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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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1 hour ago, krautbernd12 said:

Why would you expect these two mods to be compatible when it's been stated that they are not?

Ok, thanks for the explanation. I did a long break of KSP (did not played since KSP 1.3.1) and noticed that many DMOS parts were updated, and assumed that they were updated for Universal Storage 2, without noticing that it was stated that not.

Edited by ndiver
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  • 2 weeks later...

Version 1.4 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It includes new versions of the DMOS Universal Storage parts that work in Universal Storage 2. These parts require that US2 (and Module Manager) be installed (the current release of US2 is a little bugged and will need to be updated).

The stock science parts for US2 are not included in this release, those will be released as a part of US2 at a later date.

The US1 parts are still included in this mod, but are not available for research in the R&D center or for purchase in the VAB/SPH (you can still probably use the editor search function to find them, though). Any existing crafts with US1 parts will continue to function normally.

This release was built against KSP 1.4.5, but is working fine in KSP 1.5.1. A backport for the US2 parts for KSP 1.3 will be released at a later date.

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@DMagic  Windows 10, KSP 1.5.1, DMagic Orbital Science 1.4 updated today from CKAN. About 85 mods installed.

I'm getting several experiments that are reporting "Not enough electric charge shutting down experiment", the craft has around 1400ec at the time the experiments are run. I've used these experiments in 1.4.5 without problems, but it's been several weeks since  I've probably used any of them.

I just updated to 1.5.1 yesterday with a clean install of KSP before copying over mods and my save from my 1.4.5  install and then updatied any 1.5 compatible mods using CKAN. I uninstalled Orbital Science and reinstalled just to see if something was messed up in its install, the problem persisted. These are the standard Orbital Science parts (no US parts, but US1 is installed) on a craft I built and launched yesterday in 1.5.1. The experiment animations run, but no science is collected. [x] Science reports science is available for these experiments in this biome (Mun Highlands)

I know the following give the error:

  • X-Ray Diffraction Surface Analyzer
  • Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons
  • Surface Scan Laser

Others seem to work. Magnetometer Boom, Micro Goo Containment Pod and the Anomalous Signal Scanner each collected science Anything else is unknown as it wasn't tested.

Log File https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sJai1CBdvJ_n1jOP4w77hA7bYEhZX6QL/view?usp=sharing

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... and I still don't get the logic behind these orbital reconnaisance survey contracts:

  1. go up to any orbit that is high orbit, with different perigee and apogee, inclination near 90° and LAN of whatever
  2. stay there for 30 days or so
  3. but have two recon data sets from low orbit over south pole and north pole
Edited by Gordon Dry
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It appears that as of late, the sc-901 science micro lab can't be reset/cleaned (tried both in EVA by a level 4 scientist and from the mobile processing lab it was attached to).

Has anybody else got this problem?

Is this intentional?

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6 hours ago, Omeran said:

It appears that as of late, the sc-901 science micro lab can't be reset/cleaned (tried both in EVA by a level 4 scientist and from the mobile processing lab it was attached to).

Has anybody else got this problem?

Is this intentional?

It's not intentional. It worked in 1.4.5. I haven't tested that specifically in 1.5.1, but I will tonight. I ran into problems late last night with other parts from this mod that I described a couple posts above. I didn't have time to try to isolate the problems or to determine a complete list of affected parts, but I should have more time tonight and tomorrow. 

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Version 1.4.1 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It fixes several issues related to resource consumption. All parts now use the standard RESOURCE nodes to indicated resource usage in the part configs. And most parts will now shutdown if you run out of resources while they are on.

@Omeran It is working fine for me. How are you using the part, and does any message appear on screen when you try to reset it?

@Gordon Dry Have you tried them, or looked at the KSPedia page for those experiments? They operate differently from standard parts and will give low orbit data from a much higher than normal altitude.

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12 hours ago, Gordon Dry said:

... and I still don't get the logic behind these orbital reconnaisance survey contracts:

  1. go up to any orbit that is high orbit, with different perigee and apogee, inclination near 90° and LAN of whatever
  2. stay there for 30 days or so
  3. but have two recon data sets from low orbit over south pole and north pole

I can actually see that: You're doing a global/planetary survey, and then spotted a couple of things you wanted a closer look at...

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2 hours ago, DMagic said:

 It is working fine for me. How are you using the part, and does any message appear on screen when you try to reset it? 

The part is attached to a mobile processing lab with a scientist on a ship that has both IHAL computer core and a pilot.

