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Krags PlanetFactory. Updated Jan 22


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2 questions:

Why is a planet with lava pools orbiting a icy planet?


KCreatoer those planets look awesome. Would definitely like to have those ingame eventually.Are you planning to have the lava pools be similar to water oceans, or solid surfaces that destroy ships?

The icy planet is about as far as Jool from Kerbol, the lava planet has intense heat internally. :D

If Krag gives me permission, I will finalise, and upload the plugin. the lava pools will act like a liquid, but cause part overheating

May I ask how you did this, and is there a easy way to do it, (just modeling and some cfg. editing) As I am... well, I don't code.

At this point, I just broke down the PlanetFactory code and added my planets (It is fully compatible, though), But Krag plans to have easy config files to make planets.

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The more pressing question is how a planet with no atmosphere has molten pools of lava all over its surface.

It looks cool, but doesn't make much sense.

It is meant too, in the Planetarium info screen, it says it has an atmosphere, but sadly it is a bit of a challenge to give it one. I guess I could always change it later, when I get a better understanding of how the Atmosphere components are used.

Edit: I wont derail Krag's thread much further.

Do you have any intention of adding more planets/Adding atmosphere configs to Laythe/Duna/Jool/Kerbin Type planets? or perhaps a ring definition in the config files? I would be happy to do that for you...

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It is meant too, in the Planetarium info screen, it says it has an atmosphere, but sadly it is a bit of a challenge to give it one. I guess I could always change it later, when I get a better understanding of how the Atmosphere components are used.

Alrighty then.

...although in that case the surface wouldn't be so pockmarked... :sticktongue: (I'm just being difficult)

Switching topics, can some of these bodies be disabled if we're only interested in one or two of them?

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As much as this seems wonderful I don't plan on using it because of the RAM requirements. Perhaps the planets should be made configurable so one may remove planets or changer their orbits as one pleases.

Same. It seems like a massive amount of overkill to me.

Adding one or two really well thought-out and executed bodies seems like a much better idea to me.

I think that a mod adding one planet would have been embraced by everybody, whereas there is a lot of hesitation with this one.

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It's not even the textures, actually, it's more likely the Voronoi craters. They are EXPENSIVE--when I upped the frequency for the craters for the Mun (for RSS), it used up 700MB (!) of RAM. That's why I didn't change them. And Krag's adding them to the new planets.

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This may sound like a nooby question but how can i add a planet with the source code?

I Have so many ideas! If you can give me a template code for a planet

Oh and while im here

Nathan, will your Real Solar System be able to be used for Krag's planet factory, like Sentar being resized to the mass of Saturn?

Yes it can it tried to make erin its own planet in orbit around the sun using the real solar system

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This may sound like a nooby question but how can i add a planet with your source code?

I Have so many ideas! If you can give me a template code for a planet

She'll release the code to allow this soon enough. For the moment, it's kinda a situation where if you need to ask, you don't know enough about coding to really use it properly.

Wait a while, and you'll have the Official tools to allow you to create world of your dreams.

Small bug report; unsure if this has been reported previously, but Sentar goes solar-transparant once you get past a certain distance away:

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Small bug report; unsure if this has been reported previously, but Sentar goes solar-transparant once you get past a certain distance away:

the bug also happens with Jool sometimes but not as often as this

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needed to fix quote
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Nice. I'm looking forward to release of the code to create an additional planet. Already got something in mind:

Name: Grotesque

Location: 120-140 million km orbit around Kerbol

Radius: 900 km (1800 km diameter)

Gravity: 1,9 G

Atmosphere: up to 1,3 bar

Landscape: equatorial mountains and some icey deposits mostly around the poles

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Hey Krag, do you think it might be possible to add an option to reduce the inclinations of the new planets' orbits and moons to something more realistic? At least for Sentar and its moons, which are the most problematic in that regard.

To be honest, I'd prefer a full fledged "true to game" setting that would, in addition to bringing down the inclinations of Sentar and its moon to something reasonably close to what we see in the real solar system/ksp solar system, would also lower the masses of the body which have densities inconsistent with the rest of the KSP universe. Or I suppose for real solar system maybe.

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Hey Krag, do you think it might be possible to add an option to reduce the inclinations of the new planets' orbits and moons to something more realistic? At least for Sentar and its moons, which are the most problematic in that regard.

You all ready can. You just need to define an orbit in the config. Try adding this and change the parameters to what you want.



inclination = 2.542

eccentricity = 0.0791

semiMajorAxis = 95000000000

LAN = 145

argumentOfPeriapsis = 205

meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.122

epoch = 11037

referenceBody = Sun


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Krag, you should make this mod more modular, so people can add planets they made more easily and delete ones they either dislike (Can't see why though) or think are expendable in order to reduce RAM (more understandable). Also, why don't you make Serious and Kerbol orbit a single 'point' of high density, like a micro galaxy. Would help as the current pseudo-binary system is quite odd.

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I propose another mod where two or three deply and fully developed planets are added instead of 10 rough drafts

My thoughts exactly. It's the difference between a must-have mod and a might-have-someday mod.

Although it could be that this release is more of a showcase than anything, because it sounds as though the "Official Tools " might be the primary focus.

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i love this thing to bits, but have sadly stopped using it because i was getting tired of the constant ram crashes. i do hope you manage to find a way to significantly lower the ram usage in future updates! i look forward to completing my aerospike-powered manned skelton mission...

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Hey Krag!

Nasa found a planet that is 11 times bigger than Jupiter and I think on the next star you put in, Make this way far out from the star! Make it red with rings if you want, Make it 11 or 10 times bigger than Jool or Sentar. Maybe even bigger than Kerbol (Sun)! It should have about 0 or 1 or 2 moons. And I have a good description for the new born planet! :cool:

Kerbal 109291 B

We found this is the garbage can 2 days ago, It's probably just leftovers from Jeb's birthday party last year.

Picture: xabYFU3.png My idea of sizes. Its unrealistic, I know! But it is Kerbal space program, right?

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People couldn't see the picture...
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Nathan, will your Real Solar System be able to be used for Krag's planet factory, like Sentar being resized to the mass of Saturn?

You can already do that by including them in the RealSolarSystem.cfg file.

Here's a configuration of the stock planets and the Planet Factory planets to look like the real solar system. It looks like this. (includes Universe Replacer and Clouds and City Lights textures, but if you don't want new textures just don't extract those folders or the Planet Factory folder)

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