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Really Weird Dreams

The Jedi Master

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Last night I dreamt that I was playing Heartstone, in the Starbound universe. The cards had Pokemon Abilitys, and I was eating a the content of a burrito on a Baguette, and my heartstone partner bought a gun at the same place I got that burrito baguette.

I'm pritty sure there were also some other very weird things that I can't even remember

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I've had a few really genuinely odd dreams, and a few recurring ones, but I am generally of the opinion that dreams are 1/10th subconscious and 9/10ths our brains method of garbage disposal. I once dreamed that I had bought a motorbike (A Triumph Thruxton in a fetching royal blue) and proceeded to have an entire dream about riding it. Woke up and looked for my bike jacket and keys, only to remember I haven't actually bought a bike/passed my test yet. I was despondent the whole day.

I still don't have a motorbike. It will be mine. Oh yes, it WILL be mine.

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I've also had my share of odd dreams and such. Like one where I had to run four floors up a stair, with a monster coming. The gravity was really low, so even though I could take a set of stairs in the stairwell in one jump, it went painfully slow.

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One of my dreams was not weird, so much as convenient.

I was an intern to Wernher Von Kerman and was tasked to design a interplanetary ship made of 2 parts, a lander, and a transport stage. But they had to be docked. The Lander was pulled by the transport with the engines on either side of the transport, with 8 of the orange tanks 2 on each side, and 4 nuclear engines. I deemed it the KSS Valkyrie. The next day, I remember the design and start creating it. However, I added MechJeb. I didn't get to test it. The next night, I dreamt that it was being tested, but FAR screwed up the MechJeb ascent guidance. Causing it to flip, and flip, and flip (as the FAR motto is: 'Crashing your planes for you'). So next day, test it with MechJeb, it flips, and flips, and flips (:mad:). But then I lost my save, lost the ship, and never got around to recreating it, mainly because I drew the design up, made some corrections and all that fun stuff.


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A new weird has appeared to me!:

I was walking around my house then i saw a guy holding a SMG, i knew in my dream that he was a really dangerous robber so i decided to go to the front of my house (my parents were on the front door) i seen my mom and dad and i had a new idea (better than throwing a wrench to a man holding a gun LOL :P) so i got inside my house and the robber tried to catch me (i was hiding just behind the door and obviously none of my parents would do something againist someone whit a gun doing that) and when he looks at me i punch him whit the wrench making him throw away the gun then i tell to my dad to take it and he shoots againist the robber killing him...

Well it was kinda cool, this is the kind of dreams that make me feel heroic

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  • 1 month later...
  The Jedi Master said:
Sometimes we have awesome dreams. Sometimes we have dreams that mean something in our lives. Sometimes we have nightmares.

And sometimes, our brains just pull [sTUFF] out of its [HAT].

I had a dream last night that really makes no real sense. I think it had something to do with KSP. Map mode showed the Mun, but regular view showed an island, a mansion, palm trees, etc. The lander happened to be a jar of peanut butter. (I swear this is not drug induced...) Mater from Cars drove over to the landed peanut butter jar. Six LEGO minifigs came out. I don't remember much after that.

What is this? Is someone in town smoking something (it sure isn't me)? Is this a future update after Squad got really drunk? Whatever it is, I know that I've started to record my dreams for lucid dreaming purposes, so I was asking for it.

So, what have been your weirdest dreams?

No idea what the dream is saying, but maybe a dream dictionary could inspire you.

To see or dream that you are on an island, signifies a state of mind where you're having thoughts and feelings about being isolated, lonely, on your own, or stranded in life. You are all by yourself with problem or a situation.

Alternatively, an island may point to situations where you feel independent, self-directed, and autonomous. You are symbolically an island on to yourself.

To dream of peanut butter represents unimportantness or issues that you don't care about. It reflects a unconcerned or carefree attitude about something in your life.

To dream of Lego represents things in your life that feel good and have taken time to build. Often a symbol for a good friendship that has been formed over time. It may also reflect success or leisure time that you have worked a long time to have. [Original Text from dreambible.com]

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I once had a dream where I was at my house sitting outside with all my neighbours from the old street where I used to live having a barbeque. My dad then told me to go inside to get some chips, then when I came back outside they weren't there and the ground was covered in leaves and flowers. I then walked around to the side of the house (where there is a big fallen tree in real life) and there was a big flower tree. I walked closer to it and then a koala walked out of it, then 2 then 3 koalas came out of the tree. I started running but I couldn't run fast, my legs just wouldn't work. Then while slowly and awkwardly running, I opened the bag of chips and started throwing chips at the koalas. After about 4 chips the bag was empty, even though it still had some weight to it. I then dropped the bag and turned around to begin the slow run again, got inside the house, locked all the doors and went upstairs to find the koalas had got in somehow. Then I woke up. It was very weird

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A reoccurring topic in most of my dreams is me getting launched 30 to 40 feet in the air, falling, and landing unharmed. I also sometimes question whether it's a dream or not, decide it's not, and being relieved when I wake up. I also have a strange Antichamber-type dreams where I turn around and realize what was behind me has changed.

