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Who uses Liquid Boosters, or Solid Boosters?


Type of Boosters  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Type of Boosters

    • Liquid
    • Solid
    • Both
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I would like to see you're opinion. Personally, I use Liquid. :D

I use liquid for gimbals and thrust control.

also, if you vote on one, it means you ONLY use that type of booster.

Edited by Specialist290
Fixing typo in title at user's request
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Both, though the most accurate answer on the list was Boosters on my Boosters. Before installing FAR I typically had boosters to get my boosters off the ground to get the main ship off the ground.

After installing FAR, things have changed.

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I use liquid boosters for my lifters. If my boosters need a boost I strap SRBs to them. They're easier than setting up proper asparagus stages for when I just need some extra kick.

I also find them useful when using KSP interstellar, as the engines in that mod have less thrust thrust when they're in the atmosphere. I use them to push my thermal rockets high enough to where their own thrust becomes enough to lift themselves.

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With the thrust limiters I'm finding solids to be much more useful than they were before. :)

Yep, now that you can set the boosters to ride terminal velocity through the lower atmosphere, you can get much more effective, smoother flights to orbit instead of losing 70% of your booster delta-v to drag. You can also use larger boosters on smaller craft without it feeling ridiculous.

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Solids for most of the lighter lifters, as they are more cost-effective (if there was an actual budget system). Solids are especially useful in early-mid career mode to provide enough TWR for the weaker liquid core.

For more efficient/long-range launches, I tend to use liquid fuel + fuel crossfeed. On heavy lift systems, 2.5 m liquid boosters are always in use.

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With stock parts the SRBs are to small to be useful, however for medium and small rockets I sometimes use them because they are cool. Spewing fire and smoke everywhere feels more powerful than the clean burning of liquid fuel.

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All my old lifters (max 25ish tons) used SRBs on the outsides but I've found it's much more effective for me to use all liquid. It's more controlled in general and it just feels a little less white knuckle to know that if something goes wrong I can power down, drop them, and decide whether to keep going or land safely rather than risk turning my whole ship into a spray of debris. That and I've noticed a couple of my payloads aren't very structurally secure and when I try to send them up with my current lifter, just the negative gees from my outer stage burning out is enough to rip certain things apart. Until I find a better way I've been going to half throttle right before they run out of fuel and then powering back up to full after it's dropped.

I TRIED a lifter that used jets for the first 13km or so... It was powerful for its size but very unstable and I scrapped it pretty quick. I also found out the hard way that asymmetrical flameout was a thing, thanks to that design. I might revisit that once I unlock the turbojets.

Edited by Duke23
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Most of the real life benefits of SRBs aren't implemented in the game, at least not yet. I suspect that once some sort of economy is put in place, solids will be used a lot more. As it stands currently, they don't really have any benefits.

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I primarly use liquid but I will use some solid depending on the situation. Lighter rockes will sometimes get some SRB's to give them a bit more kick off the ground. Larger rockets are almost always liquid however. I generaly have a couple lifter designes for progresively heavier launches. SRB's get tacked on for a bit of extra boost if a payload is on the uper limit of that lifters capabilities (and I dont for whatever reason want to stick a larger one on.

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