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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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New release (Finally!)

Version - Release 17 Mar 2018 - KSP 1.4.1 Edition
 - New: Recompiled for KSP 1.4.x compatibility.
 - Fixed: Bug in Selected Target Mouseover.  CLS Target Crew Part was incorrect color. Git Issue #53
 - Fixed: Updated icon graphics to restore quality after Unity update in KSP. Increased image sizes to 128 x 128 px (Git Issue #52)
 - Fixed: Sometimes the Manifest window will not appear. Git Issue #49
 - Fixed: gain/loss of resource(s) in transfers. (thanks to Arivald Ha'gel for the PR #48!)
 - Fixed: RT antennas not appearing in the control window. PR #48
 - Fixed: Kopernicus Solar panel detection problem (Git Issue #47) PR #48
 - Fixed: Correct version file data to agree with release version. Git Issue #46

As always, if you find bugs, please post in the forums.  Better yet, create an issue in Github.  Best of all, create a PR for the fix and target the Dev Branch.


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44 minutes ago, leatherneck6017 said:

@Papa_Joe Thanks for the update. FYI, CKAN still shows it only compatible through 1.3.1. Your other updated mods are showing correctly, though.

CKAN must update their meta file.  I have updated the KSP-AVC version file, so it should be swept within 24 hours or so.


Edited by Papa_Joe
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  • 4 weeks later...
18 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

I didn't find the answer yet...

Is it true that there is a problem with science in kerbalism? I installed the latest versions and I cannot transfer science... it always shows (0)... is that a known problem or is it just on my machine?

I cannot answer this question.  A log file would be helpful in assisting you with your issue.  When you ask if there is a problem with Kerbalism, and say you cannot transfer science, are you using the SM science interface and it says zero there?  What parts are involved, and what science if any have you gathered?  Steps to reproduce, and possibly craft files and or your gamesave would be helpful.

It certainly is possible that there is come incompatibility, but without more information I cannot help you.

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15 hours ago, Papa_Joe said:

I cannot answer this question.  A log file would be helpful in assisting you with your issue.  When you ask if there is a problem with Kerbalism, and say you cannot transfer science, are you using the SM science interface and it says zero there?  What parts are involved, and what science if any have you gathered?  Steps to reproduce, and possibly craft files and or your gamesave would be helpful.

It certainly is possible that there is come incompatibility, but without more information I cannot help you.

latest Kerbalism (1.5.0, build 88) with SM simple lander can with a SC-9001 Science jr. on top... the science is there (data shows in the Kerbalism windows) but there's always a (0) in the SM windows

only thing in the log is this

[LOG 21:29:52.187] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ModRocketSys/Parts/Engine/NB0mLFOengine1/part/NB0mLFOengine1'
[ERR 21:29:52.198] [ShipTemplate]: No Resource definition found for RESOURCE

[WRN 21:29:52.209] Could not create PartResource of type 'HypergolicFluid
[ERR 21:29:52.209] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleEngineIgnitor'

[LOG 21:29:52.239] PartLoader: Part 'ModRocketSys/Parts/Engine/NB0mLFOengine1/part/NB0mLFOengine1' has no database record. Creating.


I will try to find out something more...

ok... what I did -> new KSP 1.4.2, installed SM -> works (with stock science, lander can + SC-9001) ... -> then install Kerbalism -> Science on (0) always... reproducible with no other mods installed

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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1 hour ago, Rudolf Meier said:

latest Kerbalism (1.5.0, build 88) with SM simple lander can with a SC-9001 Science jr. on top... the science is there (data shows in the Kerbalism windows) but there's always a (0) in the SM windows

only thing in the log is this

[LOG 21:29:52.187] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'ModRocketSys/Parts/Engine/NB0mLFOengine1/part/NB0mLFOengine1'
[ERR 21:29:52.198] [ShipTemplate]: No Resource definition found for RESOURCE

[WRN 21:29:52.209] Could not create PartResource of type 'HypergolicFluid
[ERR 21:29:52.209] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleEngineIgnitor'

[LOG 21:29:52.239] PartLoader: Part 'ModRocketSys/Parts/Engine/NB0mLFOengine1/part/NB0mLFOengine1' has no database record. Creating.


I will try to find out something more...

ok... what I did -> new KSP 1.4.2, installed SM -> works (with stock science, lander can + SC-9001) ... -> then install Kerbalism -> Science on (0) always... reproducible with no other mods installed

Thanks.  that is helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, jefrbunn said:

@Papa_Joe Is there an issue with moving this to 1.4.2? It seems when i transfer crew they just disappear back to my astronaut complex. not sure if this is a 1.4.2 issue or if this is a bug with 1.4.1 as I am playing on 1.4.2

SM works in 1.4.x  So, I will need more information then that.  Please follow the normal troubleshooting steps described in the OP under Support.  If you still have issues, then please provide the information described there and I would be happy to help.

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  • 1 month later...

