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0.23 PartTools


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I believe you are in debug mode. Click that little icon to the right of the lock symbol (the down arrow and the three lines) in the upper right corner and select the normal view and the write button should appear.

Thanks for the reply,

I think it was already on Normal mode as when I switched it to Debug mode the title of the tab becomes "Debug" instead of "Inspector". So as shown on the screenshot it was already on Normal mode.

I have downloaded the PartTools linked on this thread and tried it several time without success. ;.;

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  • 3 months later...

From memory you need to install an earlier package (which is an actual Unity package), and then overwrite the (0.20?) package assets with the files from the 0.23 download (which is just files, and not a Unity package)?

I could be remembering totally wrong of course as this was a fair while ago for me and I'm at work and can't check my Unity install

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mu

Just on the off-chance you monitor the thread, I was wondering if its possible to fix the editor icon sizing for skinned meshes. I'll happily provide further details, but in brief, exporting a part with a Skinned Mesh Renderer component anywhere in it makes the preview in the editor icon absolutely tiny (one pixel in most cases!). A few other modders have found the same, having done a little asking around.

Many thanks


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not getting an option to export from Unity .. what Am I missing ? ( I think its weird the pack is not complete; So I did replaced the .20 files with .23 files, as previous post. )

Unity: 4.5.4f1

Edit: Oeps, I should have tried more. Add Components > KSP > Part Tools, at least thats where I am now :D

Edited by MSD
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

If you're talking about the new strut and fuel line modules, I'm pretty sure they just have to be invoked from the cfg. Those modules reference objects, so I suspect you just need those objects in your part.

I've looked at the mu model for the fuel line in blender and all those objects exist. You can import it yourself to see exactly how to set up a compound part.

Make sure you have your transformation orientation set to "local" in blender to see how to orient the individual objects.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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  • 3 months later...

PartTools does work in Unity 5. But it will not export many newer Unity 4/5 features like MechAnim; Shuriken Particles; Realtime GI.

I recommend 4.2.2 for KSP modding. Versions newer than 4.2.2 cannot animate material properties using the legacy animation system (by design).

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PartTools does work in Unity 5. But it will not export many newer Unity 4/5 features like MechAnim; Shuriken Particles; Realtime GI.

I recommend 4.2.2 for KSP modding. Versions newer than 4.2.2 cannot animate material properties using the legacy animation system (by design).

I guess this is why, if I follow the Emissives tutorial to make my engine glow, the Animations window it asks me to open is empty...


Downloaded 4.22

It's exactly this problem. Animations work fine with older versions.

Edited by TruthQuark
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Mu, I sent you a pm, if you are still active, please answer it, i have something in mind about the future of this package and i want to share it with you, if i find some free time, i may even put them on a video and share it with you guys. this package can become much more useful and powerful.

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so what do you guys thinking about my proposal for the tool?

I'd like to be able to quickly create configs files

The game already allows you to create EGO-based nodes

I'm not sure about the mass estimation. There's a lot of potential for really wrong values using the method you described. Blender has a plugin for calculating precise volumes of meshes.

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I'm not blender guy, for modeling i would use maya LT but as i said, that would be only a rough estimation, if you can see into the code for that blender plugin, we maybe able to convert it to c# script but as i said, it's up to mu to develop this asset i just throw some ideas, also, if i knew how they are exporting the data, creating a new asset from scratch would be easy, i can use dot peek to look into the dll but as a developer myself, i respect others and their jobs.

Edited by Jiraiyah
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