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Kerbal Space Program KSP 0.17 release date?


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Its true!! We have found wormholes in the galactic halo region, and they are active!!

I hope this wormhole stays stable and open long enough for this message to get though!

Welcome Kerbal poster from 2012, do not be afraid of what I am about to tell you, but 0.17 was released 19th Sept, 2012 with the following change log.

If needed, I can also provide change logs upto version 0.22, as of the 11th of December 2013, version 0.23 is undergoing testing.

I hope this helps.

Version 0.17 Change log.

  • Internal Cockpit Views: The first iteration of the IVAs (Intra-Vehicular Activities) feature set.
  • Multiple Player Saves: You can now have multiple ongoing game sessions, as each save is kept in its own folder (instead of all using the saves/default one).
  • Quick Flight Scenarios: Start flights from pre-set conditions, without interfering with your persistent sandbox save, and also save your own scenarios from your main game.
  • Scenario Logic Modules: Like PartModules, but for scene logic (and defined on an SFS file instead of a part.cfg).
  • Training Scenarios: Hands-On tutorials to teach you everything from craft construction to orbital maneuvers.
  • Center of mass, thrust, lift and drag visual cues on the construction scenes.
  • Prebuilt ships included with the game, as examples and possible starting points.
  • Many new planets and moons throughout the Kerbal Solar System.
  • Physical Timewarp Modes: An alternate time-warp mode where you can accelerate time to 2x, 3x and 4x without putting the sim on rails.
  • Several new parts
  • Added new tree and boulder meshes for Kerbin (No more paper cutout trees)
  • Pressing backspace will now reset the map and internal view.
  • Middle mouse modifies the internal camera zoom by an additional 2x.
  • Double clicking middle mouse will reset the internal camera zoom.
  • Unlit/Transparent shader added to mu reader/writer.
  • Added Nuclear-Thermal Engine part
  • Added focusable areas for internal views
  • Added Settings for Music and Voice Volume
  • Double-tapping the wheel brakes key will now set parking brakes.

Bug Fixes and Tweaks:

  • Fixed an issue with numerical inaccuracy at very high velocities (the "Space Kraken" bug).
  • Fixed several issues with the fuel flow logic.
  • Tweaked the atmosphere rendering for Kerbin, for improved visuals.
  • Ships saved by one player are private to that player. Ships on the KSP/Ships folders are common to all players and non-overwritable (from inside the game)
  • Added a button on game loading dialog, to delete a saved game and all its contents (prompts for confirmation).
  • Added a button on the ship loading dialog to delete saved ships (prompts for confirmation).
  • Added a button on the Tracking Station to terminate an ongong flight (prompts for confirmation).
  • Implemented dynamic walk cycle blending for EVA Kerbals under G levels between 0.17 and 1G
  • Added a floating origin system to the Scaled Space subscene, eliminating the visual jittering when viewing distant objects in the map view.
  • Revised part titles and descriptions for the parts added in 0.16
  • Fixed an issue with the terrain altitude detection, which could cause vessels (mostly debris) to fall through terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where flying through a Mun arch would destroy the vessel.
  • Fixed an issue with the G force calculation for vessels, which could prevent saving or warping.
  • Fixed several issues with the orbit math while on solar escape trajectories.
  • Fixed an issue with Krakensbane that could cause sub-optimal Kraken-banishment.
  • Smoke trails are now properly updated in moving reference frames.
  • Added smoothing to altimeter.
  • Fixed an issue with part initialization order which could cause a lot of trouble with physics and joints.
  • Fixed a bug with crossing SOIs at 1x warp.
  • Found and worked around a unity bug which caused several issues with parts colliding within the same vessel, and getting twitched out of place.
  • Fixed issues with the landing gear (will still need a rewrite, but should be better now)
  • Fix for advanced canard inversion of movement.
  • The Map Camera no longer rotates when in a rotating reference frame.
  • The ship cache is now properly cleared when starting a new game.
  • The Simulate In Background setting no longer requires a game restart to take effect.
  • The orbit trajectory reframing maths are all done with double-precision now, to remove jitter from the orbit splines.
  • Fuel tank parts no longer look into parent parts for fuel, unless connected to them by a fuel line.
  • Rewrote the LandingGear part as a PartModule, for a much more robust and stable implementation.
  • Tweaked the friction values for the landing gear wheels
  • Fixed an issue in Vessel that could cause a stream of nullref errors
  • Fixed an issue with Vessels not properly updating the positions of physicsless parts.

Edited by sjwt
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Now see? This is what I've been warning about all along. We're going to keep getting time travelers from the past until SQUAD actually implements the speed of light in Kerbal Space Program.

Right now people just blow right past it and WHAM, they travel forward in time.

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I wonder if the OP may be coming to us from the demo continuum? If so, and you like the limited KSP that exists there, I suggest diving head first into the wormhole over to the paid continuum, and enjoy all the extra greatness that the KSP has on this side!

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The nuclear thermal engine part is going to be op. Think about it, it's likely going to have double the efficiency of other engines so it's going to make them obsolete! Tutorials? Pre-Made Crafts? COM, COT, and COL indicators? SQUAD is obviously forgetting us who have been here since the beginning. These updates are here just for new players without actually adding anything for us older players.


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  Firov said:
Now see? This is what I've been warning about all along. We're going to keep getting time travelers until SQUAD actually implements the speed of light in Kerbal Space Program.

Right now people just blow right past it and WHAM, they travel forward in time.

I tested for this to see if it was necessary to submit a bug report about improper relativistic behavior.

Nothing at all happens in KSP when exceeding the speed of light. Its just another number on the velocity indicator. Also that MET is at 1x without warp of any kind, and the engines are nonstandard. Oh and that little white spot behind the ship is actually the sun.

As best I can tell, no relativistic phenomena are implemented of any kind. In KSP the speed of light is not an unbreakable barrier beyond which strange things happen.

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  Vanamonde said:
sjwt, you know disclosing release dates is forbidden! You can expect your ban notice in the mail shortly.

Damm it, I'm going to need to funnel this wormhole and post from the future after my ban expires..

The things us Moderators go though for the community!

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  Murph said:
I wonder if the OP may be coming to us from the demo continuum? If so, and you like the limited KSP that exists there, I suggest diving head first into the wormhole over to the paid continuum, and enjoy all the extra greatness that the KSP has on this side!

The demo continuum had a revolution in 18 PR - if hes from there, they must also be having some wormholey problems.

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Watch the NASA TV livestream as the Asteroid Redirect Manned Mission launches!

Oh god, that SLS just screams "POWARRRRRRRR".

It's supposed to launch this afternoon at 3PM EST, NASA TV and some livestreams are gonna cover it.

Can't wait. I heard the astronauts are already inside Orion.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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This may be of interest to you, traveler!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wskEzn00ilQ?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It's a preview of the 0.17 update done by Danny2462 ....2462? Now there's a thought, haha :D

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