Been thinking of tryout out this mod. Question. I have a bunch of small tanks tucked inside a service module that I needed to refill with fuel from a space station. Right now the only way I have to do it is clip inside to see each tank and select it to fuel it up. This is rather tedious when you have a bunch of tanks crammed in there and it's easy to lose track of which tank you've already filled. Will this mod locate all the tanks to either fill or empty that are in there (even the ones you can't see from outside the ship?

Edited by MikeO89
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@Papa_Joe There is something I still don't understand.

Two vessels which are uninterrupted CLS passable are docked together, but when activating realism mode I still can't transfer crew members.

This screenshot full of UI windows should show what I mean:

  • Vessels docked
  • No CLS passability interruption
  • hatches open
  • realism mode on
  • transfer not possible


I have to disable realism mode to transfer the crew anyhow.

And I found this in the log:

[ShipManifest] - Error:   in DisplayResourceTotals().  Error:  System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Part]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipManifest.SmUtils.DisplayVesselResourceTotals (System.String selectedResource) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

[ShipManifest] - Error:   in WindowManifest.ResourceButtonList.  Error:  The given key was not present in the dictionary. 

  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Part]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipManifest.Windows.WindowManifest.ResourceButtonsList () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/qlqbimnrig9brxd/2018-06-09_1 KSP.log.7z?dl=1



I just recognized that after transferring two crew members from the LEM to the Apollo capsule (realism mode off) they're still shown in the LEM's context menu (their inventory entries are still shown there).

Edited by Gordon Dry
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Just looking at the picture shows a break in passability between the blue part and the red part.  it appears you have a part in between that is causing the issue.  Note the yellow between the red and the blue...  With crew selected, the passability of the parts is shown by color.  The CLS wiki I think describes this.  Also I see that in the CLS window it shows the separation of the part, by showing that there are 2 separate spaces.

Without knowing what the part is in front of the command pod, I cannot speculate further, but you can check the hatches tab in the control window of SM to see if there is a closed hatch between the parts...

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The yellow part is a CLS passable Apollo Block II parachute mount part, where 3 Apollo parachutes are attached to.
Then comes the Apollo Block II ActiveDockingMechanism which is docked to the Apollo Block II PassiveDockingMechanism on top of the LEM.

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9 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

The yellow part is a CLS passable Apollo Block II parachute mount part, where 3 Apollo parachutes are attached to.
Then comes the Apollo Block II ActiveDockingMechanism which is docked to the Apollo Block II PassiveDockingMechanism on top of the LEM.

At this point I would need to see the craft file inside the save to determine if there is something that is blocking passability.  Additionally, since CLS sees this as 2 separate spaces, it is not an SM issue.  I suggest taking this over to the CLS thread.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/3/2018 at 12:41 PM, MikeO89 said:

Been thinking of tryout out this mod. Question. I have a bunch of small tanks tucked inside a service module that I needed to refill with fuel from a space station. Right now the only way I have to do it is clip inside to see each tank and select it to fuel it up. This is rather tedious when you have a bunch of tanks crammed in there and it's easy to lose track of which tank you've already filled. Will this mod locate all the tanks to either fill or empty that are in there (even the ones you can't see from outside the ship?

Mike, I'm sorry I missed this post.  SM has a vessel to vessel transfer feature.  Trucks docked to your fueling station will appear as separate vessels, allowing you to fill all the tanks in the truck at one time.

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I just wanted to do two screenshots to show something weird, but the part highlighting provided by SM/CLS is not taken into account on the screenshot.

So I just have this screenshot and have to use words to explain the situation:

I sent up a station core unit with 4 docking ports.

Two of them are already occupied by the both extensions I sent up afterwards.

When I hover the mouse cursor over the first entry named "Kerbin Space Station 1" the whole core unit is highlighted, incl. the docking port at which the first extension is docked, but not the other.
When I hover over the second entry, also the whole core unit is highlighted, but this time incl. the docking port at which the second extension is docked to, and not the other.

This is kinda confusing.

Does this mean if I would assemble a huge station with 17 docking ports for example, I'll get 17 entries of the core unit with the same name?

I would say only one entry and highlighting only the core unit as it was sent up initially would be correct.

Log and stuff:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/neqymgu5jk5lvzi/2018-07-16_2 KSP.log.7z?dl=1

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wishlist items:

  • An "empty" button that would drain the selected part of all of the selected resource.  Pushing it to other parts of the same vessel (according to flow priority?).  I like to empty out various resources from a ship prior to returning to Kerbin in order to maximize the amount of resources in orbit.
  • Increase the height of both windows so that I can see more like 8-10 things at a time to select from.
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  • 1 month later...

@Papa_Joe what a wonderful mod. 

I started getting that weird crew transfer bug, about which I read all over the forum and that appears to have no definitive solution. As it turns out, If I select a kerbal for transfer, clicking the destination part does nothing. Looking for a bypass to that problem i stumbled into this mod, and oh boy, did it surprise me! A wonderful tool that everybody should consider using. Many kudos!