The part itself doesn't have a "reset material bay" button, and "Clean experiments" from the mobile processing lab doesn't clean it (but does clean other modules).

When clicking "Observe material bay" I get a message "no more samples can be collected".

Could it be related to the fact that the science from the experiments was transferred to the IHAL?

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3 hours ago, Tonka Crash said:

I updated to 1.4.1 and my problems from last night went away. I also checked cleaning experiments and it worked with the Micro Goo Containment Pod and the SC-901. This was with a scientist on EVA.

I tried testing it on the ground and it worked fine.

I compared both states of the module, and it looks like the "broken" state has its "deployed" and "isDeployed" set to True while the "cleanable" cleanable state has them set to False.

When I manually changed it in the broken state, it seems like it fixed the problem, but I don't know how I got there in the first place.

Album https://imgur.com/BWA3eko will appear when post is submitted
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Ive taken a couple of contracts that are DMagic contracts. Now I havent run this to completion yet so....but I will continue on just to see what happens. So I put the requested (Dmagic Orbital) parts on but when I go to launch. They are not checked off green in the contract like they should be. I tried both the DMagic and US2 parts. Could be that its just not checked green but its all good and it will complete or maybe the parts are not meeting the requirements for some odd reason. I do have the right parts on, pretty hard to confuse those parts. Its a modded build so who knows but I thought I should post that up in case there really is something wrong. Anyone else seeing this or is it just me?

Edited by Kevin Kyle
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OK, it seems something is amiss here. I suspect that I somehow corrupted my save or something like that. I know I should be getting a green checkmark in the contract for the proper experiments but it isnt buying it. I removed Orbital Science and then re-installed it hoping that might fix it but no go. Unless someone has a suggestion. I even launched and went to the proper orbit and extended the experiments but nothing changed. Still no checkmarks for proper hardware in the contract.





Edited by Kevin Kyle
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@Kevin Kyle It's normal for the part request parameter of the contract not to trigger until you are in orbit around the target planet (not necessarily the with correct orbit parameters, just any orbit around the target). It's a consequence of the contract being designed in a not very optimal way. You do have to be sure about the parts being right though, other mods might be adding alternate versions of the science parts that aren't setup to work correctly with contracts. They can be setup to work that way by editing the DMContracts.cfg file, or using MM to patch it.

If the contract parameter still isn't triggering then something else might be wrong. And I can't download your log files, it looks like an empty file.

This is what it looks like in orbit around the target, but not meeting the orbit parameters. The part request parameter is marked as complete.


Edited by DMagic
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OK, there is something wrong then. Im there, got the right stuff, in a nearly prefect orbit.

I thought I hadnt linked that file correctly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ul5iffqapbz9jkg/KSP.log?dl=0

I bet that will work now. I started a new career just to see if that fixes it but it is going to be a while. I would rather fix the other if I can or determine why its not checking it off.

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@Kevin Kyle I see this being repeated each time the game tries to save:

[ERR 12:50:47.273] Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT'
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at Contracts.Contract.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave(.ConfigNode gameNode)
   at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module)
   at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules()
   at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules()
   at Game.Updated(GameScenes startSceneOverride)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
   at FlightAutoSave+<PersistentSave>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

[ERR 12:50:47.274] Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT'
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at Contracts.Contract.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave(.ConfigNode gameNode)
   at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module)
   at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules()
   at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules()
   at Game.Updated(GameScenes startSceneOverride)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
   at FlightAutoSave+<PersistentSave>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

[ERR 12:50:47.277] Input is null for field 'agent' in config node 'CONTRACT_FINISHED'
   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
   at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value)
   at Contracts.Contract.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at Contracts.ContractSystem.OnSave(.ConfigNode gameNode)
   at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node)
   at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module)
   at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules()
   at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules()
   at Game.Updated(GameScenes startSceneOverride)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode, GameScenes startScene)
   at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode)
   at FlightAutoSave+<PersistentSave>c__Iterator0.MoveNext()
   at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress)

How many DMOS contracts do you have? Can you check what their agency is listed as. For CW+ you can click on the little A button to see the agent flag and name for any contracts, or it should be in the Mission Control Center.

If there is a problem with the contracts being saved that would definitely make them not behave correctly.


I also realized that I didn't update the contract config to recognize the new version of the Universal Storage science parts. If you are using the US2 science parts they wouldn't be recognized by the contract. I also need to update all of the MM patches for those parts and to update the KSPedia entry.

