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[1.0.2]HGR 1.875m parts(v1.3.0 released)


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  Orionkermin said:
They USED to gimbal. Maybe something broke between editions, I will investigate on my end at the earliest possible chance. (Had to go in to work today, hooray for six day week!)

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They USED to gimbal. Maybe something broke between editions, I will investigate on my end at the earliest possible chance. (Had to go in to work today, hooray for six day week!)

Don't loose sleep. I just tried some rockets without command pod and am seeing gimble control on the two smaller engines, just not the animation. (fyi anyone reading this, in 1.0.2 I'm not seeing gimble on the launch pad. You have to launch first). But the FG-120 is still a beast. I just cannot get it to fly with FAR. My standard 64k 3-stack rockets using three FG-120s cannot get anywhere near mach1 without a boatload of stabilizers. The 120 just doesn't want to steer.

The FG-120 seems to be the issue.

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I appear to be having trouble loading the Leek module on startup. Freezes there everytime. I removed the module and the game loads okay. Strange because it loaded the first time without issue. Is there a conflict with HGR and Module Manager?

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  WissNX01 said:
I appear to be having trouble loading the Leek module on startup. Freezes there everytime. I removed the module and the game loads okay. Strange because it loaded the first time without issue. Is there a conflict with HGR and Module Manager?

Do you have RPM installed? I haven't had time to test the compatibility of the patches for the RPM interiors. Although if it's just for the Leek that's strange. Are all the other parts appearing?

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  Orionkermin said:
Do you have RPM installed? I haven't had time to test the compatibility of the patches for the RPM interiors. Although if it's just for the Leek that's strange. Are all the other parts appearing?

I had the same thing happen. HGR loaded once successfully, then every subsequent time froze somewhere on the Leek. I was in a hurry to test something that didn't involve HGR, so I just uninstalled HGR without looking at more than the last 20 lines of the log. What I saw was part of an exception trace that looked like it had something to do with texture loading.

I don't have RPM installed, but I do have Active Texture Management (5-0 Aggressive). Perhaps there's one texture on the Leek or its interior that's triggering a bug in ATM's caching of compressed textures. That cache is the only thing I can think of that would have changed between the one successful load and the repeatable hang afterward.

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  undercoveryankee said:
I had the same thing happen. HGR loaded once successfully, then every subsequent time froze somewhere on the Leek. I was in a hurry to test something that didn't involve HGR, so I just uninstalled HGR without looking at more than the last 20 lines of the log. What I saw was part of an exception trace that looked like it had something to do with texture loading.

I don't have RPM installed, but I do have Active Texture Management (5-0 Aggressive). Perhaps there's one texture on the Leek or its interior that's triggering a bug in ATM's caching of compressed textures. That cache is the only thing I can think of that would have changed between the one successful load and the repeatable hang afterward.

Interesting, it does reuse a bit of the onion's texture. I'll install ATM and do some testing later. Thanks for the heads up!

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I can confirm the bug on my machine as well. Mac OS X 10.10, KSP 1.0.2. I thought it really odd, since it ran once successfully. I simply removed the Leek folder and all was well after that, so it appears to be the only part that has trouble. I can get logs for you later, if you need them.

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  Raptor831 said:
I can confirm the bug on my machine as well. Mac OS X 10.10, KSP 1.0.2. I thought it really odd, since it ran once successfully. I simply removed the Leek folder and all was well after that, so it appears to be the only part that has trouble. I can get logs for you later, if you need them.

Are you also running Active texture management?

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The edamame (excuse spelling if spelled wrong) service module has a major bug. Whenever I load it on the Launch Pad, it makes the ignition noise and all the other engines are silent and generate the same thrust as the service module when in use. The launcher bug may be the mod ( Tantares LV) but I am sure on the noise bug. I will update this post when I perform my manual diagnostics (my brain) on the mod...

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Yeah, I removed all mods from my GameData folder other that the HGR stuff and Squad. The noise is still a problem, and still, the engines were mostly silent. I did get thrust, though (t+5 seconds after ignition). So, this mod definitely needs major bug fixes. Also, I have noticed that the new green version of the descent pod lacks an RPM display. Please fix thi, I heavily rely on this mod.

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  Micah said:
The edamame (excuse spelling if spelled wrong) service module has a major bug. Whenever I load it on the Launch Pad, it makes the ignition noise and all the other engines are silent and generate the same thrust as the service module when in use. The launcher bug may be the mod ( Tantares LV) but I am sure on the noise bug. I will update this post when I perform my manual diagnostics (my brain) on the mod...

Sounds like something that used to happen when the part was not updated for the BDanimation plug-in. I thought that I commented out that module, since I'm not bundling plugins anymore. Maybe I did something wrong, if you're using that plug-in and you're comfortable changing things in .cfg files, you could try deleting the module completely. Otherwise, you can wait for me to check into it.

