! Here it is, the long awaited Sentar planetary expansion. You Kerbals have been cooped up in that tiny system far too long and I think this is a nice mix of planets to explore. A little something for everyone!





Few things to keep in mind:

-Backup your saved game. Bad things could happen

-The planets in this expansion are target at more advanced players. None are easy to get to.

-These planets require plenty of RAM. You might have to remove other large plugins or risk crashes.

-I HIGHLY recommend rbray89′s cloud plugin for use with these planets. It really makes them look amazing!

Special thanks to:

Mr. Shifty



Source here:



All rights reserved. You may fork, view and learn from this source in accordance with github terms of service. But you can not distribute derivative works without the express permission of Kragrethea. But just ask! I am very flexible.

Please I need that someone helps me with this!! The planets double, but I do not have any of the planets of the photos.

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  william758 said:
You all ready can. You just need to define an orbit in the config. Try adding this and change the parameters to what you want.



inclination = 2.542

eccentricity = 0.0791

semiMajorAxis = 95000000000

LAN = 145

argumentOfPeriapsis = 205

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.122

epoch = 11037

referenceBody = Sun


Ah, thanks. That said, I'm not sure where, if anywhere I can find the value for what Sentar are normally; I'd rather not put it on some lolrandom orbit.

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Since in your video of the barry system you said that you used space engine for textures so i didn't like skelton really because it looks like Duna just my opinion so i found a frozen titan class planet in space engine exported the textures and it worked pretty good since unity generates planet meshs from a height map i gave skelton i whole new look and keeps its giant mountain sorry no screen shot yet

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  Dooz said:
Since in your video of the barry system you said that you used space engine for textures so i didn't like skelton really because it looks like Duna just my opinion so i found a frozen titan class planet in space engine exported the textures and it worked pretty good since unity generates planet meshs from a height map i gave skelton i whole new look and keeps its giant mountain sorry no screen shot yet

What is punctuation?

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  The Ideal Gas Lawyer said:
What is punctuation?

You think space probes understand punctuation? He probably got a migraine from just translating that from binary!

Anyways here's a little video of my latest attempts at breaking the game:

I'm further along now, haven't tested the latest build using afto's code, but the space center has reappeared, so I must be doing something right! :sticktongue:

If you have the time, Krag can you tell me more about the .bin files? I know they're meshes, but how did you go about creating them?

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  kahlzun said:
Someone complained, and the thread was locked because of the "no roleplay" rule. Sad times.

Which, to be honest, it a ridiculous thing to enforce on this forum. There are hundreds of 'companies' on the forums that produce space vehicles for a game that is about an invented solar system with imaginary green men, but somehow roleplaying is supposed to be prohibited. Is running an imaginary company not exactly that?

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Actually, it wasn't closed over roleplaying. It was closed over a stupid argument coupled with the mod being broken by a KSP update. The thread was pointless at that point, really. Planet Factory was only fixed recently.

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Krag do you think it would be a good idea to add more pol/bop style moons around Sentar and Jool? Some more easy to reach planets may be nice so we all can easily reach the new planets without needing to launch gigantic spaceships just to explore new planet systems.

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  panfish5 said:
Krag do you think it would be a good idea to add more pol/bop style moons around Sentar and Jool? Some more easy to reach planets may be nice so we all can easily reach the new planets without needing to launch gigantic spaceships just to explore new planet systems.

I've always been partial to Gilly personally.

A planet in a retrograde orbit around serious could be a trip.

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Does anyone know if .23 breaks the mod? I heard on Scott Manley's channel that the code for the PQS planet system has been optimized. Mine is still updating with the new launcher so I can't find out for myself... at this rate till next week :P

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  braininator said:
Does anyone know if .23 breaks the mod? I heard on Scott Manley's channel that the code for the PQS planet system has been optimized. Mine is still updating with the new launcher so I can't find out for myself... at this rate till next week :P

Working on .23

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