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The Grand 0.23 Discussion Thread


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Part of me really likes the RAPIER.

Part of me mourns that the "I can build SSTO planes club" just got much less exclusive. That auto switching feature makes things *so* much easier than before.

HEY GUISE CAN I BE PART OF UR CLUB??? Seriously though, the Rapier owns.


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May I have the update now?


May I have the update now?


May I have the update now?


*4 hours later*

May I have the update now?



I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to put you on hold...

*Update 1% done*


This... This is worst than .17... But anyways, by looking at the files that are downloaded, it looks like the new engine has a thrust of 175 and an Isp of 360. Sounds good!

Edited by RocketPilot573
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Am I the only one who is having difficulty to right-click parts during flight with .23? I never had this issue with .22. :confused:

I have that too, though I haven't taken out my mods yet, and only two i have had updates already, so that might be part of it. I did find if i right click a bunch of times fast it'll work. Also right now its kinda jumpy, but better than 0.22 i believe. Again, maybe mod related some how.

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speaking of clicking on stuff, does anyone else have to click parts in the VAB like 5 times to get them out of the sidebar and into the building area? also i have to click a lot to change between tabs like command, propulsion, science...

I'm having issues clicking on everything in all scenes - VAB, FLIGHT, etc. Seems to be hit and miss... most times it works, sometimes I have to click two or three times. Haven't really got it nailed down to a predictable pattern.

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Just had a quick test flight of 0.23, I can't quite put my finger on it, but it feels like I'm standing on something that is more solid. Things like switching from map mode to normal and changing camera angles seem more fluid.

I REALLY like the new addition to the science centre for reviewing returned results. That's a great feature and its been implemented nicely.

I didn't like the new layout for the display of parts info at first, but its grown on me (once I found you can pin the more info section open) and now I'd say I like it. I just think ISP should be included in the basic info.

Tweakables are great and its Really nice to be able to take science data out of a pod.

Not a massive fan of the RAPIER engine thou, but I might not have gotten the hang of them yet. A previous fast SSTO design I have is still much faster (time to orbit) using 4 Jet engines and 1 LV-T30 and is more fuel efficient than if I switch it over to using just RAPIERS. But in a way that also pleases me as there still is a place for the old way of doing SSTO's and if you just want speed (u know, for the pure hell of going fast) then Jets still rule.

One weird thing that has happened several times is when I launch an aircraft the camera starts zoooooomed waaaaay out. That's the only glitch I've noticed so far, anyone else had that?

Overall another great update!

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I also had a problem at first (with no mods removed) of when placing a command pod the name section for the rocket would disappear. I removed kerbal engineer and kerbal engineer all pods and that seemed to fix it. Still have some other problems, but its just a matter of waiting for mod updates i guess.

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Not a massive fan of the RAPIER engine thou, but I might not have gotten the hang of them yet. A previous fast SSTO design I have is still much faster (time to orbit) using 4 Jet engines and 1 LV-T30 and is more fuel efficient than if I switch it over to using just RAPIERS. But in a way that also pleases me as there still is a place for the old way of doing SSTO's and if you just want speed (u know, for the pure hell of going fast) then Jets still rule.


You're somewhat missing the point of the RAPIER. It's not supposed to be better than either jets or rockets. You will always get better performance/efficiency from those. It's a compromise, more meant for convenience and especially more inexperienced players.

If this wasn't the case then it would have rendered at least one engine obsolete.

Edited by JohannesMP
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One weird thing that has happened several times is when I launch an aircraft the camera starts zoooooomed waaaaay out. That's the only glitch I've noticed so far, anyone else had that?

Overall another great update!

I've had the same camera glitch, but it's with my space stations, bases and lander. They seem to always be zoomed out to the max, I have a suspicion that it may just be because it was moved from the last save.

On another note, I found the gameplay to be much smoother (my 150 ton ship no longer lags like crazy!) and the new tweakables to be very good, especially for my existing SSTO's.

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So far the game has been running great for me, places I used to get lots of lag I'm getting less now. My computer runs a bit cooler as well, so that's good. I still get that tooltip bug where sometimes the part tooltip gets stuck on the screen until you run your cursor back over to the parts list. I did find a minor issue with tweakables, I cannot seem to set thrust balancing to 50, it only goes 40.5 to 50.5. There might be other numbers as well, but that one I just couldn't kajigger.

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I have a couple of very small items to bring up

1) Flag display issue carried over from the previous release, the launchpad will often (not always) show the incorrect flag. My erected flags appear to be working out just fine.

(Bad flag)


(Good flag)


2) I noticed in the patch notes you mention you corrected the biomes for some areas. I happened into an area that seems to have been missed or is now acting up. This area is typically the frozen tundra but is reporting as grasslands. I was able to land at another location in the area and correctly get the tundra results.

(Bad grasslands from ship view)


(bad grasslands from map view)


Edited by Jean Deaux
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I think the ability to transfer science from the experiment part to the capsule is the undersold game-changer of the update. With this, you don't need to try and get a ridiculously heavy lander all the way back from Eve to get a good science payout, and you can do an actual Apollo-style moon mission (as in, carry the surface samples home in the command module.)

I also think it'll be cool to watch what the clever chaps like Scott Manley, Danny and Abyssal Lurker get up to with carefully-tweaked solid rockets. Carefully calibrated they'd be a fun way to do a landing burn.

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I have noticed that right clicking on parts in flight doesn't always open the menu like it used to(more than 5 attempts is common now). This makes it harder to do experiments or take crew reports in flight without setting them to hot keys.

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Confirmed - it's not the RAPIER making my SSTOs work better - jet engine flameout is now much less aggressive. Running full throttle at 38K on 5 intakes was previously not even remotely a possibility. Was still providing thrust at 50K.

I like it! Means the days of festooning the wings with ram intakes are over, and the things will look much less silly.

Also really like the way pov changes to chase mode now hold the current position. Nice work, devs!

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Anyone else wind up having 12 Gigabytes of incompatible modded/outdated game folders stored? LOL. Between many hundreds of screenshots, 3 copies of FAR, 3 copies of B9, a copy of RSS and associated mods, a copy of KW rocketry, a copy of firespitter, several other mods, and a boatload of ships, I did.

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