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[v0.24] Tarsier Space Technology (v4.5c Now with GALAXIES!!!)


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A small note about the large HDD, it seems to be rotated 10 degrees clockwise when picked from the catalog.

Also, I've made a MM patch for myself concerning the drives. Now they store kilomits of data and the smaller drive is grabbable through KAS, a pseudo-solution to the data transfer problem. I'll post it here if anyone is interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New update is now up with camera wobble removed when looking at distant planets (many thanks to SolarSailor for identifying the real problem).

I've also added a new telescope model based on the TESS telescope (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transiting_Exoplanet_Survey_Satellite)

I'm going to work on EVA data collection from the HDDs and also want to add distant galaxies into the telescope

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Floppster, I already did the same with KAS to make it EVA grabable as a psuedo-solution. We both has the same idea. "If I cant take the data, take the whole damn drive." Tobyb121, good news, we're looking forward to your next update.

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hey tobyb121 I recall with 2.4 there was a normal version and a EVE version. Just want to make sure that the single download for 2.5 covers everything now?

Yes, that's right, the latest versions of visual enhancements do not need any special modifications so the standard build works for everything

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This mod doesn't work for me, particularly telescopes.

When I'm looking at planet and press "Take Picture" button, nothing happens. At all.

I've got EVE installed, no visual bugs here.

This seems quite strange, could you try deleting the TarsierSpaceTech folder and re-installing the mod, if you didn't clean install the mod there is a ksp bug that could cause the problem, though I doubt it. If that doesn't work could you PM me your ksp log file and I'll have a look into it.

This mod crashes on Linux 64bit when going to launch pad.

I'm afraid I can't really test this as I don't use Linux. Could you also PM me your log file, not sure how much I'll be able to help though without a system to test on.

Edited by tobyb121
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more types of telescopes please. And very good mod :).

Glad you like it, I've got a few more ideas for things I'd like to do before more telescopes, one in particular that should be releasing soon :wink:

Here's my video of Tarsier Space Technology Mod

Would you be alright with me using this on my description page for the mod (credited to you of course)? I tried making my own video of it but it didn't come out very well :(, I'm not very good at video editing.

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Very nice mod, can see friggin' Jool when i'm orbiting Kerbin. But does anybody know a way to get more precise movement, because it's really hard to get a good shot when you want to see something far away. (I tried RCS and SAS on and off)

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Very nice mod, can see friggin' Jool when i'm orbiting Kerbin. But does anybody know a way to get more precise movement, because it's really hard to get a good shot when you want to see something far away. (I tried RCS and SAS on and off)

Personally I find it easiest to get into an orbit around Kerbin of ~200-300 km then target the planet and turn the ship towards it (be sure to click the telescope and select control from here!!) use fine control (Caps lock on) and with SAS on and 1x zoom get the target planet in the centre of the view window. At this stage I wait for the position to settle and then turn OFF SAS. For some ships it might be necessary to time warp on and off quickly to kill and residual movement but you can see across the solar system without doing this. Then slowly zoom in adjusting the camera using I,J,K,L (with RCS off!!!) to control the camera servos directly. Doing this you should be able to take a stable picture of any of the planets without too much difficulty, though killing off the movement of the ship is most important. There will always be a little jittering and movement as the angles when you're looking at distant planets are so small (the field of view for max zoom is about 0.001 degrees).

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Personally I find it easiest to get into an orbit around Kerbin of ~200-300 km then target the planet and turn the ship towards it (be sure to click the telescope and select control from here!!) use fine control (Caps lock on) and with SAS on and 1x zoom get the target planet in the centre of the view window. At this stage I wait for the position to settle and then turn OFF SAS. For some ships it might be necessary to time warp on and off quickly to kill and residual movement but you can see across the solar system without doing this. Then slowly zoom in adjusting the camera using I,J,K,L (with RCS off!!!) to control the camera servos directly. Doing this you should be able to take a stable picture of any of the planets without too much difficulty, though killing off the movement of the ship is most important. There will always be a little jittering and movement as the angles when you're looking at distant planets are so small (the field of view for max zoom is about 0.001 degrees).

Thank you very much :D

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New version now available, just awaiting approval on Curse and then it should be downloadable.

Adds a new part: the ChemCam (as seen on the Mars Curiosity Rover: http://www.msl-chemcam.com/)

HDDs can now data collected in EVA

Made some changes to the folder structure (please read the notice on the original post if upgrading from a previous version)

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I'm having a devil of a time getting this to work. The telescope parts work, and the GUI for zooming in and taking pictures is lovely. However, I can't seem to collect any science. I've targeted celestial objects, and taken pictures of them. I know I'm lined up and zoomed right, because if I am not, the plugin tells me "nothing to see here". However, nothing I do seems to trigger the "collected science" message, and the "check results" option is never present. It's not clear if a hard drive is necessary, but I have included one nonetheless. Yes, I also have control and power.

Help? This mod looks lovely and fun, and I'd love to be able to use it.

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I'm having a devil of a time getting this to work. The telescope parts work, and the GUI for zooming in and taking pictures is lovely. However, I can't seem to collect any science. I've targeted celestial objects, and taken pictures of them. I know I'm lined up and zoomed right, because if I am not, the plugin tells me "nothing to see here". However, nothing I do seems to trigger the "collected science" message, and the "check results" option is never present. It's not clear if a hard drive is necessary, but I have included one nonetheless. Yes, I also have control and power.

Help? This mod looks lovely and fun, and I'd love to be able to use it.

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. Could you confirm that when you take a picture while looking at a planet you don't get a screen message saying "Collected Science for [Planet Name]". If you are zoomed into a planet but you cannot see the centre point of it then the telescope doesn't know you're looking at it, so if you zoom in too close this could be a problem. If you're still having problems could you do a flight where it isn't working and then send me your KSP.log file from the KSP directory (probably easiest to PM me http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=78303 )

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