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i once had a dream where i was running through a forest filled with weird trees that started moving and when i noticed the movement i knew that they were alive(as in conscious, moving fast, and vine-like) so i tried running to a cabin nearby while outrunning the trees. inside the cabin i find a garage with a helicopter where i fly over the forest and try to light it with some gasoline i found on board and as i fly out he trees try to grab my helicopter and fail. when i fly out the forest i found myself in a weird city that is deserted and radiates outward from the forest which then i realized that there was no place to run as this city was made by the trees. I suddenly lost control and fell to my death although i remember seeing blackness before hitting the ground.\

sorry about the horrible grammar

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Can't remember any definite weird dreams, although I'm sure I've had some. There's one thing happening very rare: before falling asleep completely and losing consciousness I'm still half awoke but I don't feell my weight and instantly I think like "Damn, I'm falling!" and wake up instantly. I'm sure that feeling no weight(like in space) feels almost the same.

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Anybody else had one of those kind of things where you are about to drop off to sleep, then you, in your tiredness, have an awake dream of you falling off something, and your legs instinctively pull up to try and brace for landing(Or something along those lines)? I keep having these and i end up kneeing myself in the face

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  Krosulhah said:
and your legs instinctively pull up to try and brace for landing(Or something along those lines)? I keep having these and i end up kneeing myself in the face

good, i thought it was only me who did it

weird dreams...

okay, once I was in some sort of playground area, but an outdoors one, maybe a theme park, i duno, except there are only two people in the whole park, me

and the terminator,

I'll admit, it was fun as hell hiding in small spaces he couldn't find me in,

but then, you know, he finds me, and i die.

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  • 2 months later...

Not really a weird dream, in fact an awesome dream, that is odd.

So, I'm reading an article on PC Gamer about The Destroyer (me), about me traveling the world for the second time. I then "go to myself" and have an adventure around the world. It was awesome, but I don't remember much other than remarking that the buildings have more struts than usual. I am then Injured, go to the hospirtal, I recover, but pick up some sort of liver cancer and I am put in cyro-storage to save myself. I wake up, but i'm really still asleep, and tell my dad about the dream. I then post the dream to the forums under fan works, where it is moved to Formula 1 racing thread, and then around a few other sections. 400 years later, USS Voyager and some other race wakes and heals me, and I play some sort of Captian america 2-D Side-scroller thing. And then I wake up. First part was awesome, second part was weird 0_o

  Krosulhah said:
Anybody else had one of those kind of things where you are about to drop off to sleep, then you, in your tiredness, have an awake dream of you falling off something, and your legs instinctively pull up to try and brace for landing(Or something along those lines)? I keep having these and i end up kneeing myself in the face

I've had that, except It's sliding. So my legs go in the "SLIP" motion.

Edited by The Destroyer
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I once had a dream at around the 3-rd class, where my P.E teacher shot me from a revolver, while I was running laps on my schools stadium. After I get shot I groan for some time in pain and then wake up. What kind of a dream is THAT?

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I had a really weird dream when I was 6 but I still remember it because it was so vivid.

So, It was a grey overcast windless day, everything was silent. and there was not any people or cars or anything to indicate humans were anywhere(except structures and buildings). I was laying face up in the middle of the bay bridge( goes from Oakland to San Francisco, I go to SF often).

then all of the sudden the bridge starts swaying like the old tacoma narrows bridge.(see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xox9BVSu7Ok)

I couldn't or wouldn't move so I just rolled back and forth, Faster and faster, until eventually I had picked up enough momentum that I was flung off the edge and tumbled hundreds of feet into the grey water below. I woke up just before I hit the water.

It was scary.

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I hate my dreams when I get sick. Without fail, I get certain dreams that relate to what I'm sick with. Really bad cold/other ear/nose/throat infection? A really slow-moving dream that includes things like walking down the street where I wake up several times a night. Stomach bug? I get an awful dream about trying to solve a math equation where it feels like I'm tired and haven't quite gotten to sleep yet. All night long. Fever? I get an even worse one where I'm trying to build a tower out of something, and whenever I get close, it falls down again. This one will also go on for hours, and it's simply frustrating.

I don't like illness dreams.

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