Edited by Daniel Prates
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On 8/5/2018 at 7:16 AM, WuphonsReach said:

Wishlist items:

  • An "empty" button that would drain the selected part of all of the selected resource.  Pushing it to other parts of the same vessel (according to flow priority?).  I like to empty out various resources from a ship prior to returning to Kerbin in order to maximize the amount of resources in orbit.
  • Increase the height of both windows so that I can see more like 8-10 things at a time to select from.

Your empty button exists.  In settings, under realism you will find settings for allowing fil and dump.  these do exactly what they describe.  However, it breaks realism as it is a "free" fill up"  Dump just dumps the resource to space (or where ever)

Flow priority is a bit ambiguous.  You can transfer a single or group of tanks to another single or group of tanks.  You can also transfer from parts to a vessel, or from a vessel to a vessel... so there is a lot of flexibility there... 

Height settings are something I have considered.  It will take some refactoring to make it work, however because the transfer window is divided into 4 sections, do I expand all sections equally?  or do I just expand the top where the list is?  Also the window is used as a multifunction screen, so some sections do not need expansion if the window is resized.  Think it over and give me suggestions.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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On 7/16/2018 at 12:15 PM, Gordon Dry said:

I just wanted to do two screenshots to show something weird, but the part highlighting provided by SM/CLS is not taken into account on the screenshot.

So I just have this screenshot and have to use words to explain the situation:

I sent up a station core unit with 4 docking ports.

Two of them are already occupied by the both extensions I sent up afterwards.

When I hover the mouse cursor over the first entry named "Kerbin Space Station 1" the whole core unit is highlighted, incl. the docking port at which the first extension is docked, but not the other.
When I hover over the second entry, also the whole core unit is highlighted, but this time incl. the docking port at which the second extension is docked to, and not the other.

This is kinda confusing.

Does this mean if I would assemble a huge station with 17 docking ports for example, I'll get 17 entries of the core unit with the same name?

I would say only one entry and highlighting only the core unit as it was sent up initially would be correct.

Log and stuff:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/neqymgu5jk5lvzi/2018-07-16_2 KSP.log.7z?dl=1

It is a conundrum for sure.  KSP provides little in the way of truly identifying vessels within vessels.  There is a root part that when docked provides info on the other vessel it is docked to.  However since the 2 vessels are docked, they become one vessel in the eyes of KSP.  When they undock, the vessel id is then applied to the newly undocked vessel.  this presents problems with properly identifying "unique" vessels within a larger structure.  Compound that with the fact that there is a launch Id that is tied to each part.  This cannot  be used as a means to identify a vessel, as if, for example you build a space station, it is likely the product of multiple launches.  So I've come up with an algorithm that tries to "discern" what is a unique vessel, based on docking nodes and command pods.  This is not always perfect.

I will be continuing to revisit the code, but I'm not sure there is or can be a perfect solution.

2 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

@Papa_Joe what a wonderful mod. 

I started getting that weird crew transfer bug, about which I read all over the forum and that appears to have no definitive solution. As it turns out, If I select a kerbal for transfer, clicking the destination part does nothing. Looking for a bypass to that problem i stumbled into this mod, and oh boy, did it surprise me! A wonderful tool that everybody should consider using. Many kudos!

Thanks for that!  It is one of those mods that has a lot of features that are not really apparent.  Most people think of it as a crew transfer mod, but it does a lot more than that....  It really is a "quality of game play" mod. Makes things a lot more convenient.

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7 hours ago, Papa_Joe said:


Thanks for that!  It is one of those mods that has a lot of features that are not really apparent.  Most people think of it as a crew transfer mod, but it does a lot more than that....  It really is a "quality of game play" mod. Makes things a lot more convenient.

Oh it sure does. I like to design craft with tanks and batteries "buried" inside hollow parts like structural fuselages etc. The bad side was that they became inaccessible when the craft was launched so transfers were impossible. I alwaya thought of them as my "discardable" craft. Now they are not!

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  • 1 month later...

@Papa_JoeI was trying to transfer MP from one docked craft to another. The one had two empty small ones. The other one I was transferring from had like 17.95 of 20, maybe. What ever number I put in input area or even using the slider it would just transfer the whole amount, not what I wanted to transfer. I could slide in 3 or type in 3 and all 17.95 would go in. I was trying single tank transfer and even dual.

I also wanted to put in a number, like a decimal, and it wouldn't take it in the input area. I tried like 7.95 MP to leave 10 in the tanks.

Here is some Logs.

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It seems to work fine after I messaged here and started game up. It kind of came up again briefly. It was hard to recreate. It was mostly with MP. I was switching from Unity (smoke skin) to the default skin. Kind of showed up then, when I was putting numbers in the input area. Then I went back to Unity skin. Seems OK now.

To add to above, could you add in the ability to add decimal numbers. I want to do something like 4.5 if needed. Its hard to pinpoint with slider. 

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