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[1.0.4] Smart Parts v1.6.6 | DDS Textures and Bug Fixes | July 5


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  Dr. Jet said:
Few more ideas for sensors:

- very basic staging sensor - just a simple stageable part, which fires a preset AG when activated by staging (for example - to automatically activate RCS on last stage).

- velocity sensor - deploy parachute or drop heatshield when vessel speed drops below limit / deploy airbrakes when vessel speed goes over limit.

- part temperature sensor - cut drogue parachute or emergency turn off engine when it dangerously overheats (Deadly Reentry mod). Maybe in two variants: part_attached_to and hottest_part_of_the_vessel.

- acceleration sensor - activate LES or cut parachute when your crew is gonna be killed by tons of G (Deadly Reentry mod).

The basic staging sensor is actually already in the mod. I'm reasonably certain that the timer part can be used with a delay of 0 seconds, or if it currently can't, the next version certainly will support that. That, combined with the timer's ability to be staged makes it perfect for this.

I also like the idea of a velocity sensor. I'll likely make that a goal.

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There is a new update for all Klockheed Martian Parts. I'd like people to test it before I annouce it on the OP.

I have changed the KM folder structure so please delete all older Klockheed Martian folders you already have! The two main drivers behind this update are a) 0.24 compatibility and B) maintainability.

All Mod Packs are now in separate folders. This makes it easier to update or uninstall a single pack. There is still one pack that is required by all. The general "Klockheed_Martian" Pack. It provides service functions.

Pre-versions of all packs are available here:


Please download the "Klockheed_Martian" pack AND the pack you want. So for example, if you want Space Shuttle Engines, please download both Klockheed_Martian and Klockheed_Martian_SSE. The Klockheed_Martian Pack is prequired for ALL mods.

I would be very happy to receive some feedback. The smart parts pre-version is considered to be quite experimental. Just to warn you.

There are also two goodies: a) The valve should work again and B) there is an IVA for the Skylab.

Thanks for testing!

Firov has contributed largely to the smart parts part. Please provide feedback to him. The SmartParts version is considered to be experimental. Please use the version from the top post if you encounter problems.

Edited by dtobi
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freeze on loading the radio. I did remove the previous stuff.... only change i made was to delete cfgs of parts i don't use, and to delete the kspapiextensions.dll, because i do already have an updated version in gamedata.

Currently too busy to debug this, because i'm debugging another plugin.... will post more data later.

EDIT: WinXP SP3, so 32bit KSP

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  rynak said:
freeze on loading the radio. I did remove the previous stuff.... only change i made was to delete cfgs of parts i don't use, and to delete the kspapiextensions.dll, because i do already have an updated version in gamedata.

Currently too busy to debug this, because i'm debugging another plugin.... will post more data later.

EDIT: WinXP SP3, so 32bit KSP

same problem on X64 it seems kspapiextensions.dll is needed i to have thought same as you and bam no go :)

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  rynak said:
freeze on loading the radio. I did remove the previous stuff.... only change i made was to delete cfgs of parts i don't use, and to delete the kspapiextensions.dll, because i do already have an updated version in gamedata.

Currently too busy to debug this, because i'm debugging another plugin.... will post more data later.

EDIT: WinXP SP3, so 32bit KSP

Just tried with Win 8.1, 64 bit and it worked fine.

However, I got random crashes in the VAB with .24 before. I am not sure if its really related to a mod or if the stability of .24 is not so great. Please keep reporting. Thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

  dtoxic said:
same problem on X64 it seems kspapiextensions.dll is needed i to have thought same as you and bam no go :)

Interesting. I can fix this.

EDIT: Changed the download so it uses the ... Recompiled SmartParts against just to be sure.

Edited by dtobi
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  dtobi said:
Just tried with Win 8.1, 64 bit and it worked fine.

However, I got random crashes in the VAB with .24 before. I am not sure if its really related to a mod or if the stability of .24 is not so great. Please keep reporting. Thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

Interesting. I can fix this.