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Ya, give me a few and I can answer that.

Wouldnt you know, The one I sent out there had the US2 parts on it because I was going to bring it back and its a better package for that. The first I built for the contract had the original parts on it. I should have sent it instead. Which I can easily do since its the Mun. So I can try that as well. BRB.

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You, or anyone else, can fix the US2 problem right now if you want.

Go to GameData/DMagicOrbitalScience/Resources and open DMContracts.cfg.

At lines 93-94, under the DMMag node, you can add the US2 parts to the acceptable parts list:

		Magnetometer_Parts = dmmagBoom,dmUSMagBoom,dmUS2MagBoom
		RPWS_Parts = rpwsAnt,USRPWS,dmUS2RPWS

Or you can make an MM patch to do the same.

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14 minutes ago, Dimentia said:

Many agents dont have "title" and produce error

Another one for my zFinal folder :cool:

btw I added :FIRST to the patch, just in case any other MM patch wants to read that title ...


I already found one in MM cache - without the patch:


	name = RealChute
	type = AGENT
	parentUrl = RealChute/Agencies/Agents
		name = RealChute
		description = A division of Wenkel Corporation, RealChutes was the result of an Industry-Government-Academia Joint Research project undertaken in conjunction with the Kerbal Space Administration (KSA) and the University of Kerbin to develop improved spacecraft recovery systems.
		logoURL = RealChute/Flags/RealChute
		logoScaledURL = RealChute/Agencies/RealChute_scaled
		standing = Wenkel Corporation, 2
		mentality = Startup
		mentality = Cooperative
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Stern 0.5


With the patch:


	name = RealChute
	type = AGENT
	parentUrl = RealChute/Agencies/Agents
		name = RealChute
		description = A division of Wenkel Corporation, RealChutes was the result of an Industry-Government-Academia Joint Research project undertaken in conjunction with the Kerbal Space Administration (KSA) and the University of Kerbin to develop improved spacecraft recovery systems.
		logoURL = RealChute/Flags/RealChute
		logoScaledURL = RealChute/Agencies/RealChute_scaled
		standing = Wenkel Corporation, 2
		mentality = Startup
		mentality = Cooperative
		mentality = Pioneer
		mentality = Stern 0.5
		title = RealChute



Edited by Gordon Dry
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28 minutes ago, DMagic said:

You, or anyone else, can fix the US2 problem right now if you want.

Go to GameData/DMagicOrbitalScience/Resources and open DMContracts.cfg.

At lines 93-94, under the DMMag node, you can add the US2 parts to the acceptable parts list:

		Magnetometer_Parts = dmmagBoom,dmUSMagBoom,dmUS2MagBoom
		RPWS_Parts = rpwsAnt,USRPWS,dmUS2RPWS

Or you can make an MM patch to do the same.

Yep, I changed that but it didnt help the mission in progress. I seen the errors and wondered what that meant. I hadnt installed any contract mods until just today but those errors were present before. I dont know when that started happening. I should have been more patient installing mods and checked the log every install. I will brb, I HAVE to run to the store a sec. :)


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12 minutes ago, Kevin Kyle said:

Yep, I changed that but it didnt help the mission in progress. I seen the errors and wondered what that meant. I hadnt installed any contract mods until just today but those errors were present before. I dont know when that started happening. I should have been more patient installing mods and checked the log every install. I will brb, I HAVE to run to the store a sec. :)


Nothing's going to help the mission in progress, other than editing the save file.  Current contracts are written into the file, and aren't going to change because their source changed.

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30 minutes ago, Dimentia said:

Many agents dont have "title" and produce error


21 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

Another one for my zFinal folder :cool:

Orbital Science, and SCANsat, both have their agency titles set up correctly.

But any mod can add an agency, regardless of whether it adds contracts. And many of the Orbital Science contracts choose from different agencies.

6 minutes ago, DStaal said:

Nothing's going to help the mission in progress, other than editing the save file.  Current contracts are written into the file, and aren't going to change because their source changed.

Changing the lines that I indicated in the DMContracts.cfg file would solve the problem of those specific parts not being recognized by the contract. That information isn't included in the contract's save data, it is read at start up.

Edit: Or um... maybe it won't, I need to look into that a little more...

Yes. @DStaal is correct :D. Those contracts save the list of requested parts in the persistent contract data. So you would need to supply one of the parts asked for at the time the contract was added. 

Edited by DMagic
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