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Chaka Monkey - Closed Development Thread


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  Prismatech said:
can this mod pack work in co opertion with the orginal mods .or is it better too use it alone.

It'll work just fine with other parts pack, Yanfret made his own versions of each part, so it'll play nice

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Also, I'm noticing that two of the craft (I think one is a subassembly though) files cannot be loaded due to missing the DXNPdecouplerstack 3.75mob2 part. They're the EMLV IIIA+RD480 and the EMLV III, the rest of them are fine.

Edited by smjjames
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Hey guys thank you for your appreciation and support of this project!

  Prismatech said:
can this mod pack work in co opertion with the orginal mods .or is it better too use it alone.

We have been very careful avoid conflicts with the original versions of products included in Chaka, although many of the mods referenced are quite substantial, so you could run into memory limits when combining. Also please review the plugins folder for potential duplicate DLL's.

  smjjames said:
Also, I'm noticing that two of the craft (I think one is a subassembly though) files cannot be loaded due to missing the DXNPdecouplerstack 3.75mob2 part. They're the EMLV IIIA+RD480 and the EMLV III, the rest of them are fine.

When we did the most recent update, there was a change required to the sub assemblies. Is it possible that you had the previous version and didn't clear out the sub assembly files when installing the update? Otherwise I will check it out.

Also, it has been brought to my attention that Orion needs the following lines added to it's CFG:



name = RasterPropMonitorComputer

storedStrings = v 0.9.0|30.06.2014


Both of these issues have been added to the list of changes for the next update (not soon).

  smjjames said:
How well do these behave with FAR? I'm going to check this out though.

In a recent update we added support for FAR and DRE. There are Module Manager scripts included that rebalance the first stages when FAR is used. Overall they will have more performance in this mode compared to baseline.

  mh60bhk said:
is there any list or anyone can tell me what rockets go with what?

Like what missions require which components and to go to where?

like an explanation of which craft files are used when and for what?

There are basic descriptions in the notes box for each craft file. Generally, if it has an inflatable heatshield, it's intended for Duna, if it has a lander but no heatshield, it's intended for the mun, and if it has no lander it's supposed to orbit something.

Edited by YANFRET
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  YANFRET said:

Hi, great work! And sorry for my bad English =)

...and one more sorry for off-topic question:

I have a question about this lander. I see it on "The Path to Mars: Boeing Leading Charge in Deep Space Mission" video and i love it! But i can't find its name :( Its looking Altair Lander, but more lovely =) Can you help me?

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Hello and thanks!

They have not given it a name. Boeing proposed it in a presentation last year and there is a PDF with lots of pictures. More recently it was featured in "Path to Mars". Our model of the lander was made by NoOneSpecial at great expense in time and coffee, and textured by Chaka himself. We are as proud of that product as anything in this pack and we hope it has a bright future IRL.

We named it the NOS Exploration Lander (NoOneSpeical Technologies, LTD).

EDIT: If we do some critical thinking about Boeing's design for the lander, it does look like an updated and enlarged version of Altair. The differences are the very nice radial engines compared the Altair config, and substantially more structural bracing. These probably reflect the greater loads placed on the system when landing on mars, and the need to have the retro nozzles as far away from the ground as possible. Also, since Boeing's lander would use an inflatable heat shield product and probably parachutes in addition to thrusters, there is less fuel requirement relative to it's overall size and higher cargo capacity. That allows for smaller retro thrusters and space for "Snacks Boxes" below. Altair had slightly more fuel and engine vs it's overall capacity, because it was to be used for polar landings and had to retro the entire system from orbit to the ground with no aero assist, even though the gravity environment is so much less at Moon.

In our application, we use the inflatable heat shield at Duna as well as a retro propulsive stage instead of parachutes, in addition to using the trans Duna NTR stage for initial de orbit. When used at the Mun the NOS lander uses it's earth departure stage for the initial de orbit burn.

Edited by YANFRET
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  lextacy said:
i cant believe this mod is real. is there really an Orion capsule? Is there really a Delta V heavy?! Can anyone on here verify this mods is for real?

There's an Orion capsule, recently there was a Test flight of the capsule, and yes, a Delta IV Heavy does also exist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_IV_Heavy ;) This mod is mostly based on real components, but they were changed a bit for allowing it to fit with Stock KSP, and for more fun. :)

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  Arcturusvfx said:
Wanted to check out the Inflatable habitat.

That model was low poly and no normal map, you didn't miss much. In the future we will have a really nice inflatable.

  Kartoffelkuchen said:
There's an Orion capsule, recently there was a Test flight of the capsule, and yes, a Delta IV Heavy does also exist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_IV_Heavy ;) This mod is mostly based on real components, but they were changed a bit for allowing it to fit with Stock KSP, and for more fun. :)

You neglected to mention that there is a real life Chaka the Monkey

Edited by YANFRET
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  Kartoffelkuchen said:
There's an Orion capsule, recently there was a Test flight of the capsule, and yes, a Delta IV Heavy does also exist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_IV_Heavy ;) This mod is mostly based on real components, but they were changed a bit for allowing it to fit with Stock KSP, and for more fun. :)

YAY! Downloaded and researched, That part count though :)

  YANFRET said:
Is there something specific you need?


Ive noticed that your parts are not to real world scale. Is there something I can do to make the parts conform to the 5 meter specs? Thanks kindly good modder!

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You can try my tweakscale all cfg if you want

name = TweakScale
freeScale = false
scaleFactors = 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, 4.0
scaleNames = 25%, 35%, 50%, 70%, 100%, 140%, 200%, 280%, 400%
defaultScale = 1.0

name = TweakScale
type = TweakScale
defaultScale = 1

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