  Darnon said:
I removed the .pngs from the Leek folder and it fixed the loading hangup for me. They only appeared to be a 2x2px white image so possibly they corrupted in some fashion? (ATM here as well, FWIW)

Hmm those .pngs were just placeholders. (Which is why I didnt convert them to DDS) It used to be that some parts would have trouble loading without a dummy texture in their file. Maybe this has been fixed and I can remove them. Thanks for letting me know.

You guys are squashing this thing for me before I'm even off work :D

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  Micah said:
Yeah, I removed all mods from my GameData folder other that the HGR stuff and Squad. The noise is still a problem, and still, the engines were mostly silent. I did get thrust, though (t+5 seconds after ignition). So, this mod definitely needs major bug fixes. Also, I have noticed that the new green version of the descent pod lacks an RPM display. Please fix thi, I heavily rely on this mod.

Just saw this after my last post. I will look into what could be causing this, although I'm not sure offhand, so may take me some time to sort out. I have not experienced this myself.

I'll add an RPM interior for it in the next update. I haven't gotten to test RPM support in KSP 1.0+ are the other RPM interiors still working?

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  Darnon said:
I removed the .pngs from the Leek folder and it fixed the loading hangup for me. They only appeared to be a 2x2px white image so possibly they corrupted in some fashion? (ATM here as well, FWIW)

If it's 2x2 placeholder PNGs that are causing ATM to choke, that makes sense. ATM is configured to convert any non-DDS textures it encounters to DDS in the cache. The DXT encoding schemes are based on 16-pixel blocks, so you would get an error if you try to convert an image that's too small to end on a block boundary.

My guess as to what's happening: When ATM encounters an image that isn't in the cache that fails to convert to DDS, it fails in a way that leaves the original uncompressed texture loaded (so the game starts the first time), but writes garbage entries to the cache. Then on the next startup when it's loading from cache, it encounters those garbage entries, fails to load them, and isn't set up to go back and try to load the original file.

It worked on older KSP versions either because the older versions of ATM were managing to load something sensible or because the older versions of Squad's part compiler didn't hang the entire startup sequence if a texture that gets overridden with something else anyway was missing.

Edited by undercoveryankee
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I tried to remove the 2x2 .pngs from the Leek folder, it didn't work. Still crashed. Tried to remove the cached files in ATM, still crashed. Deleted the MM cache, still crashed.

I actually increased the size of those .pngs from 2x2 to 16x16 and, shockingly, it worked. Looks like undercoveryankee is on the money.

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  Raptor831 said:
I tried to remove the 2x2 .pngs from the Leek folder, it didn't work. Still crashed. Tried to remove the cached files in ATM, still crashed. Deleted the MM cache, still crashed.

I actually increased the size of those .pngs from 2x2 to 16x16 and, shockingly, it worked. Looks like undercoveryankee is on the money.

I scaled them to 4x4 (exactly one DXT block) and got two clean loads.

You could probably add an ATM config that sets compress=false for those particular images, but it's probably easier just to make the size a multiple of 4.

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  Orionkermin said:

You guys are squashing this thing for me before I'm even off work :D

Seriously, this is my favorite mod and its worth working. If you had a donation page, I would even be a donor for this.

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  undercoveryankee said:
I scaled them to 4x4 (exactly one DXT block) and got two clean loads.

You could probably add an ATM config that sets compress=false for those particular images, but it's probably easier just to make the size a multiple of 4.

Not good with modding files, can you tell me how to scale these files up? Or maybe, could you post them until an offcial fix is made?

Edited by WissNX01
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  WissNX01 said:

Not good with modding files, can you tell me how to scale these files up?

Use anything that can edit .png images (on Windows, Paint is probably enough but Paint.NET will likely be easier) to open the PNG files under GameData/HGR/Parts/Command/Leek, resize to 4x4 pixels, and save.

If you're like me and have the ImageMagick command line tools installed, the exact commands I used were "mogrify -scale 4x4 OnionTexture.png" and "mogrify -scale 4x4 OnionTextureNRM.png".

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  VenomousRequiem said:
I recently learned how much I love this mod!

Is there anything on Realfuels support?

RealFuels isn't compatible with 1.0.x yet, so right now it'd be tough. :wink: But most of RF support of parts goes into the engines and maybe tanks. I know the old tanks were a part of Real Fuels main download. The engines are taken care of by the engine configs (one of 3 sets). The ones I manage (the "Stockalike" ones) do have (old) HGR engines set up. Once RF is updated for 1.0.x I'll be adding the newer engines to the mod. I don't recall if the realistic engine configs make use of these, but you could check out the Realism Overhaul thread or the RftS pack. They're linked from the RF main thread.

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I'm still having trouble with start up hanging on the Leek folder with ATM installed. I've taken the two textures and increased them to 4X4 and then 16X16. If I delete the compressed files from the ATM cache, then it boots up fine, but it will hang again on a second boot.

I've tried creating an override cfg in ATM, but I may be doing it wrong. I created a HGR.cfg file with the following code in it



folder = HGR

enabled = true





compress = true

mipmaps = false

scale = 1

max_size = 0

make_not_readable = false




I've tried it with compress = false and compress = true, but it doesn't seem to matter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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