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[1.2.0] Toolbar 1.7.13 - Common API for draggable/resizable buttons toolbar


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Does it work in 1.0.4? I'm getting the message at start up but the tool bar is showing up but all the icons are purple (and some in the stock toolbar are white). Does this have a known fix?

From all reports, it is working fine in 1.0.4. (You can even hide the warning message by making the edit shown on one of the last few pages.)

Perhaps you could post a screenshot illustrating your issue?

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Does it work in 1.0.4? I'm getting the message at start up but the tool bar is showing up but all the icons are purple (and some in the stock toolbar are white). Does this have a known fix?

Sounds like active texture management, are you using it? It can cause some icons to go white if you don't tell it to ignore icons (maybe its also causing the purple ones as well, but I've never seen that).

Also the toolbar is fine in .4

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Sounds like active texture management, are you using it? It can cause some icons to go white if you don't tell it to ignore icons (maybe its also causing the purple ones as well, but I've never seen that).

Also the toolbar is fine in .4

I do have active texture management installed I believe. Do you know how to tell it to ignore icons?

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I do have active texture management installed I believe. Do you know how to tell it to ignore icons?

Create a cfg file and put it somewhere in gamedata.

Replace the Example/path with the location of the icon files (check in the affect mods folders to see where they are)



folder = Example/Path

enabled = false


Also it doesn't really help that much these days since most mods have moved to dds, I've stopped using it since it gave no benefit. Maybe worth removing it and seeing if you mem usage is increased.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Does it work in 1.0.4? I'm getting the message at start up but the tool bar is showing up but all the icons are purple (and some in the stock toolbar are white). Does this have a known fix?

Had the same issue. Are you getting a second error message once the game finishes loading telling you something is not in the right place. As the zip is shipped, the folder inside looks like something that can just be dragged into GameData, but the real folder that belongs there is actually two levels in. Instead of "Toolbar_x.x.x" you want to put "000_Toolbar" in your GameData folder. I did that, still got the message about it being out of date, but the icons appeared.

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I have an odd Problem: When i send one ov my kerbals on an EVA the focus remains on the capsule, when switching over to the kerbal on eva everything is fine, but when i send the kerbal back into the capsule a "clone" is created (= one remains outside, a second one is creatd inside the capsule, at this point i have no more control over the one outside).

The real strange part is, when i remove the 000_Toolbar order from my game, this problem disappears.

In addition to this Bug, i get a lot of null reference exceptions shown in the debug console on game startup, a lot of them disappear when i remove your Toolbar from my game.

Since i have a lot of mods installed i have spend the better part of the afternoon updating/deleting/reinstalling diferent mods but so far i was unable to find the faulty mod(s) (unless the bug is in fact inside the toolbar), so i hoped you can point me in the right direction.

KSP: 1.0.4 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 8.1 (6.3.10240) 64bitFilter Extensions - 2.4.1

USI Tools - 0.4.2

B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40

Chatterer -

Community Resource Pack - 0.4.4

Contract Configurator - 1.7.4

Contract Pack: Anomaly Surveyor - 1.4.2

Contract Pack: Base Construction - 0.2.2

Contract Pack: Kerbal Space Station - 2.3

Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.0

Contract Pack: SCANSat Lite - 1.3

Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.2

Contracts Window Plus -

Crowd Sourced Science - 3.0

DMagic Orbital Science - 1.0.8

EVA Transfer - 1.0.2

Ferram Aerospace Research -

Firespitter - 7.1.4

Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.16

ClampsBeGone - 1.2

RasterPropMonitor - 0.22.2

Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.4

Kerbal Construction Time - 1.2.2

Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.0.18

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4

MFS - 0.3.2

Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.2

KSC Building Shortcuts - 1.0.1

KSI: Placement Services - 0.1.7

KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5

KW-Rocketry-Community-Fixes - 0.2

Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.2.1

Infernal Robots - 0.21.3

ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.1

NavHud - 1.2.1

Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.2

Near Future Electrical - 0.5.1

EVAHandrailsPackContinued - 0.2

Final Frontier -

Flight Statistic - 1.0

PartCommander -

Pilot Assistant - 1.11.7

Procedural Parts - 1.1.7

RCS Build Aid - 0.7.2

RealChute -

RemoteTech - 1.6.7

SCANsat -

SmartParts - 1.6.6

StageRecovery - 1.5.7

TAC Fuel Balancer -

TarsierSpaceTechnology - 5.4.1

TextureReplacer - 2.4.9

ThrottleControlledAvionics -

TAC Life Support -

Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.4

Alternate Resource Panel - 2.7.3

Transfer Window Planner - 1.3.1

TweakScale - 2.2.1

Freight Transport Tech - 0.4.1

MKS - 0.31.6

Universal Storage -

Waypoint Manager - 2.4.2

OSE Workshop - 0.10.2

[x] Science! - 4.8



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  • 2 weeks later...
Is it possible to activate whole folder at once?

What do you mean? Do you have experience with successfully installing mods?

- - - Updated - - -


I have an odd Problem: When i send one ov my kerbals on an EVA the focus remains on the capsule, when switching over to the kerbal on eva everything is fine, but when i send the kerbal back into the capsule a "clone" is created (= one remains outside, a second one is creatd inside the capsule, at this point i have no more control over the one outside).