EDIT: Changed the download so it uses the ... Recompiled SmartParts against just to be sure.

EDIT: I still get random crashes in the VAB but nothing traces back to Klockheed Martian. Its other functions that seem to fail...

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It is not the version of kspapiextensions that seems to be the problem. Rather, here it seems as if..... don't ask me how..... that this version of smartparts hardcodes the path to kspapiextensions. If i move the updated version of the lib to where it was in the archive (thus, having two redundant copies of the same lib version, at different locations), then KSP loads fine.

EDIT: The same behavior seems to apply to the current (EDIT CORRECTION) Infernal Robotics release! What crap is this - forced version hell?

Edited by rynak
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  rynak said:

It is not the version of kspapiextensions that seems to be the problem. Rather, here it seems as if..... don't ask me how..... that this version of smartparts hardcodes the path to kspapiextensions. If i move the updated version of the lib to where it was in the archive (thus, having two redundant copies of the same lib version, at different locations), then KSP loads fine.

EDIT: The same behavior seems to apply to the current (EDIT CORRECTION) Infernal Robotics release! What crap is this - forced version hell?

Funny... I am certainly no expert in C# linking so obvious things might confuse me... but if I don't request a local copy and keep it together with the smart parts .dll I get weird random crashes.

EDIT: Just recompiled again with local copy set. Maybe this helps any?

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  Crimor said:
Yeah it's crashing on editor load on x64, not sure which of your mods is causing it though.

try eliminating one by one on my instalation X64 no crashes with this mod

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  dtoxic said:
try eliminating one by one on my instalation X64 no crashes with this mod


Here's the log(was too big for pastebin), it happens with any and all of them, it works with just the dll though(Klockheed_Martian base)

Seems that Asteroid, coolrockets, special works, which makes me sad since the one I'd want to work would be smartparts :C

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  Crimor said:

Here's the log(was too big for pastebin), it happens with any and all of them, it works with just the dll though(Klockheed_Martian base)

Seems that Asteroid, coolrockets, special works

SSE is problematic for you? Thanks for testing. .24 seems a bit... Special.

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  Crimor said:

Here's the log(was too big for pastebin), it happens with any and all of them, it works with just the dll though(Klockheed_Martian base)

Seems that Asteroid, coolrockets, special works, which makes me sad since the one I'd want to work would be smartparts :C

try removing part catalog see if it works then

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  Crimor said:
Tried it with just smartparts of the crashing ones. With part catalog removed.


It loads a bit further before crashing, still before getting into the editor proper though.

looking at the log i;am out of ideas try installing one mod at a time i really dont know whats causing it

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I've narrowed it down to this, luckily it was in my first batch move that the offender was in. It's like midnight here so I'll go grab some coffee and get working on doing proper tests.

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The reuploaded version now works with the updated kspapiextensions.dll in /gamedata/.

Here's something for those adventureous:

// instead of having seperate fuel breakers, just add the functionality
// to all decouplers and seperators - which are the reason in the first place,
// why you need such a feature.

// mini
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// mk1
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// s2
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// radial
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// radial extra clearance
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// radial strong
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// mini
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// mk1
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// s2
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

// pylon
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%flowEnabled = false

I did NOT test this extensively - just checked if the tweakables are there on the runway. It only includes decouplers/seperators for mini, mk1 and S2 - as well as the structural pylon. S3 and the like, you'd have to add yourself - the repetitive pattern in the code should be obvious - just copy'n paste and change the name of the target part.


It is quite limiting, that one cannot set the initial crossfeed state in the editor - the tweakables are only accessable once launched. Would be great if you could address this small but important limitation.

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I just re added all the mods from that one by one and now it's not crashing, squads coding confuses me sometimes.

KR 1x2 and KR-2l advanced engine seem to be missing models though, and KS-25x4 is just textured white

ufgsMGG.png This isn't supposed to happen right? It's caused by TweakScale

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After alot of testing yesterday while having the same issue, the invisible menu might be caused by an older KSPAPIExtensions.dll somewhere.

