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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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The shift in the center of mass is due to the boom's extending collider box, which I assume changes the part's center of mass, and therefore the vessel's. I'm guessing that the COM in the editor is not updated in real time, only when a part is added or removed. You could try extending the boom, taking the part off, then putting it back on, that might show the correct COM.

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goign to test it right now.

the fun thing is: when using the Infernal robotic hinches, the CoM shifts corectly

okay the results:

taking off and putting it back in extend mode changes nothing in the CoM. i did soem orbital testing with and without the boom and different angles of the Infernal Robotic controlled trusssections. it seems that in the VAB the shifting CoM is not showed correctly with moving the parts around with IR. back to teh drawingboard i guess to balance my voyager

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goign to test it right now.

the fun thing is: when using the Infernal robotic hinches, the CoM shifts corectly

okay the results:

taking off and putting it back in extend mode changes nothing in the CoM. i did soem orbital testing with and without the boom and different angles of the Infernal Robotic controlled trusssections. it seems that in the VAB the shifting CoM is not showed correctly with moving the parts around with IR. back to teh drawingboard i guess to balance my voyager

That's interesting, I guess the part's COM is never updated in the VAB. Does this affect things like landing gear, or any other stock parts that are able to move in the editor?

It might be worth filing this as a bug report, if it hasn't already been, since small changes in COM can have a big effect.

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That's interesting, I guess the part's COM is never updated in the VAB. Does this affect things like landing gear, or any other stock parts that are able to move in the editor?

It might be worth filing this as a bug report, if it hasn't already been, since small changes in COM can have a big effect.

i havn't tested landing gear yet. i will test it soon. but yeah, if CoM shifts with expanded Landinggear ... i will have trouble with my lightwight low-gravity landers for some probe missions. i know that the airplanegears have shifting CoM's but i'm not sure about the normaly ones.


here you can see the folded and unfolded Voyager. in the VAB in unfolded mode, teh CoM is right in the middle of the Main-Bus, thx to the RCS tanks and the lightweight dish. i think i will paly around with the angle of teh RTG's, number of it and weight of teh science equipment... but i guess it will be hard to locate the unbalance


tested the landinggears and cargobays

the result: no change of CoM! i was very surprised...

Edited by Darth Lazarus
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So I guess unlike SCATSAN this mod does -NOT- produce any different imagery of planetary systems. Seeing as no one answered my question. It seems like this mod is just a different way to generate more science points, and nothing more what so ever.

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So I guess unlike SCATSAN this mod does -NOT- produce any different imagery of planetary systems. Seeing as no one answered my question. It seems like this mod is just a different way to generate more science points, and nothing more what so ever.

this mod only produce science in different ways and was not intended to to a similar mapping like scansat

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this mod only produce science in different ways and was not intended to to a similar mapping like scansat

That's all I wanted to know.. thanks. I guess I don't understand it myself. I mean.. you can generate enough science points even on hard mode to max out the new talent tree with vanilla parts, and then after that there's nothing to spend points on. If this doesn't let us image the planets in a different way then.. it doesn't seem very useful to me, but.. that's just me and my opinion.

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That's all I wanted to know.. thanks. I guess I don't understand it myself. I mean.. you can generate enough science points even on hard mode to max out the new talent tree with vanilla parts, and then after that there's nothing to spend points on. If this doesn't let us image the planets in a different way then.. it doesn't seem very useful to me, but.. that's just me and my opinion.

well, i think this mod adds some diversity with different scienceequipment, like the magnetometerboom or different surface items for rovers and landers besides the ordinary temp/airbressure/gravimeter tools you already have in stock game. for me, it's more fun designing specialised satelites and probes with unique design without relying to much on the stock items. and honestly: the stock Goo container and materialsbay are ugly as hell...

maybe i roleplay to much instead of "slam it together and go". but i like it this way :)

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That's all I wanted to know.. thanks. I guess I don't understand it myself. I mean.. you can generate enough science points even on hard mode to max out the new talent tree with vanilla parts, and then after that there's nothing to spend points on. If this doesn't let us image the planets in a different way then.. it doesn't seem very useful to me, but.. that's just me and my opinion.

