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[1.2.0] Toolbar 1.7.13 - Common API for draggable/resizable buttons toolbar


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37 minutes ago, blizzy78 said:

There is no way to disable the notification, but you can dismiss it for the current session by right-clicking the button.

Blizzy, I am actually seeing that notification as well but in 1.1 and I am running v1.7.11. It's only a mild annoyance and not that big of a deal. Just figured I'd put that out there as well

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In the tracking station the gui window is directly on top of the exit button for the tracking station. There are no pixels that I can click on that will click the toolbar modifier button and NOT click the button to exit the tracking station (There is clickthrough). I know of no way to move the toolbar without accessing this button, so I seem unable to use the toolbar at all in that screen.

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Just now, 5thHorseman said:

In the tracking station the gui window is directly on top of the exit button for the tracking station. There are no pixels that I can click on that will click the toolbar modifier button and NOT click the button to exit the tracking station (There is clickthrough). I know of no way to move the toolbar without accessing this button, so I seem unable to use the toolbar at all in that screen.

Out of the game, you can edit GameData/toolbar-settings.dat with a text editor and edit the screen location of the Toolbar in a particular scene by hand.

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You could try setting the "x" and "y" settings in the toolbar-settings.dat file for that particular scene, then start KSP again. I believe removing those two lines should work as well, resetting them to defaults.

Edited by blizzy78
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1 hour ago, blizzy78 said:

You could try setting the "x" and "y" settings in the toolbar-settings.dat file for that particular scene, then start KSP again. I believe removing those two lines should work as well, resetting them to defaults.

Thanks I'll try this, though I swear I didn't put it there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I checked the FAQ and change log, and wasn't able to find an answer to my question..plus I'm at work so I can't delve into all the threads (so I apologize if this is a repeat): Is there a way we can completely remove the Stock Applauncher and use this toolbar as a replacement? Does the mod already do this?

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34 minutes ago, blizzy78 said:

The Toolbar Plugin does not replace the App Launcher at this time.

But it should!:sticktongue: (Clarification: I hate mods that stubbornly refuse to add support for your lovely toolbar, always irks me).

Also, I swear I posted a bug report yesterday or the day before in this thread about entering and exiting map view moving the toolbar around, did it get deleted?:huh: Oh well, it was for the older version anyway - grabbing new version now. Thanks.

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Perhaps you posted in the development thread instead of this one. Either way, you can try deleting your toolbar-settings.dat file and see if that helps (make a backup of that file first.) This will reset everything.

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Hmm, I'm a little bit lost here: I downloaded and installed the 1.7.11 version some weeks ago. That gave me a "000_toolbar" folder with a handfull of files.

Today I wanted to upgrade this to the lates 1.7.12 version and opening the .zip I found 3 folders and 4 files. Unsure where to put that stuff.... :^/

CKAN was no help as 1.7.11 is still stated as latest version.... help... please....


While I'm asking... Is there any way to relocate the stock toolbar?


Thaks for any help,

I'm Maverick McLeod - fly safe!

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This is what I get after opening the "ksp_toolbar-1.7.12.zip": 

folders: "TestButtons", "Toolbar", "Wrapper"

files: ".gitattributes", ".gitignore", "README.md", "Toolbar.sln"


Opening "Toolbar" shows "API", Internal", Properties", "etc". The content of "etc" looks most familiar to what I found in the old "000_Toolbar" folder from 1.7.11

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23 minutes ago, blizzy78 said:

I don't know who manages CKAN entries, but it's not me. The official download link is in the first post.

I can't find the config file :(

Edited by FreeThinker
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1 hour ago, MavMcLeod said:

I was just following the CKAN link: https://github.com/blizzy78/ksp_toolbar/releases

That's just the Toolbar source on Github.  Not all mods have install .zips on Github, even if they have their source there.

As @blizzy78 said, you always should check the first post of the mod's topic to find out where to download the install .zip for a mod.

And unfortunately, sometimes the information that CKAN has is wrong for one reason or another.

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10 hours ago, blizzy78 said:

On page 1 of this thread, near the top.

Which config file? The toolbar-settings.dat file? It should be directly inside of GameData\

No, I'm talking about the CKAN file for Toolbar 1.7.12, It allows other mods like KSPI-E to specify they are dependant on Toolbar. I can't find it on the CKAN list at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/tree/master/NetKAN


Edit: I did find this folder containing config files for every Toolbar version

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