Do a search of your GameData folder for "KSPAPIExtensions.dll" and check their sizes, from what I can see, the latest version is 112.640 bytes.

This is just a hunch so backup befor doing this: replace each KSPAPIExtensions.dll with the one from Tweakscale/IR

I have had a headache trying to get it to work yesterday and all came back to this dll, the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18?p=1288218&viewfull=1#post1288218

No promises but it might help you on your way with the invisible menu :)

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  Kamuchi said:
After alot of testing yesterday while having the same issue, the invisible menu might be caused by an older KSPAPIExtensions.dll somewhere.

Do a search of your GameData folder for "KSPAPIExtensions.dll" and check their sizes, from what I can see, the latest version is 112.640 bytes.

This is just a hunch so backup befor doing this: replace each KSPAPIExtensions.dll with the one from Tweakscale/IR

I have had a headache trying to get it to work yesterday and all came back to this dll, the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-24-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-18?p=1288218&viewfull=1#post1288218

No promises but it might help you on your way with the invisible menu :)

Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been working on some upgrades to the auto stager, and wasn't necessarily expecting it to be released just yet.

Anyway, it's important to note that KSPAPIExtension isn't like some other community APIs/Plugins (toolbar/module manager/etc) in that there's only one copy of the plugin in the gamedata directory. By design, every mod that uses it will have it's local own copy of the API and be compiled against that DLL version. It sounds like some of the problems that are cropping up so far are a result of that. I'm not sure which version is bundled in the pre-release version, but it sounds like it might be an older copy which can cause serious issues with .24.

Fortunately Dtobi has made a change to the GitHub Smart Parts repository so I've now got the ability to directly author updates for Smart Parts. When I get back from the office today I'll recompile it and make that version available. Maybe that will solve some of these issues.

As for the the 64-bit crash, I have to admit, I've not had time to investigate it much, but I'll hopefully be able to get to that today. From the sounds of it though, the 64-bit version is just naturally less stable.

  rynak said:
It is quite limiting, that one cannot set the initial crossfeed state in the editor - the tweakables are only accessable once launched. Would be great if you could address this small but important limitation.

Easily accomplished. Expect this in the next official release. :)

Edited by Firov
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  Kolago said:
Is it normal that the SSE engines gimbal and trim don't play nice with mechjebs accent guidens? I get a oscillation in flight like there are fighting which each other. (Klockheed_Martian_Special_2.0, mechjeb, x64, Win7)

AFAIK MechJeb can't handle SSE properly yet. The author had planned to add that capability, as far as I remember but he might not have done that yet.

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Quick update everyone. The next (test) release is imminent. Unfortunately a bit of a bug in the current version of KSPAPIExtension is keeping me from releasing now, but taniwha is aware of it, so hopefully it will be an easy bug for him to fix.

As far as improvements, I finally managed to upgrade the auto stager, so now you can select which resource it will monitor in the VAB/SPH, and set the desired percentage. It even works for electricity, so that should help those of you who were requesting an electric charger tracker. :) It should be fully compatible with Real Fuels, but since Real Fuels isn't yet released for .24 I haven't had a chance to test it. That is an objective though, so if something doesn't work, I'll fix it.

Also, as requested, the fuel controller's tweakables are accessible from the VAB/SPH, and as such I've removed the "Default On" fuel controller, since it's not really necessary anymore.

Edited by Firov
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Alright! I've got another pre-release version ready to go. Hopefully this will be a bit more stable. Also, it's got some new improvements to the auto-stager and fuel controller.

Remember, since Tobi and I have switched over to a new folder structure you'll need Tobi's support plugin, found here Klockheed_Martian


  • Compatibility with KSP 0.24
  • Implemented new GUI to allow more control of Smart Parts
  • Improved Stager
    • Allows user to select resource to monitor in VAB/SPH
    • Allows user to select target percentage

    [*]Improved Fuel Controller

    • Crossfeed tweakable now accessible in VAB/SPH
    • Removed redundant fuel controller ("ON")

v0.6-Beta (GitHub)

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