If you are using the stock tech tree then sure, but if you use the CTT and lots and lots of mods (mainly USI constilation, the near future packs and KSPI) then having ways to get additional science is quite useful, because the tech tree expands far beyond the stock one and a lot of the higher nods start needing lots and lots of science. Also I am pretty sure that with mods like SCANsat and MKS/OKS and Karbonite installed it does add scanning functionality to these parts. For instance I believe the new moisture sensor can be used to scan for water for use in MKS and TACLS, and the resource scan displayed on the SCANsat map.

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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but I may have found an issue. Not sure if its with this, or ForScienceContinued!

With contracts:

If ForScience finalized the data, it doesn't mark the contracts as complete. However, if you disable ForScience via its console, and manual finalize it, the contract completes successfully.

Not a big deal, since if you have contracts you can just complete them manually, but just wanted to mention it.

Also, Thanks! Its a great addition to KSP!

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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but I may have found an issue. Not sure if its with this, or ForScienceContinued!

With contracts:

If ForScience finalized the data, it doesn't mark the contracts as complete. However, if you disable ForScience via its console, and manual finalize it, the contract completes successfully.

Not a big deal, since if you have contracts you can just complete them manually, but just wanted to mention it.

Also, Thanks! Its a great addition to KSP!

Finalize means collect science, as in using an action group or the right-click menu, or is this transmitting data? Theoretically using ForScience (or ScienceAlert, since they both use the same method) to collect data should do the same thing as using the right-click menu, but there could be something else going on.

Which contracts are these affecting? The stock contracts, or one of mine?

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Finalize means collect science, as in using an action group or the right-click menu, or is this transmitting data? Theoretically using ForScience (or ScienceAlert, since they both use the same method) to collect data should do the same thing as using the right-click menu, but there could be something else going on.

Which contracts are these affecting? The stock contracts, or one of mine?

I was seeing it with the "Run KEES POSA I Experiment in orbit around Kerbin and return it to Kerbin" contract. I know it works if I manually finalize it via the right click and keep data. It might have to do with ForScience's Transfer Science to Container function. I've been just turning off ForScience when I run these missions and everything works fine.

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Hm, is the xray diffraction experiment supposed to be able to get science from low orbit? I accidentially got it on the Mun by starting the experiment while landed and taking off while the experiment is still running. I do have CSS, so, maybe that added it? All it said was 'x-ray diffraction data of the mun in low orbit accquired' or something similar.

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Hm, is the xray diffraction experiment supposed to be able to get science from low orbit? I accidentially got it on the Mun by starting the experiment while landed and taking off while the experiment is still running. I do have CSS, so, maybe that added it? All it said was 'x-ray diffraction data of the mun in low orbit accquired' or something similar.

Yeah, that can happen. It doesn't run the experiment until the animation is finished, so if you change situations in those few seconds you'll get weird results. It will probably give you default results whenever that happens.

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Version 0.9.2 is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

Warning: File and folder names have changed. You MUST fully delete all old installations before updating

Two new experiments are included. The high-orbit-only Global Orbital Radiance Experiment Satellite (GORESat), a standard experiment used to study reflected light from a planet's surface.

The other is an asteroid-only experiment; Asteroid Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission (ASERT). Two ASERT modules must be used together, placed on opposite sides of an asteroid, to scan its interior.

The ASERT module will automatically scan for a second module on your target vessel, this also works by targeting an asteroid directly (with the "Target center-of-mass" button) if you have an ASERT module grappled to the asteroid. If you have two modules on the same vessel, two sections grappled to opposite sides of an asteroid for instance, you must clear your targets and the two modules should find each other (more than two modules on the same vessel might cause issues). When the experiment is ready green indicator lights will pulse on the module and a right-click menu field will show "Experiment Ready". The amount of science gained for each experiment is based on the distance that the transmission passes through the asteroid, bigger asteroids require a longer distance.

I've also added all of my alternative stock science parts (the Universal Storage parts, and mini goo pod and materials bay) to the list of parts that can fulfill stock satellite contracts. I've also added my own parts as acceptable experiments, so they might be asked for as well by satellite contracts.

Anyone ignoring the big red warning above hereby forfeits all future support for this and any other addon I create. :sticktongue:

See the first post for the full change log.

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Yay, more science!

Also, GOREsat is an awesome name, lol.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Space_Climate_Observatory :wink:

Also, CKAN might not be updated right away. Changing the folder name means that CKAN's index has to be updated with the new installation location.

Edit: CKAN should be updated now.

Edited by DMagic
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