The real strange part is, when i remove the 000_Toolbar order from my game, this problem disappears.

In addition to this Bug, i get a lot of null reference exceptions shown in the debug console on game startup, a lot of them disappear when i remove your Toolbar from my game.

Since i have a lot of mods installed i have spend the better part of the afternoon updating/deleting/reinstalling diferent mods but so far i was unable to find the faulty mod(s) (unless the bug is in fact inside the toolbar), so i hoped you can point me in the right direction.

There are some mods that have had these symptoms reported; you might search the forum threads for those.

I believe that it's unlikely the toolbar would be responsible for the NRE's you are seeing, but it's possible you have either a flawed mod install, or even reached the 32-bit memory limit. In any case, it's useful to try and reproduce the errors with the minimum number of mods, to assist mod developers or other players with helping you troubleshoot your problem.

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How do I remove a shortcut from a folder? I feel stupid for having to ask this...

Click the dropdown menu and select unlock button order, you can drag the icon from the folder then.

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Feature request: Can you introduce the possibility of keyboard-control of layout resizing? That's an awful small active-spot to look for in the lower right corner with the mouse cursor to grab the border for resizing purposes after triggering the resizing-unlock. The resize increments can be the equivalent of a single button, so I'd imagine that it would be intuitive to the user once accessed, and you wouldn't have to entirely remove mouse-resizing.

Question: I have numerous mods in my install with Toolbar icon issues -- perhaps 3 or 4 per game-scene. Either the texture is not in an 2X*2X increment (28x28 instead of 32x32) which I THINK causes problems on load with TextureReplacer which seems to prefer / require 2X*2X resolutions; or the texture presents as a solid purple square (most of those are icons from the first category that I had to manually resize for TextureReplacer compatibility purposes, though some of the manually resized icons and working perfectly.) I run a very mod-heavy build in Linux 64-bit; in any given scene my toolbar carries 1-2 dozen buttons, so multiple solid purple squares is becoming annoying. I've already messaged the mod authors in question, and of those that have responded and provided a substantive suggestion, none have resulted in a fix.

I've temporarily taken to the interim measure of assigning my own random assorted of various color icons so I can at least tell them apart, and I suppose I could manually design my own icons, but there's a lot of them, and maintaining manual icon changes on a mostly-CKAN install is less than ideal. I know full well that your mod is not responsible for these symptoms, but I would like to ask if your experience in designing it might inform me of a first step to a possible solution.

Edited by MisterFister
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This does not appear to be compatible with 1.0.4...
It's definitely not compatible with 1.0.4. It keeps crashing the game

It warns you at load that its not compatible, but it works just fine. If you're getting crashing problems, its coming from another mod, either by its self, OR because a specific mod in your install is having issues with Toolbar. Toolbar itself is not the source of your problem.

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It's definitely not compatible with 1.0.4. It keeps crashing the game

It definitely is compatible. It's probably one of the most used mods, don't you think lots of people would say it doesn't work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running community tech tree and most of the mods to fill it. I think I have narrowed down the thing that causes me to crash or freeze: either KSP Interstellar Extended, or Toolbar, which it relies on. I would say upwards of 30% of the time I do a scene change (entering or exiting any facility, launching or recovering a vehicle, etc) I crash out completely. Maybe 50% of the times I try to enter the VAB, I freeze. When I uninstall the KSPI-E and Toolbar, most of those crashes and freezes go away.

Is this a toolbar problem? Or is there some obscure conflict happening that I can't identify?

I guess for reference, here's my mod list from my CKAN window:

Community Resource Pack

Community Tech Tree

DMagic Orbital Science

Dr. Jet's Chop Shop

Extraplanetary Launchpads

Firespitter Core

Infernal Robotics, IF Model Rework Core, IF Model Rework Expansion

Interstellar Fuel Switch and IFS Core



Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier




Lithobrake Exploration Technologies

Mechjeb 2

Modular Rocket Systems - Parts Pack

Module Manager 1.8

Near Future Construction, Electrical, Electrical Core, IVA Props, Propulsion, Solar, Spacecraft Parts, Decaying RTGs, and Hydrogen NTR

OSE Workshop

Outer Planets Mod




Science Revisited


SpaceY Extended, Heavy Lifters Parts Pack

Stockalike Station Parts Expansion



Universal Storage

USI MKS/OKS, Life Support, Tools


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I've never actually submitted a log file before, nor do I have any clue how to look through them. Do I need to upload it somewhere?

Yes you have to upload it somewhere and it's in KSP folder you should see KSP.log

EDIT- Here will tell you alittle more on getting help http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29

Edited by Mecripp2
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There are two logs that can help: the KSP.log in the main KSP folder, and I think the output_log.txt in the KSP_Data folder. IIRC, if the game completely crashes, closes, and goes to desktop, I believe a folder gets created in the main KSP folder, that has a date/time stamp for the folder name...There is usually an output log in there, too...

I mainly use the KSP.log...This is a log of everything that happens during game loading...You can open it and scan thru looking for [ERR] & [WRN] to see what has issues.

And, yes you have to upload it and link to it somehwere else, as the forum admins didnt set up this forum for file attachements.

Edited by Stone Blue
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