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[WIP] MSI's Infernal Robotics - Model Rework (v02 Pre-Release Beta)


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Would there be anything against adding another scale to the parts on the larger end? I have found myself wishing for bigger hinges on a couple of occasions now. You could tell me to sod off and do it myself and you would rightfully be doing so, but I might not be the only one.

The small parts look great though, this will be a cool addition. It is somewhat silly that probes would not be capable of doing this.

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  Camacha said:
Would there be anything against adding another scale to the parts on the larger end? I have found myself wishing for bigger hinges on a couple of occasions now. You could tell me to sod off and do it myself and you would rightfully be doing so, but I might not be the only one.

These parts were never intended for larger sizes. Instead my plan has always been to make a separate selection of parts for the larger sizes, that conform to the circular profile and are more suitable for station constructions. This will be my goal once the (ever expanding) probe range gets completed. For now you're free to modify the tweakscale values to allow for larger sizes, but I won't be doing it.


Right, the Surface Sampler is mostly done, but I could do with a few testers to see if the surface detection is reliable. If anyone could spare some time to test this part out in various locations (and show it off), it would be greatly appreciated :)

Here's the beta download: https://www.cubbyusercontent.com/pli/IR_SurfaceSampler_Beta.zip/_aacf47f3ddcd487ebf892e9df775cad7

DMagic's plugin is released under the MIT license (for now) and the source can be found here: https://github.com/DMagic1/IR-Surface-Sampler

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
For now you're free to modify the tweakscale values to allow for larger sizes, but I won't be doing it.

If it is just me I think that is fair enough, especially considering the larger parts that might be coming up. No use making things big now, only to break them later when new parts arrive.

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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Why various locations?

Just to see if the detection length is sufficient on different terrain. I found some oddities on the driveway up to the launchpad, but that may be because it's trying to detect the ground below.

  Camacha said:
If it is just me I think that is fair enough, especially considering the larger parts that might be coming up. No use making things big now, only to break them later when new parts arrive.

Indeed, and I want the larger parts to have a different visual style anyway. In fact, I started modelling these a while ago, but am not that happy with how they turned out.


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  ZodiusInfuser said:
For now you're free to modify the tweakscale values to allow for larger sizes, but I won't be doing it.

How are people adding these values? If the free scale module is used (the type changes sized based on percentage with a freely movable slider) it might screw things up; the detection distance might be much too high, though there are one or two ways I can think of to get around this. But the other TweakScale types should work fine with the drill, a 2X rescale should double the drill detection length, the same goes for actual part.cfg rescale changes.

  ZodiusInfuser said:
Just to see if the detection length is sufficient on different terrain. I found some oddities on the driveway up to the launchpad, but that may be because it's trying to detect the ground below.

Areas around the KSC might be a little wonky, especially around the structures. I also haven't tried water, the experiment should be available while splashed down, but I'm not sure what will happen when the drill hits water.

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Hello. Big thank you for this great work!

I think I found a little, but annoying bug in motors models.

I am using Kronal Vessel Viewer (https://github.com/bigorangemachine/ksp-kronalutils) and on its screenshots your motor models look a little ghostly TMyUAtA.png

But old IR models and Truss parts look fine.

Its very disappoints me because when I make a cad-like picture motors disappear (Edge-detection dont detects them)


I posted my problem here, because I think its a problem with models (maybe wrong materials or shaders?) and your other models display correctly.

Sorry for my English.

Thank you again for this cool models!

P.S: Athlete parts and Grabber have this bug too.


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  Cubix System said:
I think I found a little, but annoying bug in motors models.

I am using Kronal Vessel Viewer (https://github.com/bigorangemachine/ksp-kronalutils) and on its screenshots your motor models look a little ghostly http://i.imgur.com/TMyUAtA.png

But old IR models and Truss parts look fine.

This seems to be an oversight in how Vessel Viewer finds and handles models, not the IR rework models themselves. It might not help that they have flat textures, but that still is little reason for the Vessel Viewer not to work. I would advise you to report a bug in that thread.

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  Camacha said:
This seems to be an oversight in how Vessel Viewer finds and handles models, not the IR rework models themselves. It might not help that they have flat textures, but that still is little reason for the Vessel Viewer not to work. I would advise you to report a bug in that thread.

Thanks for advice. Here is link to issue on Github.

