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no, read again. It's due on a tuesday, they don't say which tuesday.


To clear up any confusion from the previous tweet, 0.23 is due on Tuesday the 17th. Right day, wrong date. Either way, 0.23 is on the way!

(Amusingly, I had that in a hand-coded "quote" but the forum though I hadn't typed 10 characters. More ironically, this aside would have given me more than enough extra characters and I'd not have had to remove the quote markup)

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To clear up any confusion from the previous tweet, 0.23 is due on Tuesday the 17th. Right day, wrong date. Either way, 0.23 is on the way!

(Amusingly, I had that in a hand-coded "quote" but the forum though I hadn't typed 10 characters. More ironically, this aside would have given me more than enough extra characters and I'd not have had to remove the quote markup)

Yes, but they didn't say which month/year it was in...

Fun thing about release dates, so many developers have their own take on them. One of my clients uploaded their latest release candidate to my company for pre-release testing this morning. We did our initial test pass and signed off on its gold status this evening. This means that the files we got are most likely the files the players will get... In a few more days. We have another few days of testing to finish the sign off, and then the client will announce the release will hit on some set date about another week after that. Things will mostly likely go smoothly.

Compare this however to another client I work with who frequently promises releases on a fixed date before they are finished. They will then spend the day or two just before that date scrambling to finish things (Paying me mad over time usually, and even more to bring extra in off planned leave time. Funny how there is usually a flurry of people booking time off the day they announce the date of their next release...), and they will usually end up being a day or two late anyway.

Then there are a few more who will decide a build has a low enough number of critical and majors, and just drop it off any old time.

Final common group are like those who drop builds any old time, except they don't always push them through us for testing before they do so. Then they get shocked and surprised over some random new critical bug users report or that we turn up a few days after.

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2013 - you know, just to be clear :P

Of what calendar...

(Seriously, you're cutting off all your fall back positions to ward off rabid fan boys if something goes wrong with the release date. 'Logic' says you're just jinxing yourself.)

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