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Meaning no offense to anyone involved, but ZodiusInfuser's parts are visually much nicer than IR's own. Looking forward to release of new legs and that science grabber. As well as wheels for athlette :) Kudos!

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  Camacha said:
ZodiacInfuser, I was looking at your textures and noticed that they all seem duplicates. How did that come to be?

I originally started unwrapping the parts properly, but quickly realised I'm no texture artist (I'm an engineer :P). So I've been using the same texture since then as a colour palette to keep the style consistent, until such point that the probe collection is complete and then they'll all get a texture pass.

@Cubix. I have no idea what the cause of that would be. If the devs of that mod are able to look into it and give me a hint then I may be able to fix it.

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  Horus said:
Meaning no offense to anyone involved, but ZodiusInfuser's parts are visually much nicer than IR's own.

I think they are among the best parts out there. Not only do they have a consistent art style across the line, they are also functional, have their own distinct look but still blend in nicely. I think these are supposed to be placeholder textures, but as I said earlier, I would not change a lot.

  ZodiusInfuser said:
I originally started unwrapping the parts properly, but quickly realised I'm no texture artist (I'm an engineer :P). So I've been using the same texture since then as a colour palette to keep the style consistent, until such point that the probe collection is complete and then they'll all get a texture pass.

Ah, that explains a lot. I will not comment on that things could be slightly more efficient then. I do stand by my comment that they are beautifully made, placeholder or not. For your supposed lack of texturing skills you came awfully close to perfection, if you ask me. For what it is worth, I did go to school for stuff like this.

Edited by Camacha
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  Horus said:
I would not change at all :)

The only thing I might change is adding a bit of ambient occlusion to make everything slightly less flat and mix them in with the rest even more. I do not think I would change much else, they look nice and futuristic the way they do. Maybe add a panel line here and there to break up the largest surfaces, though I am not even sure the parts need that.

  ZodiusInfuser said:
I would. The textures need a "wear-and-tear" pass, and all those orange cylinders need to be made to look like motors, since that's what they're designed to be.

I pity the poor soul that needs to tackle that job. So many ways to go wrong :D Could be interesting though!

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  Camacha said:
The only thing I might change is adding a bit of ambient occlusion to make everything slightly less flat and mix them in with the rest even more.

AO is really tricky with parts like this. Because they have so many moving elements you can really only add it to certain areas, so you end up with some areas having proper looking shadows and others being flat. If you add it everywhere then you'll start having shadows where they shouldn't be after you start moving the parts and it looks really terrible.

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ok cool :D lookitwhatimadeomg:

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this took me 5 mins tops so don't judge i just looked at the legs and saw the tracks and i had to build it quick before i lost the idea

on that topic the landing legs need a rescale thingy on them too... would've prefered medium not large.

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
I would. The textures need a "wear-and-tear" pass, and all those orange cylinders need to be made to look like motors, since that's what they're designed to be.

Well, the only thing that I would change in this case is texture sharing. And about textures... well... to my taste (tastes differ, though) it's totally reflects the meaning of robotic - plain, simple, technological.

And, which is most important (well, since squad don't really care about this at the moment) is the size (in bytes) of the textures - I'd really prefer to have them as light as possible.

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  AntiMatter001 said:
ok cool :D lookitwhatimadeomg:




this took me 5 mins tops so don't judge i just looked at the legs and saw the tracks and i had to build it quick before i lost the idea

on that topic the landing legs need a rescale thingy on them too... would've prefered medium not large.

That sir, is a turret from a homeworld2 hiigaran destroyer :P

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  Darren9 said:
Could we get one (by way of Tweakscale if it works on that or another foot) that goes inside the inside foldatron when the inside foldatron is inside the normal foldatron? There isn't much at all fits inside that at the moment.
  AntiMatter001 said:
on that topic the landing legs need a rescale thingy on them too... would've prefered medium not large.

There's a few changes I want to do to the part so I'll look into it. I can't see why tweakscaling it wouldn't work. On that point, would people like the Surface Sampler to have a larger scaled version?

Edit: Rather than create another post I though I'd tag this question on to the end here. How would people feel to me condensing the number of downloads down to 2 or 3 (from the current 5)? I'm thinking of merging Robotic and Structural together, and either having Athlete+Struts+Utility or making it just Struts+Utility, and leaving Athlete separate. Thoughts?

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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